Excel VBA: Do Until….Loop


The “Do Until” Loop is same unlike DO WHILE statement just that it will keep on looping till the condition is not met. This loop is used to repeat a set of statements if the condition is false. The condition may be checked at the beginning of the loop or at the end of Do Until loop.


Do Until condition
    [statement 1]
    [statement 2]
    [statement n]
    [Exit Do] 
    [statement 1]
    [statement 2]
    [statement n]

Alternate Syntax

  [statement 1] 
  [statement 2] 
 [statement n] 
  [Exit Do] 
   [statement 1] 
   [statement 2] 
  [statement n] 
 Loop Until condition 

In the first syntax, the “Do Until” loop checks the condition first and returns the condition result as TRUE or FALSE. If the condition returns true, the loop gets terminated else for False t will execute the code and perform a specified task.

In the second syntax, it will execute the cod task then it test for the condition to check whether the condition is TRUE or FALSE. If the condition is FALSE it will perform the same task again. If the condition is TRUE then it will exit the loop. Even if the condition is TRUE, but it will still run at least once in the second syntax.

Example 1: Write a Macro, using Do Until Loop to print the odd numbers between 1 to 10.  
In the above example, if you change the condition of Do Until I = 10 instead of 11, since variable ‘I’ will never reach this value 10, as 1+2 = 3, then 3+2 = 5 and so on.. i.e. we will have only odd numbers, excel will keep on running till value of I is 32,767 which is the maximum value a variable declared as integer can take. This is how Do Until is different from Do While.

Sub DoUntil_Example1()
 Dim I As Integer
 I = 1
     'repeat a set of statements if the condition is false.
     Do Until I = 11
         Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(I, 2).Value = I
         I = I + 2 
 End Sub 







Do Unti Loop in VBA

Example 2: Write a procedure or macro using Do Until that does the following task:

Get "Qualified" in column E if the value of column D is above 200 else it should return “Not Qualified”

Sub DoUntilLoop_Example2()
 Dim CurRow As Byte
 CurRow = 2
     'checks the condition first and get the condition result as TRUE or FALSE.
     Do Until Cells(CurRow, 1) = ""
         If Cells(CurRow, 4) > 200 Then
             Cells(CurRow, 5) = "Qualified"
             Cells(CurRow, 5) = "Not Qualified"
         End If
         CurRow = CurRow + 1
 End Sub 


Name Title Date Sale Amount Qualified/ Not Qualified
Itrat Zaidi IT Manager 6/8/2016 $220.00 Qualified
Varun Mahanty Sales 1/1/2014 $251.00 Qualified
Elmer C. Laslo Customer Service 6/16/2016 $217.00 Qualified
Sohrab Grait Data Entry Specialist 5/31/2015 $344.00 Qualified
Gerard M. Banmiller Customer Service 9/8/2014 $980.00 Qualified
Arvind Patra IT Manager 11/22/2015 $178.00 Not Qualified
John C. Black Customer Service 3/31/2014 $258.00 Qualified
N. William White Data Entry Specialist 12/21/2015 $38.00 Not Qualified
Robert F. Mangano Data Entry Specialist 7/16/2015 $371.00 Qualified
Rohit Thakkar IT Tech 12/21/2017 $67.00 Not Qualified
Thomas E. Vessey Customer Service 1/1/2017 $437.00 Qualified
procedure or macro using Do Until

Example 3: In the following procedure, the “i < 11” condition is tested at the beginning of the loop, Loop ends because the condition is met. Hence, the it will exit the loop.

Sub DoUntil_Example3()
 'Declaring the variable
 i = 6
 'It will check the condition and if it is true then will run the block of code
     Do Until i < 11
         i = i + 1
         MsgBox "The value of the variable is: " & i 
 End Sub 


Alternate Syntax

Example 4: In the following procedure, the “i < 11” condition is tested at the end of the loop. So firstly the code will be executed. Hence, the it will return 7. Then will check the condition and terminate the loop.

Sub DoUntil_Example4()
 'Declaring the variable
 i = 6
 'It will firstly run the program and then check the condition
         i = i + 1
         MsgBox "The value of the variable is: " & i
     Loop Until i < 11
 End Sub 
