Selenium WebDriver – Web Element Controls

Selenium WebDriver – Web Element Controls

A web element is an interface that is implemented by a remote web element class.

  • The Web element control can be used to perform the data capture, verification, and operational control commandsin the web driver.
  • Web element control cannot be used without findElement(), because every element should be identified in the HTML document before operating the web element.
  • The Html source code consists of a start tagend tag, and the content… in between.
  • An Html source code is written as: <tagname> content </tagname>

We have several web elements commands and actions in WebDriver. The  following commands are shown in the below screenshot:

several web elements commands and actions in web driver

Web elements command can be divided into three different methods which are as following:

Web elements command

Let see some of the web element and their web element controls which is as shown below:

web element and their web element controls
Web Element Web Element-Controls
Edit box sendKeys(“”), clear(), getAttribute(), getSize(), getLocation(), isDisplayed(), isEnabled()
Radio box  
click(), Submit(), getCssValue(), isSelected(), getAttribute(), getSize(), getLocation(), isDisplayed(), isEnabled()
link click(), getText(), getCssValue(), getSize(), getLocation(), isDisplayed(), isEnabled()
Image   click(), getSize(), getLocation(), isDisplayed(), isEnabled()
Dropdown Select
Dropdown menu Actions
webText getText(), getCssValue(), getSize(), getLocation(), isDisplayed(), isEnabled()