How to write a cheque?

How to write a cheque?

In today's time, digital payments are consistently gaining more market share, but it's also important to know how to write a cheque. Many companies, employers, workers, and landlords still rely on checks for their payment. This article will help us with easy steps and diagrams to learn how you can fill the cheque. You need to follow the following steps:


The first step is straightforward. Write the date in the date box, which is display at the top right-hand corner. In most cases, you will use the current date to write the cheque, which helps you and the recipient to maintain accurate records.    

Example: 20-03-2020


How to write a cheque?

In the Pay line of the cheque, write the name of the person or company to whom you are paying the money. If you are not sure exactly what is the company name, make sure that what’s the company name before writing the check. If it's a person, write the first and the last name of the person. If it's a company or organization, write its full name and make sure that the name is correct.

Example: Mr. John Clark

Rupees (In Numbers)

How to write a cheque?

In the Rupees box, write the amount of your payment in numbers, which is displays at the right-hand side.

Example: 1,50,400

Rupees (In Words)

How to write a cheque?

It is easier to write the amount in numbers first, then words. In this step, see the amount that you write in the numbers and then write it into the words. After writing the amount in words, make sure that the amount in words is the same as the numbers.

Example: One lakh fifty thousand four hundred rupees only.


How to write a cheque?c

In the bottom right corner, there is a space for the account holder’s signature. If you do not sign there, the cheque would not be valid. If you sign there, the cheque will be valid and also make sure that your sign matches your account signature.

Tear off the cheque

If you are using the checkbook, tear off the top cheque from the checkbook that is original. The top cheque copy is for the recipient, and the second copy is called a carbon copy, which is for the account holder to maintain the record.

Note: By using the above steps, you can easily write the cheque.