PHP Associative Arrays

PHP associate array is used to access the elements with keys by “=>” symbol. There are two ways to create an associative array. 1st way:

$age = array("John"=>"20", "Helena"=>"30", "Rasmus"=>"29");

2nd way: $age['john'] = "20"; $age['Helena'] = "30"; $age['Rasmus'] = "29"; Let us take an example: Example1:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>PHP Tutorial</title>
            $age = array("John"=>"20", "Helena"=>"30", "Rasmus"=>"29");
            echo "Helena is " . $age['Helena'] . " years old.";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>PHP Tutorial</title>
            $age = array("John"=>"20", "Helena"=>"30", "Rasmus"=>"29");
            //  Traversing PHP Associative Array
            foreach($age as $k => $v) {
                        echo "Key: ".$k." Value: ".$v."<br/>";
Output Key: John Value: 20 Key: Helena Value: 30 Key: Rasmus Value: 29