Salesforce CRM Fields

CRM Fields  

Fields contain columns like “First Name”, “Quantity”, or “Date” that define our data stored in the sheet in rows or records.

There are few standard fields of the which puts on every object.

 Like, a few field types include standard objects, and it cannot have a custom field’s kind.

Default and Special

Several fields are objected by default, and it cannot be removed. Some fields cannot be recreated as custom field types. Following are the default fields:

  • Name: It is a character text field which is used to store the individual name of every record in the database.

It can also be set to be a formatted auto number on Custom Objects.

  • Created By: Compound User object lookup and Date/Time field is present on every record in the database, and it is comprised of CreateById User lookup and Created Date. Date and Time record was created in UTC.
  • Currency: Every object must be a set for every record only if the Multicurrency feature is enabled in the given instance. It stored in the database as CurrencyIsoCode.
  • Last Modified By: Compound User object lookup and Date/Time field present on every record in the database comprise of LastModifiedById, User lookup and LastModifiedDate. Date or Time record was last modified in UTC. The record was just created, and it is equal to Created Date.
  • Owner: The User object lookup field is present on every record and the object in the database except for those acting as the detail object in Master-Detail relationships.
  • Address: The standard compound field found on particular standard objects. Comprised of different API (Application Programming Interface), names based on the object, but it always includes the following components of an address. It also provides data in-country code and state code fields if the State and Country picklist features are enabled.
  • Related To: The particular field type found on the Activity standard object. It allows a relational lookup to any object that will enable all the Activities, and it stores all the Activities in a database that can only relate to the Lead and Contact standard objects as well as it relates to all other objects.


Calculated fields are not shown on edit or data entry pages, and they are calculated on the saved record.

  • AutoNumber: AutoNumber is generated as a formatted auto number for every record which is created. When the user is creating the auto number field, we can set the format, and we select the starting number.
  • Formula: The field type that allows for specifying the formula to evaluate the value that can be conditional based or a calculation based.

Formula fields have several different return types they can be created as:

  • Checkbox: The formula must check the value is true or false.
  • Currency: The formula must evaluate a numerical value.
  • Date: The formula must check to date value.
  • Date/Time: The formula must evaluate to a Date/Time or data value.
  • Number: The formula must check a numerical value.
  • Percent: The formula must evaluate to a numerical value.
  • Text: A text type formulas can return any value. It can also return images, and URLs using the IMAGE (), and the URL () functions.A general use case for a text formula returning an image is to return a colored icon, which is based on status.
  • Roll-Up Summary: A roll-up summary only becomes available on the Master object in a master-detail relationship. It allows us to quickly “roll-up” data about the detail objects such as:
  • The sum of several fields on all the detail records.
  • The count of detail records
  • The max value of a field across all the detail records.
  • The min value of a field across all the detail records.

We can also define conditions only to include records meeting specific criteria.

For example, the sum of the total amount on all records where status = sold. There is a limit of 25 roll-up summary fields as per master object, and we can use them wisely.


Relational field types create relationships between objects. It often makes sense to group several data, without actually making it just one object with many fields.

 For example, a "Shopping Cart” object with related “Shopping Cart Item” object records.

There are three different types of relationship fields:

  • Lookup Relationship: This is a “weak” link, it means that we can leave it blank as far as the database is uneasy.

Our case will resolve whether we require this relationship filled out or not.

  • Master-Detail Relationship: This is a “strong” link. We can have up to a maximum of two master relationship fields as per object, which turns the detail object into as a Junction Object. Junction Objects serve to consider defining the relationship between two other objects.

Master-Detail relationships also provide an additional benefit over Lookups that are called as Roll-up Summary fields.

These roll-up fields allow for the creation of summary data fields that are based on the child object records, like the count of child records or a sum of the child record number field.

For example: The shopping cart item specifies the relationship between the shopping cart and the product by defining quantity and any other attributes that indicate the Junction Object.

  • External Lookup Relationship: External Lookup Relationship is a way to link different Salesforce instances together, or it includes data in external databases. It is beyond the scope, but we can define external data sources, and it includes their tables/objects in the relationships with our Salesforce data.


The following fields are most clear, but some of them have a few hints that to be aware of:

  • Checkbox: Checkbox represents a true/false value.
  • Currency: The currency represents an amount. If multicurrency is enabled, it sets default to the Local formatting of the amount selected as the currency for the record.
  • Date: It represents a date with no time. Always stored in UTC and converted to the current user’s local settings when it is viewed.
  • Date/Time: Date/Time represents a date with a specific time. It is always stored in UTC and converted to the current user's local settings when viewed.
  • Email: Email address stored in an Email, and it delivered as a mail action URL to facilitate click-to-email.
  • Number: Number stores a numeric value. The maximum digit length is 18 that can be split between whole numbers and decimal values.
  • Percent: Percent stores a percentage as a whole number. When referencing these fields type in code, we must divide a percent by 100 to get the decimal percentage equivalent, and it multiplies by 100 before setting the value.
  • Text: The plain text field has a maximum length of 255, defined when created.
  • Text Area: The plain text field that can support multiple lines. It has 255 characters maximum.
  • Text Area (Long): The plain text field with maximum characters of 131,072 that can span multiple lines.
  • Text Area (Rich): The text area which is available with a rich text editor. It can support multiple lines, and it is stored in the database as an html-formatted text.
  • Text (Encrypted): It has a particular type of text field that can use the masks to cover up specific data like credit card information partially. It should be used to store any sensitive and critical data that not all users see. The max length of 175 characters due to encryption.

Text field type also has permission around it to allow certain users to view the encrypted data while allowing others to edit.

  • URL: The particular type of text field that is available as a clickable link. We can easily omit the http in a URL, but it includes https if desired.