Dereference Operator in C++
What is a Dereference Operator?
Dereferencing is a method to access or alter data stored in a memory location specified by a pointer. *(an asterisk) is utilized with pointer variables when dereferencing them; it refers to the variable to which they are pointed, so this is known as dereferencing of pointers.
Variables contain values. A pointer variable stores the address (position) of another variable. Dereferencing is the process of obtaining the pointed value. Pointer variables help browse over what's inside of the linked list structure, utilizing a dynamic leap table to call subroutines, and supplying arguments by address rather than value. In C++, dereferencing looks like:
Dereferencing in C++ can be complicated, especially since the * operator is used in two distinct ways. In this post, we'll discuss the relevance of memories and how to get to them via pointers. We'll then look at dereferencing to comprehend memory locations and what values are stored there.
What is the purpose of using a dereferencing pointer?
A pointer is dereferenced for the following reasons:
- It can be used to read or modify data stored at the memory address indicated
by the pointer.
- Any operation performed on the dereferenced pointer has a direct impact on
the value of the variable to which it references.
To dereference a pointer, follow the instructions below.
- First, we define the integer variable that the pointer refers to.
int x =9;
- The integer pointer variable is now declared.
integer *per;
- We save the address of the x variable to the pointer variable ptr; afterdeclaring an integer pointer variable.
- We may modify the value of the &xvariable by dereferencing a pointer &;ptr&;
- As shown below:
*ptr =8;
Because ptr links to the x; location and dereferencing;ptr i.e., *ptr=8 willupdate the value of x, the preceding line changes the value of x from 9 to 8.
What is the pointer type in C++?
A pointer is an object that stores the address of a different variable. In our niche example, we may point to a specific hole, therefore referring to a specific pigeon. A C++ pointer operates similarly.
A whole sample looks like this:
cout<< "The location of the variable is " <<pointerToClowns<< "."; return 0;
The * operator in our definition of pointerToClowns indicates that the parameter in question is a reference. This pointer, like each other, can be named anything that follows a suitable variable naming standard.
The program prints the present value of 25 by dereferencing — *pointerToClowns — as well as the memory location of the variable pointerToClowns. The results look like this:
The present number of clowns is 25.
The location of the variable is 0x7ffdea8715b4.
Data Types of Dereferencing Operator in C++
C++'s sophisticated data types, such as texts and arrays, might complicate dereferencing. Let us have a glance at each.
When it involves arrays, each value is allocated a unique memory address. The amount of space for the full array has been allocated side by side. So, if we know the array's start address and the number of items stored in it, we can use our knowledge of pointers and dereferencing to compute the address of any individual element.
Let us look at the source code below:
for(*ptr<size of(ar); *ptr; ++ptr) {
cout<< *ptr<<" ";
return 0;
After setting up the integer array, we may create a pointer that links to a specified spot inside the array. We can employ a for loop to traverse the array and dereference to deliver the numerical value at each point.
Strings are simply character arrays, but in C++, the string itself is a separate data type. As a result, you may declare a string while also assigning a reference to its memory address.
Let's observe what occurs when we point to the stored location of a string.
string *ptr =&greet;
cout<< *ptr.
Return 0;
When we create a string using the parameter to point and it, we may dereference the parameter to determine the value at that memory address. Interestingly, despite the fact the text is stored in many memory regions, it prints the full string. This is because the cout method processes the character we're looking at until it hits a memory location containing a string terminator!
Hello everybody, how are all of you doing today?
Examples of dereferencing in C++
We've seen how to utilize pointers in C++ to get memory addresses, as well as how to use the dereference operators (*) to get the contents of the variable at the pointer's position.
Let's go over a thorough illustration of dereferencing in C++. Look at this program:
cout<< "The content of num as dereferenced by the pointer is " << *pointer;
Return 0;
By using the dereference operator, you may print the value of num by referring to its location:
cout<< "The amount of num as dereferenced by the pointer is " << *pointer <<endl.
Pointer = &num2;
cout<< "Pointer is currently pointing at " << pointer <<endl;
cout<< "The quantity at pointer's new storage location is " << *pointer <<endl;
cout<< "The value of num is still " <<num;
Return 0;
We obtain the following output:
cout<< "The value of num as dereferenced by the pointer is " << *pointer <<endl;
*pointer = 30;
cout<< "The value at pointer's memory location is " << *pointer <<endl;
cout<< "The value of num is now " <<num;
return 0;
Utilizing the dereference operator, we instruct the computer to modify the value at the pointer's position. We get the following output:
ConclusionIn conclusion, the dereference operator (*) in C++ is a useful tool for accessing and
manipulating data stored in memory through pointers. You may extract, edit, and
use the values referenced by pointers by knowing their syntax and use. To maintain
the stability and accuracy of your code, you must exercise caution, handle null
pointers effectively, prevent segmentation faults, and execute precise pointer
arithmetic. However, extreme vigilance is required to prevent potential hazards such
as null pointers and segmentation errors. With a good understanding of the
dereference operator, you will open new possibilities in C++ programming, improving
your ability to work with pointers and handle data in memory quickly.
Mastering the dereference operator offers you a world of possibilities in C++
programming, allowing you to work quickly with pointers and make use of memory
manipulation’s full potential. Accept the dereference operator and use it to develop
resilient and efficient C++ programs. It allows you to manipulate complicated data
structures, send pointers to functions, and alter values directly in memory. The C++
programming language is known for its amount of control and flexibility.