VB.NET Continue Statement

VB.NET Continue Statement: The utilization of Continue statement is performed such that the loop repetitions can be skipped and continue with the next iteration. The body of loops like For, While, Do While are written using Continue Statement when having a condition for any of them. .

Difference between Continue and Exit Statement

In the Exit Statement, when Exit Statement occurs, the loop operation is stopped immediately or it exits the loop.

On the other hand, in the Continue Statement, the particular iteration process is skipped and then continue with the next iteration with no need of ending the ongoing loop.  


Continue {Do | For | While}

Flowchart: Continue Statement

This is the flowchart description for the Continue Statement in the VB.NET language.

VB.NET Continue Statement

The above figure shows the Continue Statement flow. In this, a Continue Statement is entered within a loop such that the specific iteration is skipped.

Mostly, a Continue Statement is used when a condition is provided.When the given condition is correct, the particular iteration is skipped at once and the control moves to the starting of the loop for creating the further iteration.

Here are some examples showing the use of loop in continue statement. In these examples, the code execution is skipped and the controls are directed to the start of the loop to create multiple statements in the program in VB.NET.

Use of the statement of continue in the While End loop

Example 1: Write a simple program using the Loop End Statement.


Imports System  
Module Continue_While  
Sub Main()  
 'Declaration and initialization of variable i  
Dim i As Integer = 5
'Define the While Loop Condition  
While i < 15  
If i = 11 Then  
 Console.WriteLine(" Skipped number is {0}", i)  
i += 1 ' skip the define iteration  
Continue While  
End If  
Console.WriteLine(" Value of i is {0}", i)  
 i += 1 ' Update the variable i by 1  
End While  
Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
End Sub  
End Module  


VB.NET Continue Statement

Use of Continue statement in For Next loop

Example 2: Write a simple program to print the number from 10 to 1 with Continue Statement in For Next loop.


Imports System  
Module Continue_For  
 Sub Main()  
    'Declaration and initialization of variable i, num  
        Dim i As Integer = 15  
        Dim num As Integer  
        'Define the For Loop Condition  
        For i = 15 To 1 Step -1  
  If i = 7 Then ' if i = 7, it skips the iteration   
 num = i 'Assign the skip value to num variable  
Continue For ' Continue with Next Iteration  
  End If  
 Console.WriteLine(" Value of i is {0}", i)  
 Console.WriteLine(" Skipped number is {0}", num)  
  Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
End Sub  
End Module  


VB.NET Continue Statement

Use of Continue statement in Do While loop

Example 3: Write a simple program to Understand the use of Continue Statement in Do While loop.


Imports System
Module Continue_Do_While  
  Sub Main()  
    'Declaration and initialization of local variable  
       Dim i As Integer = 15, num As Integer  
      'Definition the Do While Loop  
      If i = 17 Then  
      num = i  
     i += 1 ' skip the define iteration  
    Continue Do  
End If  
            Console.WriteLine(" Value of i is {0}", i)  
            i += 1 ' Update the variable i by 1  
        Loop While i < 25  
        Console.WriteLine(" Skipped number is {0}", num)  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module  


VB.NET Continue Statement

The Continue statement causes the loop to skip remaining part of its body and immediately retest its condition prior to reiterating. It works somewhat like the Exit statement. Instead of forcing termination, it forces the next iteration of the loop to take place, skipping any code in between.

For the For...Next loop, Continue statement causes the conditional test and increment portions of the loop to execute. For the While and Do...While loops, continue statement causes the program control to pass to the conditional tests.