Excel VBA Tan Function

VBA Tan Function: The Tan function in VBA returns the tangent for the specified angle in radians.


Tan (Number)


Number (required) – This parameter represents the angle supplied in radiant that you want to calculate the tangent of.


This function returns the tangent of a supplied angle in radians.

Example 1

Sub TanFunction_Example1()
 ' Calculating the tangent for the specified number.
 Dim tan_val1 As Double
 Dim tan_val2 As Double
 Dim tan_val3 As Double
 tan_val1 = Tan(90)
 ' The variable tan_val1 will return value -1.99520041220824.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = tan_val1
 tan_val2 = Tan(0)
 ' The variable tan_val2 will return value 0.
 Cells(2, 1).Value = tan_val2
 tan_val3 = Tan(3.14159265358979)
 ' The variable tan_val3 will return value -3.23108510433268E-15.
 Cells(3, 1).Value = tan_val3
 End Sub 


VBA Tan Function

Example 2

Sub TanFunction_Example2()
 ' Calculating the tangent for the specified number.
 Dim tan_val As Double
 tan_val = Tan(0.785398163397448)
 ' The variable tan_val will return value 1.61977519054386.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = tan_val
 End Sub 



VBA Tan Function

Example 3

Sub TanFunction_Example3()
 ' Calculating the tangent  for the specified number.
 Dim tan_val As Double
 Const pi = 3.14159265358979
 ' Converting 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
 tan_val = Tan(60 * pi / 180)
 ' The variable tan_val will return radian 1.73205080756887.
 Cells(1, 1).Value = tan_val
 End Sub 



VBA Tan Function