Maven Dependency Spring Framework

A Brief Overview of the Spring Framework

One Java platform that offers extensive infrastructure assistance for creating Java applications is the Spring Framework. Spring takes care of the setup, allowing you to concentrate on your application.

With Spring, you may use "plain old Java objects" (POJOs) as the building blocks for applications and apply corporate services to them in a non-intrusive way. This feature is applicable to both full and partial Java EE as well as the Java SE programming model.

Some examples of how the Spring platform can help you as an application developer are as follows:

  • You can avoid dealing with transaction APIs by having a Java method run in a database transaction.
  • Create an HTTP endpoint from a local Java method without interacting with the Servlet API.
  • Create a message handler for a local Java method without needing to handle the JMS API.
  • Activate a local Java method as a management function to avoid interacting with the JMX API.

Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection

An application in Java, which can be anything from n-tier, server-side enterprise apps to restricted, embedded apps, is generally made up of objects working together to make the application itself. As a result, items within an application are dependent upon one another.

Architects and developers are responsible for organizing the fundamental building elements into a cohesive whole, even though the Java platform offers a plethora of capabilities for application development. While you can create the different classes and object instances using design patterns like Factory, Abstract Factory, Builder, Decorator, and Service Locator that make up an application, these patterns are just named best practices with accompanying descriptions of their functions, applications, problems they solve, and other details. Patterns are codified recommended practices that you need to apply in your application on your own.

This issue is addressed by the Spring Framework Inversion of Control (IoC) component, which offers a structured method for assembling various parts into a usable, fully functional application. Formalized design patterns are codified in the Spring Framework as first-class objects that you may incorporate into your application. This is how many institutions and organizations use the Spring Framework to create reliable, maintainable applications.

Parts of the Framework

  The elements of the Spring Framework are arranged into roughly 20 modules. The following diagram shows how these modules are organized into the following groups: Core Container, Data Access/Integration, Web, AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), Instrumentation, Messaging, and Test.

Maven Dependency Spring Framework

Primary Container

The spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, spring-context-support, and spring-expression (Spring Expression Language) modules make up the Core Container.

The IoC and Dependency Injection functionalities, as well as other essential components of the framework, are provided by the spring-core and spring-beans modules. A complex application of the factory design is the BeanFactory. This eliminates the requirement for programmatic singletons and enables you to separate the actual program logic from the configuration and dependency specification.

Building upon the strong foundation established by the Core and Beans modules, the Context (spring-context) module provides a framework-style method of object access akin to a JNDI registry. The Beans module provides functionality that the Context module inherits, together with support for internationalization (using resource bundles, for instance), event propagation, resource loading, and the transparent context construction carried out by Servlet containers, for instance. Additional Java EE capabilities supported by the Context module include EJB, JMX, and simple remoting.

The center of the Context module is the ApplicationContext interface. Spring application context integration is made possible with the help of the spring-context-support package. This includes support for caching (EhCache, Guava, JCache), mailing (JavaMail), scheduling (CommonJ, Quartz), and template engines (FreeMarker, JasperReports, Velocity).

An object graph can be manipulated and queried at runtime using the robust Expression Language offered by the spring-expression module. It is an expansion of the JSP 2.1 specification's unified expression language (unified EL). The language allows you to access the contents of arrays, collections, and indexers, as well as set and retrieve property values, assign properties, and invoke methods.

Propagation, loading of resources, and transparent context generation using methods like named variables, S logical and arithmetic operators, and object retrieval by name via Spring's IoC container, to mention a few. Common list aggregations and list projection and selection are also supported.

Maven Dependency Spring Framework

To encompass the Spring Framework as a dependency in a Maven mission, you want to add the right dependency facts in your venture's pom.Xml document. The Spring Framework is modular so that you can pick out the particular modules you need based on your requirements.

Here's an example of ways you may add a dependency for the center module of the Spring Framework (spring-context):


    <!-- Other dependencies -->

    <!-- Spring Framework Core -->







In this situation, the groupId is "org.Springframework," the artifactId is "spring-context," and the version is "5.3.8." You can update the version with the state-of-the-art model available.

If you need extra modules, you could upload more dependencies for that reason. Here are some examples:

<!-- Spring Web (if you need web-related functionality) -->






<!-- Spring Data JPA (if you're working with JPA and databases) -->






<!-- Spring Boot (if you're building a Spring Boot application) -->






Maven-Based Basic Spring Dependencies:

Because Spring is very modular, using one component shouldn't and doesn't require using another. For instance, the MVC Spring libraries and the persistence can be absent from the basic Spring Context.

First, let's create a basic Maven configuration that will solely utilize the spring-context dependency.










There are only a few dependencies for this dependency (spring-context), which defines the real Spring Injection Container and includes spring-core, spring-expression, spring-aop, and spring-beans. These enhance the container by providing support for a few of the fundamental Spring technologies: the JavaBeans mechanism, the Core Spring utilities, the Spring Expression Language (SpEL), and the support for aspect-oriented programming.

Take note that the dependency is defined in the runtime scope; doing so will ensure that no compile-time dependencies on any Spring-specific APIs exist. Simpler projects can utilize the framework without compiling against Spring, but for more complex use cases, the runtime scope of some specific Spring dependencies may be eliminated.

Furthermore, take note that the minimum Java version needed for Spring 5.2 is JDK 8. Additionally, it supports JDK 13, the most recent OpenJDK release, and JDK 11, the current LTS branch.

Using Maven in Spring MVC:

In addition to the basic dependencies mentioned above, two more dependencies must be added to the pom in order to leverage the Spring Web and Servlet support:











While spring-webmvc activates the MVC functionality for Servlet environments, the spring-web dependency provides common web-specific utilities for both Servlet and Portlet environments.

Using spring-webmvc eliminates the need to define spring-web since spring-web is a dependency of spring-webmvc explicitly.

With Spring 5.0, we can add the Spring WebFlux dependency for the reactive-stack web framework support:






   The practical aspects of integrating Spring with Maven are covered in this article. Of course, these are only a few of the most important Maven dependencies; there may be a few more that should be mentioned but still need to be cut. Still, this ought to be a solid place to start if you want to use Spring in a project.

Whilst operating with the Spring Framework in a Maven assignment, dealing with dependencies is a vital thing in constructing strong and scalable programs. Maven simplifies the process of such external libraries, which include the Spring Framework and its numerous modules, with the aid of specifying dependencies in the project's pom.Xml document.

Whether you are developing an internet utility, integrating with databases, securing your software, or building microservices, Spring offers a wide variety of modules to meet your wishes. By cautiously choosing which includes the perfect dependencies, you could leverage the electricity of the Spring atmosphere to decorate your challenge's functionality and maintainability.


Always seek advice from the official documentation and the Maven Central Repository to ensure that you are using the cutting-edge and well-suited variations of Spring dependencies. Additionally, recollect the precise necessities of your assignment to include only the modules essential for your software, retaining your assignment lightweight and green.

By following first-class practices in dependency management and staying knowledgeable about updates in the Spring surroundings, you may streamline your improvement manner and take complete gain of the functions and blessings that the Spring Framework gives.