Python Tutorial

Introduction Python Features Python Applications Python System requirements Python Installation Python Examples Python Basics Python Indentation Python Variables Python Data Types Python IDE Python Keywords Python Operators Python Comments Python Pass Statement

Python Conditional Statements

Python if Statement Python elif Statement Python If-else statement Python Switch Case

Python Loops

Python for loop Python while loop Python Break Statement Python Continue Statement Python Goto Statement

Python Arrays

Python Array Python Matrix

Python Strings

Python Strings Python Regex

Python Built-in Data Structure

Python Lists Python Tuples Python Lists vs Tuples Python Dictionary Python Sets

Python Functions

Python Function Python min() function Python max() function Python User-define Functions Python Built-in Functions Python Recursion Anonymous/Lambda Function in Python apply() function in python Python lambda() Function

Python File Handling

Python File Handling Python Read CSV Python Write CSV Python Read Excel Python Write Excel Python Read Text File Python Write Text File Read JSON File in Python

Python Exception Handling

Python Exception Handling Python Errors and exceptions Python Assert

Python OOPs Concept

OOPs Concepts in Python Classes & Objects in Python Inheritance in Python Polymorphism in Python Python Encapsulation Python Constructor Python Super function Python Static Method Static Variables in Python Abstraction in Python

Python Iterators

Iterators in Python Yield Statement In Python Python Yield vs Return

Python Generators

Python Generator

Python Decorators

Python Decorator

Python Functions and Methods

Python Built-in Functions Python String Methods Python List Methods Python Dictionary Methods Python Tuple Methods Python Set Methods

Python Modules

Python Modules Python Datetime Module Python Math Module Python Import Module Python Time ModulePython Random Module Python Calendar Module CSV Module in Python Python Subprocess Module

Python MySQL

Python MySQL Python MySQL Client Update Operation Delete Operation Database Connection Creating new Database using Python MySQL Creating Tables Performing Transactions

Python MongoDB

Python MongoDB

Python SQLite

Python SQLite

Python Data Structure Implementation

Python Stack Python Queue Python Linked List Python Hash Table Python Graph

Python Advance Topics

Speech Recognition in Python Face Recognition in Python Python Linear regression Python Rest API Python Command Line Arguments Python JSON Python Subprocess Python Virtual Environment Type Casting in Python Python Collections Python Attributes Python Commands Python Data Visualization Python Debugger Python DefaultDict Python Enumerate

Python 2

What is Python 2

Python 3

Anaconda in Python 3 Anaconda python 3 installation for windows 10 List Comprehension in Python3

How to

How to Parse JSON in Python How to Pass a list as an Argument in Python How to Install Numpy in PyCharm How to set up a proxy using selenium in python How to create a login page in python How to make API calls in Python How to run Python code from the command prompt How to read data from com port in python How to Read html page in python How to Substring a String in Python How to Iterate through a Dictionary in Python How to convert integer to float in Python How to reverse a string in Python How to take input in Python How to install Python in Windows How to install Python in Ubuntu How to install PIP in Python How to call a function in Python How to download Python How to comment multiple lines in Python How to create a file in Python How to create a list in Python How to declare array in Python How to clear screen in Python How to convert string to list in Python How to take multiple inputs in Python How to write a program in Python How to compare two strings in Python How to create a dictionary in Python How to create an array in Python How to update Python How to compare two lists in Python How to concatenate two strings in Python How to print pattern in Python How to check data type in python How to slice a list in python How to implement classifiers in Python How To Print Colored Text in Python How to open a file in python How to Open a file in python with Path How to run a Python file in CMD How to change the names of Columns in Python How to Concat two Dataframes in Python How to Iterate a List in Python How to learn python Online How to Make an App with Python How to develop a game in python How to print in same line in python How to create a class in python How to find square root in python How to import numy in python How to import pandas in python How to uninstall python How to upgrade PIP in python How to append a string in python How to comment out a block of code in Python How to change a value of a tuple in Python How to append an Array in Python How to Configure Python Interpreter in Eclipse How to plot a Histogram in Python How to Import Files in Python How to Download all Modules in Python How to get Time in seconds in Python How to Practice Python Programming How to plot multiple linear regression in Python How to set font for Text in Python How to Convert WhatsApp Chat Data into a Word Cloud using Python How to Install Tweepy in Python How to Write a Configuration file in Python How to Install Scikit-Learn How to add 2 lists in Python How to assign values to variables in Python and other languages How to build an Auto Clicker using Python How to check if the dictionary is empty in Python How to check the version of the Python Interpreter How to convert Float to Int in Python How to Convert Int to String in Python How to Define a Function in Python How to Install Pandas in Python How to Plot Graphs Using Python How to Program in Python on Raspberry pi How to Reverse a number in Python How to Sort a String in Python How to build a Virtual Assistant Using Python How to Fix an EOF Error in Python How to make a firewall in Python How to clear screen in Python How to Create User Defined Exceptions in Python How to determine if a binary tree is height-balanced How to Import Kaggle Datasets Directly into Google Colab How to Install Python in Kali Linux


Python Sort List Sort Dictionary in Python Python sort() function Python Bubble Sort


Factorial Program in Python Prime Number Program in Python Fibonacci Series Program in Python Leap Year Program in Python Palindrome Program in Python Check Palindrome In Python Calculator Program in Python Armstrong Number Program in Python Python Program to add two numbers Anagram Program in Python Number Pattern Programs in Python Even Odd Program in Python GCD Program in Python Python Exit Program Python Program to check Leap Year Operator Overloading in Python Pointers in Python Python Not Equal Operator Raise Exception in Python Salary of Python Developers in India


What is a Script in Python What is the re.sub() function in Python After Python What Should I Learn What Does the Percent Sign (%) Mean in Python What is online python free IDE What is Python online compiler What are the Purposes of Python What is Python compiler GDB What is Ipython shell What does base case mean in recursion What does the if __name__ == "__main__" do in Python What is Sleeping Time in Python What is Collaborative Filtering in ML, Python What is the Python Global Interpreter Lock What is None Literal in Python What is the Output of the bool in Python Is Python Case-sensitive when Dealing with Identifiers Is Python Case Sensitive Is Python Object Oriented Programming language


Difference between Perl and Python Difference between python list and tuple Difference between Input() and raw_input() functions in Python Difference between Python 2 and Python 3 Difference Between Yield And Return In Python Important Difference between Python 2.x and Python 3.x with Example Difference between Package and Module in Python Difference between Expression and Statement in Python Difference between For Loop and While Loop in Python Difference between Module and Package in Python Difference between Sort and Sorted in Python Difference between Overloading and Overriding in Python Python vs HTML Python vs R Python vs Java Python vs PHP While vs For Loop in Python Python Iterator vs Iterable Set Vs List Python

Python Kivy

Kivy Architecture Kivy Buttons Kivy Layouts Kivy Widgets What is Kivy in Python

Python Tkinter

Application to get live USD/INR rate Using Tkinter in Python Application to Search Installed Application using Tkinter in Python Compound Interest GUI Calculator using Tkinter in Python Create a Table Using Tkinter in Python Create First GUI Application using Tkinter in Python File Explorer using Tkinter in Python GUI Calendar using Tkinter in Python GUI to extract lyrics from a song Using Tkinter in Python GUI to Shut down, Restart and Logout from the PC using Tkinter in Python Loan calculator using Tkinter in Python Make Notepad using Tkinter in Python Rank Based Percentile GUI Calculator using Tkinter in Python Screen Rotation app Using Tkinter in Python Spell Corrector GUI using Tkinter in Python Standard GUI Unit Converter using Tkinter in Python Text detection using Tkinter in Python To Do GUI Application using Tkinter in Python Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter in Python Age calculator using Tkinter Create a Digital Clock Using Tkinter Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter Simple GUI Calculator Using Tkinter Simple Registration form using Tkinter Weight Conversion GUI Using Tkinter Color Game Using Tkinter in Python File Explorer in Python using Tkinter Making of Notepad Using Tkinter Python Simple FLAMES Game Using Tkinter Python ToDo GUI Application Using Tkinter Python

Python PyQt5

Compound Interest GUI Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Create Table Using PyQt5 in Python Create the First GUI Application using PyQt5 in Python GUI Calendar using PyQt5 in Python Loan Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Rank Based Percentile GUI Calculator using PyQt5 in Python Simple GUI calculator using PyQt5 in Python Standard GUI Unit Converter using PyQt5 in Python


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Tensorflow tf Data Dataset from tensor slices()

Introduction to Tensorflow:

The Google Brain team created the well-known open-supply deep mastering bundle called TensorFlow. It is supposed to make it less complicated to build, train, and use systems to get to know models, in particular deep neural networks.

TensorFlow is significantly applied in academia and business for many applications, such as laptop imaginative and prescient, herbal language processing, speech recognition,etc.

We should first understand TensorFlow's larger image and statistics waft to proceed. To create and train systems to learn models, Google created the open-source deep-gaining knowledge of package deals referred to as TensorFlow.

The function's signature is as follows:

The step-by-step working of tf. Data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices():

1. Input Data Preparation:

    Your data must first be prepared as one or more tensors. The magnitude of these tensors in the first dimension, or the number of samples or elements, must be the same. For instance, you might use a NumPy array with the structure (num_samples, image_height, image_width, num_channels) to represent a collection of photos.

    2. Creating the Dataset:

    With the entered facts prepared, you call tf.Statistics.Dataset.From_tensor_slices() and skip the input tensors as arguments. The function uses the enter tensors to generate a Dataset object.

    3. Tensor Slicing:

    Each input tensor is divided into its element in the dataset by the function along the first dimension (axis 0). This implies that if your dataset has n samples, it will produce a dataset with n items.

    4. Element Representation:

    Each element in the dataset represents an appropriate slice from the input tensors. For instance, if the first detail inside the dataset displays the first sample from the input tensors, that detail will have an identical shape to a single sample in the enter tensors.

    5. Example Usage:

    An example of how to use tf. data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices():

    import tensorflow as tf

    import numpy as np

    images = np.array([...])  # Shape: (num_samples, image_height, image_width, num_channels)

    dataset = tf. data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(images)

    6. Data pipeline:

    Once the dataset has been created, it may be used in your data pipeline for model testing or training. To preprocess and enhance the data as necessary, you may apply several transformations to the dataset using techniques like map(), batch(), shuffle(), and more.

    dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=1000)

    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=32)

    dataset = dataset.prefetch(

    7. Iterating over the Dataset:

    The dataset is used to train or test models by being iterated through an iterator made from the dataset.

    iterator = dataset.as_numpy_iterator()

    for batch in iterator:

    In summary, tf. data.Dataset.From_tensor_slices() is a robust TensorFlow characteristic that permits you to show in-reminiscence data into a Dataset object, which could eventually be effectively analyzed and applied as part of your system mastering workflow. Building dependable and effective records pipelines for education and analyzing your system studying models is made feasible through the dataset. This is the outcome of your efforts.

    Getting data ready and processed efficiently for machine learning models is critical—the data. A quick and practical approach to building data input pipelines is using TensorFlow's dataset API. It enables the effective management of massive data processing while enabling the creation of complicated neural networks. It makes it easy to preprocess massive datasets, interact with them, and seamlessly contain them in your gadget-mastering fashions.

    The tf.Statistics.Dataset.From_tensor_slices() function is one of the strategies in the tf.Statistics.Dataset API. It generally converts in-memory facts (like NumPy arrays or Python lists) into a Dataset object that can be effortlessly processed and applied for version education or assessment.

    It effectively slices the input tensors along the first dimension to produce distinct items in the dataset. Each element in the dataset represents a matching slice from the input tensor(s). TensorFlow data pipelines frequently employ this function to prepare data for model training and assessment.

    Python code demonstrating how to use  to construct a dataset from in-memory data and set up a basic data pipeline for model training:

    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np

    # Step 1: Prepare the input data (Assume you have a dataset of images as NumPy arrays)
    images = np.random.rand(100, 28, 28, 3) 
    labels = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(100,)) 

    # Step 2: Create a Dataset from the images and labels
    image_dataset =
    label_dataset =

    # Step 3: Combine the image and label datasets into a single dataset
    dataset =, label_dataset))

    # Step 4: Data Pipeline - Shuffle, batch, and prefetch the data
    batch_size = 32
    buffer_size = 1000

    # Shuffle the dataset (optional but recommended for training)
    dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=buffer_size)

    # Batch the data
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=batch_size)

    # Prefetch the data for better performance
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(

    # Step 5: Create an iterator from the dataset
    iterator = dataset.as_numpy_iterator()

    # Step 6: Iterate over the dataset (Example usage during model training)
    for batch_images, batch_labels in iterator:
        # Here, you would perform model training or evaluation using the current batch of data
        print("Batch Images Shape:", batch_images.shape)
        print("Batch Labels Shape:", batch_labels.shape)

    Note: In this situation, we've got used random facts for example purposes. Replace the instance records with your actual information (e.g., loading pics from files)and regulate the version training code. We must install the required modules to run and get the exact output.

    Verify that your data is substituted into the code's picture and label arrays. The code creates a data pipeline by mixing the label and picture datasets, batching, prefetching, and shuffling the data for optimal model training performance. You may swap out the print statements during the iteration with your actual model training code to train your machine-learning model using the supplied data batches.


    Tensorflow | tf. Data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices()

    Printing the shape of each batch of photos and labels as the function iterates over the dataset in this example. Since the batch length is set to 32, you can see that each batch includes 32 images and the 32 labels that accompany each of these pics. The shape of the label data is (batch_size,) and the form of the photograph records is (batch_size, image_height, image_width, num_channels) (as an example, (32, 28, 28, three)). Each batch includes 32 snapshots, every with a size of 28 pixels in height, 28 pixels in width, and three channels of color, at the side of the 32 labels that go along with every photo.

    Concepts of Tensorflow:

    1. Computational Graphs:

      The notion of computational graphs is at the heart of TensorFlow. TensorFlow creates a graph model of the calculations that will be carried out rather than directly. The mathematical processes that make up the nodes and edges of the graph are represented by the data that moves between them. TensorFlow can efficiently execute calculations on CPUs and GPUs thanks to the optimization and parallelization provided by this graph-based technique.

      2. Tensors:

      Tensors are multi-dimensional arrays and are the inspiration for the term TensorFlow. Tensors, which can have different ranks (number of dimensions) and data kinds, are the essential building elements of TensorFlow. Tensors with a rank of 0 are scalars, and ones with one rank are vectors, matrices, etc. Tensor representations are used for all kinds of statistics: input data, model parameters, and computation-associated intermediate values.

      3. Sessions and Eager Execution:

      To achieve results with older versions of TensorFlow (1.x), you had to design and execute a computational graph within a session. TensorFlow 2.0 and subsequent versions, however, enable eager execution by default. Without first creating a computational graph, eager execution enables instantaneous operation evaluation. TensorFlow now resembles other imperative programming paradigms in a more natural and Pythonic way.

      4. Keras Integration:

      The fundamental library of TensorFlow includes Keras, a high-stage neural network API. To assemble complicated neural networks with the least boilerplate code, Keras affords a consumer-pleasant interface. TensorFlow is accessible to both novice and expert researchers because of the tf. Keras module, which makes model creation, schooling, and assessment simple.

      5. Automatic Differentiation:

      TensorFlow's capacity for automatic differentiation is one of its main advantages. The backpropagation technique is used to automatically calculate the gradients of the loss function concerning the model's parameters during model training. The model's parameters are then updated, and the model's performance is enhanced by optimizers using these gradients.

      6. Optimizers:

      TensorFlow gives some optimization techniques, along with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adam, RMSprop, and others, to replace model parameters throughout training. Depending on your model and venture, you can pick the optimizer that works excellently or lay out your own if necessary.

      7. Callbacks and TensorBoard:

      For monitoring and visualizing model schooling, TensorFlow provides sturdy tools. Callbacks through education allow you to perform certain obligations like preserving model checkpoints or enhancing learning costs in reaction to particular circumstances. TensorBoard is a web-based visualization tool that allows you to monitor statistics, examine graphs of the computational graph, and examine the effectiveness of your models.

      8. Deployment Options:

      Mobile devices, online browsers, and edge devices are just a few venues where TensorFlow models may be used. TensorFlow.js allows models to be executed directly in the browser, whereas TensorFlow Lite is intended for mobile and embedded devices.

      9. Distributed Training:

      With the help of TensorFlow, you can train big models on several GPUs or computers simultaneously. This distributed training capacity is essential to scale machine learning activities to handle massive data and sophisticated models

      10. Community and Ecosystem:

        A sizable and vibrant community supports the vast ecosystem of TensorFlow. Modern solutions are simpler to develop because of pre-trained models, frameworks, and tools available that are built on top of TensorFlow.

        In conclusion, TensorFlow is a flexible and robust deep studying library that offers a vast range of gear and skills for developing and refining gadgets and gaining knowledge of models. Researchers and developers within the system learning community often use it because of its robust computational graph execution, computerized differentiation, help for heterogeneous hardware, and availability on plenty of platforms. TensorFlow has the adaptability and scalability to take on numerous machine learning tasks, regardless of whether you are a novice or an experienced practitioner.

        Applications of Tensorflow:

        1. Computer Vision:

        • Image Classification:

          TensorFlow is frequently used for image classification jobs to categorize photos into predetermined categories. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other models are frequently used for this job, and TensorFlow offers tools for effectively creating, training, and deploying such models.

          • Object Detection:

          Using bounding boxes to localize things inside the picture, object detection using TensorFlow includes categorizing the objects and their classification. Modern object detection models like Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO) may be integrated into complicated detection tasks using TensorFlow's detection API, which makes it simpler to complete these jobs.

          • Semantic Segmentation:

          TensorFlow may be applied in this scenario to categorize every pixel in a picture. Tasks like autonomous driving require models to understand their surroundings, making semantic segmentation essential thoroughly.

          • Image Generation:

          Using Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), TensorFlow may produce pictures. For producing realistic pictures from random noise, GANs, in particular, are well-liked and have many inventive uses.

          2. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

          • Text classification:

          TensorFlow may create models that divide text data into categories, such as topic classification or sentiment analysis (positive/negative).

          • Named Entity Recognition (NER):

          TensorFlow is helpful for named entity recognition (NER) jobs, where the objective is to recognize entities like names, places, and dates in a given text.

          • Machine Translation:

          TensorFlow may be used for Sequence-to-Sequence models in machine translation jobs, facilitating translation across several languages.

          • Text Generation:

          Text generation is a feature of TensorFlow's recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformer models, which makes them appropriate for projects like chatbots and language modeling.

          3. Speech Recognition and Synthesis:

          • Speech Recognition:

          TensorFlow can be used for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) obligations, which aims to transform spoken language into written textual content.

          • Text-to-Speech (TTS):

          TensorFlow may create artificial speech from textual content input for text-to-speech (TTS) packages like voice assistants and audiobook narration.

          4. Recommender Systems:

          • TensorFlow may be used to create recommender systems that provide consumers with tailored suggestions based on their previous behavior and preferences.
          • Techniques like matrix factorization and collaborative filtering, which can be used in TensorFlow, are frequently used in recommender systems.

          5. Healthcare:

          • Applications of TensorFlow in the healthcare industry include the study of medical images, the diagnosis of diseases, and the development of new drugs.
          • TensorFlow models may be used to identify anomalies in medical pictures like X-rays and MRIs to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment planning.
          • TensorFlow can be used in the drug development process to forecast a prospective medication's effectiveness or to examine a potential medicine's molecular structure.

          6. Autonomous Vehicles:

          • A crucial element in creating autonomous driving systems is TensorFlow. Object detection, lane detection, and traffic sign recognition are some tasks it employs.
          • Autonomous cars can sense their surroundings and quickly make safe driving judgments by combining TensorFlow models with sensors and cameras.

          7. Finance:

          • Algorithmic trading, risk analysis, and fraud detection are just a few of the financial modeling uses for TensorFlow.
          • To evaluate financial data, spot probable fraud trends, and forecast stock values, TensorFlow models may be employed.

          8. Robotics:

          • Robot control, object manipulation, and path planning are all possible uses of TensorFlow in robotics.
          • Thanks to reinforcement learning and TensorFlow, robots can learn from their behaviors and modify them depending on feedback from the environment.

          9. Game Playing:

          • It has proven possible to build agents that can play board games and video games using TensorFlow.
          • Agents can learn the best game-playing methods thanks to deep neural networks and reinforcement learning algorithms.

          These are just a handful of the severa applications for which TensorFlow can be used. Researchers and builders from many fields turn to the library for its adaptability, scalability, and simplicity when resolving complex machine-getting-to-know and deep learning demanding situations.


          1. Flexibility and Versatility:

            TensorFlow offers an adaptable and versatile framework for creating various machine learning models, including deep neural networks. Researchers and developers may test alternative designs and optimization strategies using its broad APIs and tools.

            2. Effective Parallel Processing:

            TensorFlow enables effective parallel processing across CPUs and GPUs through the execution and optimization of its computational graph. As a result, it may be used to train big models on solid hardware.

            3. Automatic Differentiation:

            By employing the backpropagation algorithm to produce gradients automatically, TensorFlow speeds up model training and makes it easier to incorporate complex optimization techniques like stochastic gradient descent (SGD).

            4. Rich Ecosystem:

            TensorFlow has a solid industrial backer base, a sizable user community, and a thriving environment. As a result, many tools, pre-trained models, and third-party libraries become available that may be quickly included in applications.

            5. High-Level APIs:

            TensorFlow includes high-level APIs, like Keras, to streamline model creation and reduce boilerplate code. To design and train models, Keras offers a simple, straightforward interface.

            6. Distributed Computing:

            TensorFlow's support for distributed computing enables users to train models over several GPUs or computers. For deep learning activities to be scaled up to handle massive datasets and intricate models, this is crucial.

            7. TensorBoard Visualization:

            TensorBoard, the tool for TensorFlow, offers real-time and interactive visualizations of model performance, computational graphs, and training metrics. Practical model analysis and debugging are made possible by this.


            1. Steep Learning Curve:

              TensorFlow can have a high learning curve, particularly for those new to machine learning and deep learning. Understanding ideas like graph optimizations, sessions (in previous versions), and computational graphs could take some effort.

              2. Verbose Code:

              Writing complicated models in TensorFlow can produce verbose code, especially with low-level APIs. Due to this rhetoric, the code may become more challenging to comprehend and maintain.

              3. Hardware Requirements:

              TensorFlow training deep learning models frequently takes substantial processing and memory resources, which might be a barrier for people or organizations with minimal funding.

              4. Debugging Complexity:

              TensorFlow code debugging may be difficult, mainly when working with big models and intricate structures. Errors might occur due to problems with the data pipeline, model setup, or graph formation.

              5. Version compatibility:

              TensorFlow periodically makes changes between versions that may cause problems with older code or previously trained models. Code migration to newer versions may call for modifications.

              6. Resource Intensive:

              TensorFlow may use many resources, including memory and computing power, which may prevent it from being used on devices with limited resources, such as smartphones and edge devices.

              7. The Complexity of Customization:

              Although TensorFlow offers flexibility, some portions of the framework might be hard to adjust and much less user-pleasant, specifically when using low-level APIs.

              Ultimately, TensorFlow is an effective and well-liked deep getting-to-know framework with various benefits, including adaptability, effectiveness, and an enormous ecosystem. However, it has numerous drawbacks, including a high mastering curve and possible aid shortages. Judging whether TensorFlow is the best option for a particular machine learning assignment requires careful analysis of the unique use case and project needs.