Excel VBA Chr Function

VBA Chr Function: The Chr function in VBA returns the character equivalent to a supplied character code between 0 and 255.


Chr (CharCode)


CharCode (required) – This parameter represents the character code for which you require the equivalent character.


This function returns the character equivalent to a supplied character code between 0 and 255.

Example 1

Sub CharFunction_Example1()
 ' It will Return the characters for the codes 65
 Dim char As String
 char = Chr(65)
 ' The variable char will return "A"
 Cells(1, 1).Value = char
 End Sub 



VBA Chr Function

Example 2

Sub CharFunction_Example2()
 ' It will Return the characters for the codes 97
 Dim char As String
 char = Chr(97)
 ' The variable char will return "a"
 Cells(1, 1).Value = char
 End Sub 



VBA Chr Function

Example 3

Sub CharFunction_Example3()
 ' It will Return the characters for the codes -87
 Dim char As String
 'passing negative value
 char = Chr(-87)
 ' The variable char will return a run-time error.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = char
 End Sub 


VBA Chr Function