PHP convert_uudecode() Function

PHP convert_uudecode() Function

The convert_uudecode() function in PHP decodes a uuencoded string.


convert_uudecode ( string $data )


data- This parameter represents the uuencoded data.


This function returns the decoded data as a string or FALSE on failure.

Example 1

 // initializing the string
 $str = ",2&5L;&\@=V]R;&0BA ";
 echo "Original String: ".$str;
 //decoding the string
 echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uudecode($str);


Original String: ,2&5L;&\@=V]R;&0BA 
New String: Hello world" 

Example 2

// initializing the string
$str = "=5V5L8V]M92!T;R!4=71O<FEA;&%N9$5X86UP;&4`";
echo "Original String: ".$str;
echo "\nAfter convert_uudecode() function...";
//decoding the string 
echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uudecode($str);


Original String: =5V5L8V]M92!T;R!4=71O<FEA;&%N9$5X86UP;&4`
After convert_uudecode() function...
New String: Welcome to TutorialandExample 

Example 3

 // initializing the string
 // passing a string that is not a valid uuencoded string 
 $str = "My name is Reema";
 echo "Original String: ".$str;
 echo "\nAfter convert_uudecode() function...";
 //decoding the string 
 echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uudecode($str); // return an error


PHP Warning:  convert_uudecode(): The given parameter is not a valid uuencoded string in /workspace/Main.php on line 7