DAA: Algorithm to Find the Maximum Width of a Tree

Algorithm to Find the Maximum Width of a Tree

The width of a binary tree is defined as the maximum number of nodes at a given level. The level having the maximum number of nodes will be the width of the binary tree.

Algorithm to Find the Maximum Width of a Tree

In the given tree,

Level 1 has one node.

Level 2 has two nodes.

Level 3 has three nodes.

Hence the maximum width of the tree is 3.

To do this, we have two methods:

Approach 1

In this approach, we will calculate the height of the tree. Using the height, we will go to each level and count the total number of nodes. Each time the nodes are calculated, they will be updated with the current maximum width.

C++ code:

 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 using namespace std;
 // Create the tree structure
 class Node {
     int data; // value of a Node
     Node *left, *right; // The left and right pointers to the Node
 // Function to insert a new node
 Node* newnode(int data)
     Node* root = new Node(); // create root Node
     root->data = data; // insert the value
     root->left = root->right = NULL; // the left and right child are null currently
     return root;
 // Function to find the height of the tree
 int Height(Node* root)
     // if root is NULL
     if (root == NULL)
         return 0;
     else {
         // Calculate height of left subtree
         int l_height = Height(root->left);
         // Calculate height of the right subtree
         int r_height = Height(root->right);
         return l_height > r_height ? l_height + 1 : r_height + 1;
 // Function to find nodes at given level
 int findWidth(Node* root, int level)
     if (root == NULL)
         return 0;
     if (level == 1)
         return 1;
     // find for left and right
     return findWidth(root->left, level - 1) + findWidth(root->right, level - 1);
 // Function to find the maximum width
 int max_width(Node* root)
     int maxwidth = 0; // Initialise max width as zero
     int height = Height(root); // Calculate the Height of the tree
     // for each level find the maximum width
     for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
         int width = findWidth(root, i); // find width at ith level
         maxwidth = max(maxwidth, width); // update maxwidth
     return maxwidth;
 int main() // Main function
     Node* root = newnode(1); // declare root node
     root->left = newnode(2); // Left child of root
     root->right = newnode(3); // Right child of root
     root->left->left = newnode(4); // Left child of left parent
     root->right->left = newnode(5); // Left child of right parent
     root->right->right = newnode(6); // Right child of right parent
     cout << "The maximum width of the tree is " << max_width(root);
     return 0;

C code:

 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 // Create the tree structure
 struct Node {
     int data; // value of a Node
     struct Node *left, *right; // The left and right pointers to the Node
 // Function to insert a new node
 struct Node* newnode(int data)
     struct Node* root = (struct Node*)(malloc(sizeof(struct Node))); // create root Node
     root->data = data; // insert the value
     root->left = root->right = NULL; // the left and right child are null currently
     return root;
 // Function to find the height of the tree
 int Height(struct Node* root)
     // if root is NULL
     if (root == NULL)
         return 0;
     else {
         // Calculate height of left subtree
         int l_height = Height(root->left);
         // Calculate height of the right subtree
         int r_height = Height(root->right);
         return l_height > r_height ? l_height + 1 : r_height + 1;
 // Function to find nodes at given level
 int findWidth(struct Node* root, int level)
     if (root == NULL)
         return 0;
     if (level == 1)
         return 1;
     // find for left and right
     return findWidth(root->left, level - 1) + findWidth(root->right, level - 1);
 // Function to find the maximum width
 int max_width(struct Node* root)
     int maxwidth = 0; // Initialise max width as zero
     int height = Height(root); // Calculate the Height of the tree
     // for each level find the maximum width
     for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
         int width = findWidth(root, i); // find width at ith level
         // update maxwidth
         if (width > maxwidth)
             maxwidth = width;
     return maxwidth;
 int main() // Main function
     struct Node* root = newnode(1); // declare root node
     root->left = newnode(2); // Left child of root
     root->right = newnode(3); // Right child of root
     root->left->left = newnode(4); // Left child of left parent
     root->right->left = newnode(5); // Left child of right parent
     root->right->right = newnode(6); // Right child of right parent
     printf("The maximum width of the tree is %d", max_width(root));
     return 0;


The Maximum Width of the Tree is 3

Approach 2

In this approach, we use a queue data structure to count all the nodes at a particular level. The maximum size of the queue will give the maximum width of the tree. Since it will be a level order traversal, all the existing child nodes will be pushed to the queue after each level is traversed.

C++ code:

 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 using namespace std;
 // Create the tree structure
 class Node {
     int data; // value of a Node
     Node *left, *right; // The left and right pointers to the Node
 // Function to insert a new node
 Node* newnode(int data)
     Node* root = new Node(); // create root Node
     root->data = data; // insert the value
     root->left = root->right = NULL; // the left and right child are null currently
     return root;
 // Function to find the maximum width
 int max_width(Node* root)
     if (root == NULL) // if the tree has 0 nodes
         return 0;
     int result = 0; // the max_width is set to zero
     queue<Node*> q; // Create a queue to to level order traversal
     q.push(root); // Push root in the queue
     while (!q.empty()) {
         int count = q.size(); // Calculate the current maximum width  and no of nodes
         result = max(count, result); // Update the current maximum with the result
         while (count--) { // Iterate until all nodes are traversed
             Node* temp = q.front(); // Take the front node
             q.pop(); // POP it as we have to find its child nodes
             if (temp->left != NULL) // If left child exist enter in queue
             if (temp->right != NULL) // If right child exist enter in queue
     return result;
 int main()
     Node* root = newnode(1); // declare root node
     root->left = newnode(2); // Left child of root
     root->right = newnode(3); // Right child of root
     root->left->left = newnode(4); // Left child of left parent
     root->right->left = newnode(5); // Left child of right parent
     root->right->right = newnode(6); // Right child of right parent
     cout << "The maximum width of the tree is " << max_width(root);
     return 0;


The maximum width of the tree is 3

Time Complexity: O(N) where N is the number of nodes

Space. Complexity: O(max_width) i.e., maximum width of the tree