NumPy Tutorial

Python NumPy Tutorial numpy.empty() in Python numpy.empty_like() in Python numpy.eye() in Python numpy.identity() in Python numpy.ones() in Python numpy.ones_like() in Python numpy.zeros in Python numpy.zeros_like() in Python numpy.full() in Python numpy.full_like() in Python numpy.asarray() in Python numpy.frombuffer() in Python numpy.fromiter() in Python numpy.fromstring () in Python numpy.asanyarray() in Python with Example numpy.ascontiguousarray() in Python with Example Numpy.asmatrix() in Python with Example Numpy.copy() in Python with Example numpy.loadtxt() Python numpy.arrange() in Python numpy.linspace() in Python numpy.logspace() in Python numpy.geomspace() in Python numpy.meshgrid() in Python numpy.diag() in Python numpy.diagflat() in Python numpy.tri() in Python numpy.tril() in Python numpy.copyto() in Python numpy.reshape() in Python numpy.ravel() in Python numpy.ndarray.flat() in Python numpy.ndarray.flatten() in Python numpy.rollaxis() in Python numpy.swapaxes() in Python numpy.ndarray.T in Python numpy.transpose() in Python numpy.atleast_1d() in Python numpy.atleast_2d() in Python numpy.atleast_3d() in Python numpy.broadcast_to() in Python numpy.broadcast_arrays() in Python numpy.expand_dims() in Python numpy.squeeze() in Python numpy.asarray_chkfinite() in Python numpy.asscalar() in Python numpy.concatenate() in Python numpy.stack() in Python numpy.column_stack() in Python numpy.dstack() in Python numpy.hstack() in Python numpy.vstack() in Python numpy.split() in Python numpy.tile() in Python numpy.repeat() in Python numpy.delete() in Python numpy.append() in Python numpy.resize() in Python numpy.trim_zeros() in Python numpy.unique() in Python numpy.flip() in Python NumPy vs SciPy


Numpy Attributes

numpy.split() in Python

numpy.split() in Python

The numpy.split() function splits an array into multiple sub-arrays.


numpy.split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0)


ary: This parameter represents the Array to be divided into sub-arrays.

indices_or_sections : This parameter represents an int or an 1-D array. If indices_or_sections is an integer, N, the array will be divided into N equal arrays along axis. If such a split is not possible, an error is raised.

axis: This parameter represents an axis along which the array is split. It is an optional parameter which takes int values, and by default, it is 0.


This function returns a list of sub-arrays.


This function raises a ValueError if the parameter ‘indices_or_sections’ is given as an integer, but a split does not result in equal division.

Example 1

# Python Program explaining
# numpy.split() function
import numpy as np
inp_arr = np.arange(9)
print ('First array:' )
print ('Split the array in 3 equal-sized subarrays:')
out = np.split(inp_arr,3)
print (out)


First array:
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
Split the array in 3 equal-sized subarrays:
[array([0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5]), array([6, 7, 8])]