VBA TimeSerial Function

The TimeSerial function in VBA returns a Time for the specified hour, minute, and second.


TimeSerial (Hour, Minute, Second)


Hour (required) – This parameter represents an integer (0 to 23), signifying the hour of the time.

Minute (required) – This parameter represents an integer (0 to 59), signifying the minute of the time. If it is less than 0 or greater than 59, this value is subtracted from, or added to, the specified number of hours.

Second (required) – This parameter represents an integer (0 to 59) representing the second of the time. If it is less than 0 or greater than 59, this value is subtracted from, or added to, the specified number of minutes.


This function returns a Time for the given hour, minute, and second.

Example 1

Sub TimeSerialFunction_Example1()
 ' It will return the time dor given hour, minute, second
 Dim time_val As Date
 Dim hour_val As Integer, minute_val As Integer, second_val As Integer
 hour_val = 9 
 minute_val = 56
 second_val = 45
 'calculating the time based on above values
 time_val = TimeSerial(hour_val, minute_val, second_val) 
 ' The variable time_val will rteurn a time value 9:56:45 AM.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = time_val
 End Sub 


9:56:45 AM

VBA TimeSerial Function

Example 2

Sub TimeSerialFunction_Example2()
 ' It will return the time dor given hour, minute, second
 Dim time_val As Date
 Dim hour_val As Integer, minute_val As Integer, second_val As Integer
 hour_val = 9
 'when the supplied Minute or Second argument is outside the range 0 - 59. 
 minute_val = -1
 second_val = 45
 'calculating the time based on above values
 time_val = TimeSerial(hour_val, minute_val, second_val)
 ' The variable time_val will rteurn a time value 9:56:45 AM.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = time_val
 End Sub 


8:59:45 AM

VBA TimeSerial Function

Example 3

Sub TimeSerialFunction_Example3()
 ' It will return the time dor given hour, minute, second
 Dim time_val As Date
 Dim hour_val As Integer, minute_val As Integer, second_val As Integer
 hour_val = 9
 minute_val = 0 
 second_val = 60
 'calculating the time based on above values
 time_val = TimeSerial(hour_val, minute_val, second_val) 
 ' The variable time_val will rteurn a time value 9:01:00 AM.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = time_val
 End Sub 


9:01:00 AM

VBA TimeSerial Function