Excel Tutorial

Excel Tutorial Shortcut Keys in Excel Formatting in Excel Notes in Excel Formats in Excel Cells and Ranges in Excel Excel Function and Formulas Conditional Formatting in Excel Data Validation in Excel Charts in Excel Excel Ribbon Toolbar Basics of Excel Spell Check in Excel Data Analysis in Excel AutoFill in Excel Goal Seek in Excel Solver in Excel Pivots Table in Excel Go-To Special function in Excel Blank cells in Excel Count Cells with Text in Excel Date and Time in Excel-VBA Dependent Drop-down List in Excel Operators in Excel Dependent Combo box in Excel VBA Error Bar in Microsoft Excel Excel Axes Excel File using Password Excel Unique Values Frequency Distribution in Excel Gauge Chart in Excel Histogram in Excel Sum Every Nth Row in Microsoft Excel SumIF Formula in Microsoft Excel Multiplication in Excel Unique Values in Excel Trendline in Excel Excel Themes Copying formula in Excel Check Marks in Excel Calculating the Last Day of the Month in Excel Calculating Age in Excel Insert Row in Excel


Excel MAX() Function Excel INT() Function Excel MOD() Function Excel ROUND() Function Excel ROUNDUP() Function Excel AVERAGE() Function Excel COUNT() Function Excel COUNTA() Function Excel COUNTBLANK() Function Excel MIN() Function Excel EDATE() Function Excel EOMONTH() Function Excel HOUR() Function Excel MINUTE() Function Excel SECOND() Function Excel TIME() Function Excel WORKDAY() Function Excel WORKDAY.INTL() Function Excel DAYS() Function Excel WEEKNUM() Function Excel WEEKDAY() Function Excel SMALL() Function Excel LARGE() Function Excel LEFT() Function Excel RIGHT() Function Excel MID() Function Excel FIND() Function Excel SEARCH() Function Excel EXACT() Function Excel SUBSTITUTE() Function Excel TEXT() Function Excel VALUE() Function Excel AND() Function Excel OR() Function Excel IFERROR() Function Excel IF() Function Excel Nested IF’s Function Excel IFNA() Function Excel COUNTIFS() Function Excel VLOOKUP() Function Excel HLOOKUP() Function Excel INDEX() Function Excel MATCH() Function Excel OFFSET () Function Averageif Function in Excel

How To

How to import Microsoft Access data into the Microsoft Excel How to use TODAY function in Excel How to Alphabetize in Excel How to remove duplicate values from excel How to lock cells in Excel How to create drop down in excel How to Delete Row in Microsoft Excel How to Highlight Duplicates Words in the Microsoft Excel How to print titles in Excel How to make use of the Wildcard in Excel How to Make Use of the F-Test in Excel How to make use of the Excel Autofit in Excel How to generate random numbers in Excel How to apply Advanced Filter in Excel How to use Index and Match in Excel


Absolute Value in Excel Adding Column in Excel Converting Units in Excel Count Characters in Excel Custom Sort Order in Excel Decimals in Excel Division in Excel Locate Maximum Values in Excel Nearest Multiple in Excel Paste Options in Excel Quarter Dates in Excel Row Difference in Excel Separate Strings in Excel Reverse List in Excel Array Formula in Excel What if Analysis Data Table in Excel Excel Shortcut Keys What is a spreadsheet in Excel?

Shortcut Keys in Excel

Shortcut Keys in Excel

Shortcut keys in Excel are used to simplify the work and save time by pressing a few keys.  These keys are used for navigating and working with Excel spreadsheets quickly and easily.

  1. Basic Selection: These shortcut keys are used to perform basic operations such as copy, cut, select, etc.,
Category Window Shortcut Keys MAC Shortcut Keys                 Description
Basic Selection                  CTRL+ A    ? + A This basic selection is used to select the current region. Pressing CTRL+ A, for the second time, selects the entire worksheet.
Basic Selection  CTRL +\    ? + \ This basic selection shortcut is used to select the cells in selected rows that do not match the formula or value in the active cell.
Basic Selection  CTRL + SHIFT+\    ? + ?+ | This shortcut selects the cells in selected columns that do not match the formula or the value in the active cell.
Basic Selection  CTRL + *    ? + ? + SPACE The shortcut CTRL+ * selects the current data region.
Basic Selection  ALT+;    ? + ? + Z This basic selection is used to select the visible cells in the selected region.
Basic Selection  CTRL +SPACE    ? + SPACE This basic selection selects the entire column(s) for the selected range in the given worksheet.
Basic Selection  SHIFT+ SPACE    ? + SPACE This basic selection selects the entire row (s) for the selected range in the given worksheet.
Basic Selection  CTRL+ SHIFT+ SPACE - It selects the entire worksheet or the objects on the worksheet.
Basic Selection  CTRL+SHIFT+8    ? + ? + SPACE This basic selection selects the current region that is surrounded by rows and columns.
Basic Selection  CTRL+SHIFT+HOME - It extends the selection to the beginning from the insertion point.
Basic Selection  CTRL+SHIFT+END - It extends the selection to the end from the insertion point.
Basic Selection  SHIFT+ -HOME - This basic selection is used to extend the selection to the beginning of the cell from the insertion point.
Basic Selection  SHIFT+END - This basic selection is used to extend the selection to the end of the cell from the insertion point.
  • Data Entry: These excel shortcut keys are used to fill or display the cell values right or left. The data entry shortcut keys are as follows:
Category Window Shortcut Keys MAC Shortcut Keys                 Description
Data Entry CTRL + D    ^ + D This data entry shortcut fills down or copies the contents & formats from the uppermost cell to the down most cell.
Data Entry CTRL + E - This data entry shortcut fills more values to the active column based on the pattern in the previous column. This is the alternative of fill flash.
Data Entry CTRL + K    ? + K This shortcut is used to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to add or edit hyperlink.
Data Entry CTRL + R ^ + R This shortcut fills right or copies the content & formats from leftmost cell to the right.
Data Entry CTRL + SHIFT + ;    ^ + ? + : This shortcut inserts the current time into active cell.
Data Entry CTRL + ; ^ + ; This data entry shortcut key is used to inset the current date into active cell.
Data Entry CTRL + SHIFT + ‘    ^ + ? + " This shortcut key fills down the content & formats from leftmost cell to the right.
Data Entry CTRL + ‘ ^ + ‘ This shortcut key is used to copy the formula or content from the above cell into the active cell.
Data Entry ALT + 0128 - This shortcut key inserts the euro symbol € using number keypad.    
Data Entry ALT + 0162 - This shortcut key inserts the cent symbol ¢ using number keypad.  
Data Entry ALT + 0163 - This shortcut key inserts the pound symbol £ using number keypad.  
Data Entry ALT + 0169 - This shortcut key inserts the copyright symbol © using number keypad.  
Data Entry ENTER RETURN It enters and moves down in a worksheet
Data Entry SHIFT + ENTER - It enters and moves up in a worksheet
Data Entry CTRL + ENTER - It enters and remains on the active cell only.
Data Entry TAB TAB This shortcut key enters the content of the active cell and moves to the right by one cell.
Data Entry SHIFT + TAB ? + TAB   It moves one cell to the lest after inserting the active cell’s content in the worksheet.
Data Entry ALT + DOWN ARROW (?)   ? + ?   This shortcut key opens the Pick From List drop-down list box.
Data Entry ALT + T + K - This shortcut key is used to check the errors on the entire worksheet.
Data Entry ALT + H + X - This shortcut key is used to cut the selection to the clipboard.
Data Entry ALT + N + T - This shortcut key is used to display the Create Table dialog for the selection.
Data Entry ALT + M + N - It opens the Define Name dialog box.
Data Entry ALT + M + C - This shortcut key is used to display the Create Names from Selection dialog box.
Data Entry ALT + A + E - This shortcut key is used to display the Convert Text to Columns Wizard for the selection.
Data Entry ALT + A+ M - It opens the Remove Duplicates wizard box.
Data Entry SHIFT + F10, D - It opens the Delete dialog box window to delete selected cells/rows/columns.
Data Entry SHIFT + F10, T - This shortcut keys cuts the selected cells.
Data Entry SHIFT + F10, C - This shortcut keys is used to copy selected cells to the clipboard.
Data Entry SHIFT + F10 + S,S - It displays the Paste Special dialog box.
Data Entry SHIFT + F10, I - It is used to display the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells/rows/columns.
Data Entry ALT + I + C - This shortcut key is used to insert one column before the selection.
Data Entry ALT + I + R - This shortcut key is used to insert one row before the selection.
  • Expand Selection: These shortcut keys are used to extend or decrees the edges of the selection, toggle the selection mode.
Category Window Shortcut Keys MAC Shortcut Keys                 Description
Expand Selection SHIFT + PAGE UP Fn + ? + ?   This key extends the selection up one screen in the worksheet.
Expand Selection SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Fn + ? + ?   This key extends the selection down one screen in the worksheet.
Expand Selection SHIFT + F8 Fn + ? + F8   This shortcut toggles Add to selection mode on or off.
Expand Selection SHIFT + HOME Fn + ? + ?   It extends the selection to the first column of the worksheet.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + HOME Fn + ? + ? + ?   It extends the selection to the first cell on the worksheet.
Expand Selection END + SHIFT + HOME - It extends the selection to last used cell on the worksheet.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + END Fn + ? + ? + ?   This key is used to extend the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet.
Expand Selection END, SHIFT + ARROW KEYS - It extends the selection to the next non-empty cell in the particular direction.
Expand Selection SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW( ?)   ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection by one cell on the Right.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW(?) ? + ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection of cells to the next non-empty cells on the Left.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW(?) ? + ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection of cells to the next non-empty cells on the Right.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW(?) ? + ? + ?   It extends the selection of cells to the next non-empty cells on the Upwards.
Expand Selection CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW(?) ? + ? + ?   It extends the selection of cells to the next non-empty cells on the Downwards.
Expand Selection F8 Fn + F8   This shortcut key is used to toggle the Extend Selection mode on or off.
Expand Selection SHIFT + LEFT ARROW(?) ? + ?   This key extends the selection by one cell to the left.
Expand Selection SHIFT + UP ARROW(?) ? + ?   It extends the selection by one cell to the Up.
Expand Selection SHIFT + DOWN ARROW(?) ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection by one cell to the Down.
Expand Selection ALT + SHIFT + PAGE UP Fn + ? + ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection to the right by one screen.
Expand Selection ALT + SHIFT + PAGE  DOWN Fn + ? + ? + ?   This shortcut key is used to extend the selection to the left by one screen.
  • Navigation: The navigation shortcut keys are used to navigate through the excel workbook. It is useful to move to the cells that belong to right, left, up, down, or in different positions to your current cell.
Category Window Shortcut Keys MAC Shortcut Keys                 Description
Navigation CTRL + - ? + . This shortcut key moves clockwise to the next corner within a selected range.
Navigation PAGE UP Fn + ? It moves up to the previous screen of the worksheet.
Navigation ALT + PAGE UP Fn + ? + ? It moves one screen of column to the left in a worksheet.
Navigation PAGE DOWN Fn + ? It moves down to the next screen of the worksheet.
Navigation ALT + PAGE DOWN Fn + ? + ?   It moves one screen of column to the right in a worksheet.
Navigation TAB TAB This key is used to move one cell to the right in a worksheet.
Navigation SHIFT + TAB ? + TAB This key is used to move one cell to the left in a worksheet.
Navigation HOME Fn + ? This key is used to move to the first column in the current row.
Navigation CTRL + HOME Fn + ^ + ? It moves to the beginning of the worksheet.
Navigation CTRL + END Fn + ^ + ? It moves to the last cell of the worksheet.
Navigation END + HOME - It moves to the last cell in used on the worksheet.
Navigation END + ENTER - It moves to the last used column on the worksheet.
Navigation END, ARROW KEYS - This shortcut key moves to the next non-blank cell in that direction.
Navigation UP ARROW UP ARROW (?)   This shortcut key is used to move one cell to the upwards.
Navigation CTRL + LEFT ARROW(?) ? + ? It moves to the left edge of the current data region.
Navigation CTRL + RIGHT ARROW(?) ^ + ? It moves to the right edge of the current data region.
Navigation CTRL + UP ARROW(?) ^ + ?   It moves to the top edge of the current data region.
Navigation CTRL + DOWN ARROW(?) ^ + ?   It moves to the bottom edge of the current data region.
Navigation DOWN ARROW(?) DOWN ARROW(?) It moves one cell to the downwards.
Navigation RIGHT ARROW(?) RIGHT ARROW(?) This key is used to move one cell to the right.
Navigation LEFT ARROW(?) LEFT ARROW(?) This key is used to move once cell to the LEFT.
Navigation HOME - This shortcut moves to the beginning of a cell entry.
Navigation END - This shortcut moves to the end of a cell entry.
  • Ribbon: The Ribbon shortcut keys enable the users to deploy the Ribbon features without actually using the mouse. This saves time, and it very useful to get the ribbon options quickly.
Category Window Shortcut Keys MAC Shortcut Keys                 Description
Ribbon CTRL + F1 ? + ? + R   This Ribbon shortcut key is used to show or hide the tabs and commands from Excel Ribbon.
Ribbon ALT - It is used to toggle the activation of the Menu Bar.
Ribbon F10 - This key is used to turn on or off the Key Tips for Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.
Ribbon ALT + 1 - It saves the active workbook.
Ribbon ALT + 2 - This shortcut key opens the list of Undo action history.
Ribbon ALT + 3 - This shortcut key opens the list of Rndo action history.
Ribbon CTRL + SHIFT + F1 - This Ribbon shortcut key is used to show or hide the complete Ribbon Bar and Quick Access Toolbar from Excel.
Ribbon CTRL + SHIFT + F10 - It is used to activate the Menu Bar in Excel.
Ribbon ALT + F - This shortcut key displays the File menu.
Ribbon ALT + F + I - This Ribbon shortcut key opens the info window of the workbook.
Ribbon ALT + H - It is used to activate the Home tab on the ribbon.
Ribbon ALT + N - It is used to activate the Insert tab on the ribbon.
Ribbon ALT + P - It is used to activate the Page Layout tab on the ribbon.
Ribbon ALT + M - It is used to activate the Formula tab on the ribbon.
Ribbon ALT + A - It is used to activate the Data tab on the ribbon.
Ribbon ALT + W - It is used to activate the View tab on the ribbon.