Doubly linked list Insertion at given position in Java
Given a doubly-linked list, a data structure in which each node has references to both the next and previous nodes in the list. In addition, given an integer value x and a particular position named pos in the list. The task is to insert a new node into a doubly-linked list, placing it immediately after the node at the pth position. That means the node containing the value x should be inserted between the node at position p and its successor within the list.
Example 1:
Input: DLList: 1 <-> 3 <-> 7 <-> 9 <->
pos = 1, x = 5
Output: 1 3 5 7 9
Explanation: The node containing value 5 is inserted between the node at positions 1 and 3. So, 5 is inserted after position 1, i.e., at position 2.
Example 2:
Input: DLList: 22 <-> 53 <-> 72<-> 19 <-> 32
pos = 3, x = 26
Output: 22 53 72 19 26 32
Explanation: The node value 26 is inserted between the node at positions 3 and 5. So, 26 is inserted after position 3, i.e., at position 4.
Follow the below steps to solve the problem:
Step 1: Define a class named DLLNode to represent a node in a double linked list. And declare a variable called data and references to the next node and previous node.
Step 2: Define a class named DubLinkedList for a double linked list.
Step 2.1: Create a new node. And add it to the list.
Step 2.2: Traverse the list to find the specified position.
Step 2.3: Insert the new node data at the specified position, then adjust the references accordingly.
Step 3: Display the elements after the insertion of new node data at the specified position.
// defining a class for a doubly linked list node class DLLNode { int data; DLLNode nextNd; DLLNode prevNd; // constructor to initialize a node with given data DLLNode(int data) { = data; nextNd = prevNd = null; } } // defining a class for a doubly linked list public class DubLinkedList { // method to create a new node and add it to the beginning of the list DLLNode newNode( DLLNode head, int data) { DLLNode n = new DLLNode(data); // creating a new node if (head == null) { head = n; return head; } head.nextNd = n; n.prevNd = head; head = n; return head; } // method to display the elements of the list void printList( DLLNode node) { if (node == null) { System.out.println("The list is empty."); return; } DLLNode temp = node; while (temp.prevNd != null) { temp = temp.prevNd; } while (temp != null) { // traverse and print the list System.out.print( + " "); temp = temp.nextNd; } System.out.println(); } // main method public static void main(String args[]) { DubLinkedList DLL = new DubLinkedList(); DLLNode head = null; DLLNode root = null; // provide input values int[] linkedListVals = {22, 53, 72, 19, 32}; int posn = 3; int data = 26; // creating the linked list with input values for (int i = 0; i < linkedListVals.length; i++) { head = DLL.newNode(head, linkedListVals[i]); if (root == null) root = head; } head = root; NodeInsertionAtPos np = new NodeInsertionAtPos(); np.addNodeAtPosn(head, posn, data); DLL.printList(head); } } // defining a class for node insertion at a specified position in the list class NodeInsertionAtPos { // method to insert a new node at the specified position in the list void addNodeAtPosn(DLLNode headRef, int posn, int data) { DLLNode newNode = new DLLNode(data); DLLNode temp = headRef; int cnt = -1; // traverse the list to find the position to insert the new node while (temp != null) { cnt++; if (cnt == posn) { break; } temp = temp.nextNd; } DLLNode front = temp.nextNd; // reference to the node after the specified position if (front == null) { temp.nextNd = newNode; newNode.prevNd = temp; } else { newNode.nextNd = front; newNode.prevNd = temp; temp.nextNd = newNode; front.prevNd = newNode; } } }
22 53 72 19 26 32
Complexity analysis: The time complexity is O(n) for creating a doubly linked list. Inserting a node at a specified position takes O(posn) time, and printing the elements of the list takes O(n), where n is the number of elements. The overall time complexity of the program is O(n), where n is the length of the input array. The space complexity is O(1) because it uses constant extra space for a fixed number of variables and references, irrespective of the input size.