Emplace_back in C++
In the C++ language, the std::vector class includes the member function emplace_back. Like how the push_back function works, it adds elements to the vector's end. On the other hand, Emplace_back offers a more effective method of adding elements by building them directly inside the vector. It is used to add the new element to the vector is where push_back and emplace_back differ most.
Despite being comparable to the push_back function, the emplace_back function has a distinct advantage when dealing with complex objects or objects that need constructors other than the default ones. Emplace_back builds the object just inside the vector instead of creating it, moving or copying it, and then placing it there.
The arguments required to create a value-type object of the vector are passed to the emplace_back function. The constructor of the object being inserted receives these arguments from this function. The extra copy or move operation that would be required if you used push_back and made a temporary object first is avoided by emplace_back by performing this.
It has the following syntax:
template <class... Args>
void emplace_back(Args&&... args);
The many sorts of arguments required to build a value-type element for a vector are known as arguments.
void:return type
The constructor of the element being added receives the parameters passed by the emplace_back function (Args&&... args), which takes a configurable number of arguments. Perfect forwarding is used to maintain the arguments' const and value category (lvalue or rvalue).
By immediately creating objects within the vector using emplace_back function, you may avoid the requirement for temporary objects and reduce the amount of copy and move operations.
Consider the following example to demonstrate how to use emplace_back:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class MyClass
MyClass(int value) : data(value)
std::cout<< "Constructor called with the following value: " << data << std::endl;
int data;
int main()
myVector.emplace_back(10); // Creates an in-place MyClass object with the value 10.
myVector.emplace_back(20); // Creates an in-place MyClass object with the value 20.
return 0;
Constructor called with the following value: 10
Constructor called with the following value: 20
In this example, we define a MyClass and its constructor that accepts an int parameter. MyVector is created empty, that is, a vector of MyClass objects.
By providing the constructor options (10 and 20) to emplace_back, we can create MyClass objects right within the vector. Instead of doing extra copies or moves, the objects are built right there inside the vector. Whenever emplace_back is called, a MyClass object is built inside the vector, and the supplied argument is passed to the constructor.
The overhead of constructing temporary objects can be avoided by using emplace_back, and you'll see better performance, especially when working with complicated objects or objects that need constructors other than the ones provided by default.
Emplace_back functions as follows:
- Utilizing the supplied inputs, it creates the object directly within the vector.
- The vector will automatically allocate more memory to retain the new element and maybe other future elements if the capacity of the vector is insufficient to hold them.
- The vector's size is increased by one, and the produced object is now a component of the vector.
Emplace_back has several advantages to push_back, but its main benefit is that it does not produce temporary objects. When you use emplace_back, the object is created right there in the vector's memory because the constructor inputs are given right there in the function call.
Working with complex objects or objects with non-default constructors will benefit you greatly from this. The overhead of making temporary objects and pointless copying or moving operations can be avoided by using emplace_back.
Emplace_back in C++'s main points:
There are several points of emplace_back function. Some functions of this function are as follows:
- Purpose: The emplace_back function is utilized to insert elements into a std::vector container. Without needing a separate copy or move operation, it creates the new element directly within the vector.
- Performance: When working with complicated objects or objects with non-default constructors, emplace_back can be more effective than push_back. By simply generating the item inside the vector, it eliminates the overhead of creating temporary objects.
- Arguments: Emplace_back accepts the arguments necessary to build a value-type element for the vector. These arguments are sent on to the inserting object's constructor.
- Constructor Selection: The correct constructor is automatically chosen using the arguments supplied to emplace_back. There are several matches, and the constructor chooses the best match for the argument that will be used.
- In-Place Construction: The emplace_back functon builds the new element right inside the memory that the vector is responsible. Performance is improved since it does not require creating a distinct object before moving or copying it into the vector.
- Type Conditions: The vector's value type must be both MoveInsertable and EmplaceConstructible. It indicates the object should be mobile and constructible using the given parameters.
- Return Value: Emplace_back does not return a value like push_back does. The vector's size is increased and the element is added to the end of the vector.
- Container Growth: If the vector's current capacity is insufficient to hold the additional element, it will reallocate memory to accommodate the growth. It can entail copying already-present components to a new memory location.
- Exception Safety: If an error arise while creating the new element, the vector is unaffected and the error is propagated. There are no unfinished components in the vector.
- Common Use: When the constructor inputs are readily available without the need to create temporary objects, emplace_back is frequently utilized. It makes the code simpler and might improve performance.
By building new pieces immediately inside the container, emplace_back offers an effective and practical method of adding them to a vector. It is especially helpful when dealing with complex objects or objects that call for specialized constructor arguments.