Excel VBA Timer Function

Excel VBA Timer Function: The Timer function in VBA returns a Single data type, evaluating the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight of the current day.


Timer ()




This function returns a Single data type after evaluating the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight of the current day. 

Example 1

Sub TimerFunction_Example1()
 ' It will return the number of seconds since midnight
 Dim secs_val As Single
 secs_val = Timer()
 ' The variable secs_val will return 83638.67188
 Cells(1, 1).Value = secs_val
 End Sub 



VBA Timer Function

Example 2

Sub TimerFunction_Example2()
 ' It will return the number of seconds since midnight
 Dim secs_val1 As Single, secs_val2 As Single
 secs_val1 = Timer() 
 MsgBox (secs_val1 & "seconds")
 'returning the next number of seconds since midnight
 secs_val2 = Timer()
 MsgBox (secs_val2 & "seconds")
 'returing the difference
 MsgBox ("Time taken to run code:" & vbNewLine & secs_val1 - secs_val2 & " seconds")
 End Sub 


VBA Timer Function
VBA Timer Function
VBA Timer Function