Python program to perform the arithmetic operation

Python program to perform the arithmetic operation

This program will write a code to perform some basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, exponent, modulus, and division. Here we first need to enter two numeric values, and then by using these values, we will perform the Arithmetic Operations.

Source Code

The following is a basic source code that allows us to perform arithmetic operations in Python:

#Program to perform basic arithmetic operations  
#Take inputs from user number1 = input("Enter first number: ")   
number2 = input("Enter first number: ")  
 # Addition of two numbers  
sum = float(number1) + float(number2)   
# Subtraction of two numbers  
sub = float(number1) - float(number2)   
# Multiplication of two numbers   
mul = float(number1) * float(number2)  
#Division of two numbers    div = float(number1) / float(number2)     
# Modulus of two numbers mod = float(number1) % float(number2) 
# Exponent of two numbers expo = float(number1) ** float(number2)  
# Print the sum 
print("The sum of",number1,"and",number2,"is",sum)  
# Print the subtraction  
 print("The subtraction of",number1,"and",number2,"is",sub)
# Print the multiplication   
print("The multiplication of",number1,"and",number2,"is",mul)  
# Print the division    
print("The division of",number1,"and",number2,"is",div)
# Print the modulus   
print("The modulus of",number1,"and",number2,"is",mod) 
# Print the exponent 
 print("The exponent of",number1,"and",number2,"is",expo)


Here is the output:

Python program to perform the arithmetic operation

Explanation: In this program, we will take two numbers as input and store them in two different variables, number1 and number2, respectively. Then, we will calculate different arithmetic operations and store them in a separate variable. Finally, it prints all the arithmetic operations in a sequence using the print function.