Excel VBA: DO WHILE….Loop


The “Do While” Loop is the same, unlike the FOR statement, just that it will keep on looping till the specified condition is true. It is used when we want to repeat a set of statements where the condition may be checked at the beginning or at the end of the loop.


Do While condition
    [statement 1]
    [statement 2]
    [statement n]

Alternate Syntax

    [statement 1]
    [statement 2]
    [statement n]
 Loop While (condition) 

The difference between both the syntax is that in the first one, the While condition is checked first before any code block or statement is executed, and in the second syntax, the given statement or code block is executed first, and then the While condition is checked. Even if the while condition is false, but it will still run at least once in the second syntax.

Example 1: Write a macro using Do While loop to print the odd number between 1 -10.

Sub DoWhile_Example1()
 Dim val As Integer
 val = 1
     'Do While will loop until the cells' value is not equal to empty
     Do While val <= 10
         'with the help of worksheet property inserting the values
         Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(val, 1).Value = val 
         val = val + 2
     'Closing the Do While loop
 End Sub 








Example 2: Write a procedure or macro using Do Loop that does the following:

Get "Qualified" in column E if the value of column D is above 200

Sub DoWhile_Loop_Example1()
 'initializing the variable r
 Dim r As Byte
 'Setting up a value of variable 'r'
 r = 2
     'Do While will loop until the cells' value is not equal to empty
     Do While Cells(r, 1) <> ""
         'IF Condition Block
         If Cells(r, 4) > 200 Then 
             Cells(r, 5) = "Qualified"
             Cells(r, 5) = "Disqualified"
         End If
         'Adding one to r counter to move to the next cell
         r = r + 1
     'Closing the while loop 
 End Sub 


Name Title Date Sale Amount Qualified/Disqualified
Leo Hendry Customer Service 6/8/2016 $220.00 Qualified
Rani Bhardwaj Sales 1/1/2014 $251.00 Qualified
Elmer C. Laslo Customer Service 6/16/2016 $217.00 Qualified
Ayush Khurana Data Entry Specialist 5/31/2015 $344.00 Qualified
Gerard M. Banmiller Customer Service 1/11/2014 $980.00 Qualified
Gregory L. Gibson IT Manager 11/22/2015 $178.00 Disqualified
Megha Malik Customer Service 3/31/2014 $258.00 Qualified
N. William White Sales Manager 12/21/2015 $38.00 Disqualified
Robert F. Mangano Data Entry Specialist 7/16/2015 $371.00 Qualified
Itrat Zaidi IT Tech 6/8/2016 $67.00 Disqualified
Thomas E. Vessey Business Development Executive 3/21/2016 $437.00 Qualified
DO WHILE….Loop in VBA2

Example 3: In the following procedure, the “n>6” condition is tested at the beginning of the loop, Loop ends because the condition is not met. Hence, the msgbox returns the value of 0.

Sub DoWhile_Example3()
 Dim n As Integer
 Dim nTotal As Integer
 n = 6
 nTotal = 0
     'While condition is checked at beginning of the code
     Do While n > 6
         'the statement won't get executed 
         nTotal = n + nTotal
         n = n - 1
 'it will return 0
 MsgBox nTotal 
 End Sub 



While Using the Second Syntax

Example 4: In the following procedure, the “n>6” condition is tested at the end of the loop, and because it is met, the loop executes, but only once after which the value of n decreases to 5, and the Loop ends. The msgbox returns the value of 6.

Sub DoWhile_Example4()
 Dim n As Integer
 Dim nTotal As Integer
 n = 6
 nTotal = 0    
         nTotal = n + nTotal
         n = n - 1 
     'While condition is checked after the code has been executed once
     Loop While n > 6
 MsgBox nTotal
 End Sub 


DO WHILE….Loop in VBA 4