Excel VBA Conditional Statement

Conditional Statement in VBA Excel

Conditional Statements in Excel VBA are one of the most powerful and useful features in programming, this will give you to perform comparisons to decide or loop through a specified number of iterations based on certain criteria.

The various conditional statements are as follows:

  1. IF….THEN statement
  2. IF…..THEN …ELSE Statement
  3. If … ElseIf … Else Statement
  4. If … ElseIf … ElseIf Statement or Nested If statement
  5. Select … Case

Example 1

Sub Conditional_Statement_Example1()
Dim CurRow As Byte
CurRow = 2
'Using Do Until Loop
Do Until Cells(CurRow, 1) = ""
'If..Else statement
If Cells(CurRow, 3) > 200 Then
Cells(CurRow, 5) = "Qualified" 
Cells(CurRow, 5) = "Not Qualified"
'Closing the IF
End If
CurRow = CurRow + 1
End Sub 


Conditional Statements in Excel VBA

Example 2

Sub Conditional_Statement_Example2() 
  'Variable declaration
  Dim Marks As String
  'Accepting the month by the user
  Marks = InputBox("Enter the students percentile marks:", "Marks")
  If Marks <= 100 And Marks >= 91 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is A1 
  MsgBox "Grade : A1"
  ElseIf Marks < 91 And Marks >= 81 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is A2
  MsgBox "Grade : A2"
  ElseIf Marks < 81 And Marks >= 71 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is B1
  MsgBox "Grade : B1" 
  ElseIf Marks < 71 And Marks >= 61 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is B2
  MsgBox "Grade : B2"
  ElseIf Marks < 61 And Marks >= 51 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is C1
  MsgBox "Grade : C1"
  ElseIf Marks < 51 And Marks >= 41 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is C2
  MsgBox "Grade : C2" 
  ElseIf Marks < 40 And Marks >= 33 Then
  'Check if the Student's Grade is D
  MsgBox "Grade : D"
  'Check if the student has failed
  MsgBox "Grade : Fail" 
  End If
 End Sub 


VBA Conditional Statement
Conditional Statement

Example 3

Sub Conditional_Statement_Example3()
Select Case Range("B2")
Case "C2"
Range("C2") = Range("B2") / 100
Case "D2"
Range("D2") = Range("B2") / 100
Case "D3", "D4"
Range("E2") = Range("B2") / 100
Case Else 
Range("F2") = Range("B2") / 100
End Select
End Sub 


Sub Conditional Statement Example3