Excel VBA IsNumeric Function

VBA IsNumeric Function: The IsNumeric function in VBA returns a Boolean value showing whether the specified Expression contains a numeric value or not.


IsNumeric (Expression)


Expression (required)- This parameter represents the variant that you want to check for numeric.


This function returns a Boolean value True if the given expression contains a numeric value else it returns False.

Example 1

Sub IsNumeric_Example1()
 Dim var
 Dim is_Num As Boolean
 var = 8
 is_Num = IsNumeric(var)
 ' The variable is_Num will return True.
 MsgBox (is_Num)
 End Sub 



Excel VBA IsNumeric Function

Example 2

Sub IsNumeric_Example2()
 Dim var
 Dim is_Num As Boolean
 var = 10
 Set var = Nothing
 is_Num = IsNumeric(var)
 ' The variable is_Num will return False.
 MsgBox (is_Num) 
 End Sub 


Excel VBA IsNumeric Function