Grammar in Automata | Types of Grammar

Grammar in automata refers to a set of rules that describe how to form valid strings in a particular language. Grammars are an essential part of automata theory and are used to specify the syntax of programming languages, formal languages, and other computational systems.

Formally, a grammar in automata is a set of production rules that describe how to generate all possible strings in the language. These rules consist of a set of non-terminal symbols, which are replaced by a sequence of terminal and non-terminal symbols to form a string. A non-terminal symbol represents a rule that can be further expanded into other symbols, whereas a terminal symbol represents a symbol that cannot be further expanded.

A grammar can be represented in different ways, including as a context-free grammar, regular grammar, or a context-sensitive grammar. Each type of grammar has its own set of rules and restrictions that determine the types of languages that can be generated.

In automata theory, grammars are used to define and analyze formal languages, which are sets of strings that follow a specific set of rules. By using grammars, we can determine whether a particular string belongs to a language or not, and we can also generate new strings in the language by following the grammar rules.

Grammar is used in various aspects of our daily lives to communicate effectively in spoken and written language. Here are some real-life examples of grammar:

  1. Writing emails: When we write an email, we use grammar rules to ensure that our message is clear and easy to understand. For example, we use proper punctuation to separate sentences, use correct verb tenses to indicate time, and use appropriate capitalization to denote the start of a sentence or a proper noun.
  2. Speaking in meetings: In a business meeting, it is essential to use proper grammar when speaking to convey our ideas effectively. We need to use the correct subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and word order to communicate our thoughts clearly.
  3. Writing a resume: When we write a resume, we need to use proper grammar to showcase our skills and qualifications. Using proper punctuation and sentence structure can make a resume easier to read and understand for potential employers.
  4. Texting: Even in informal communication like texting, we use grammar to convey our messages clearly. Using proper punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure can help avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
  • Social media: When posting on social media, we use grammar to communicate our thoughts and ideas effectively. Using proper grammar rules can help us avoid misunderstandings and ensure that our message is clear and concise.

Elements of Grammar in Automata

To get better understanding of grammar, we first understand the elements of grammar. Elements of a grammar depends on types of grammar. The basic elements of grammar are given below:

In formal language theory, the letters v, t, p, and s are commonly used as shorthand for the components of a grammar in Automata.

  1. v: The letter v stands for the set of non-terminal symbols in a grammar. Non-terminal symbols are placeholders for syntactic categories that can be replaced by other symbols or combinations of symbols in a derivation.
  2. t: The letter t stands for the set of terminal symbols in a grammar. Terminal symbols are the actual symbols or tokens that appear in the language being generated by the grammar.
  3. p: The letter p stands for the set of production rules in a grammar. Production rules define the transformations that can be applied to non-terminal symbols to generate a sequence of terminal symbols. Each production rule consists of a non-terminal symbol on the left-hand side and a sequence of symbols (terminal and/or non-terminal) on the right-hand side.
  4. s: The letter s stands for the start symbol in a grammar. The start symbol is a special non-terminal symbol that serves as the initial symbol for generating the language. A derivation starts with the start symbol and applies a sequence of production rules to generate a sequence of symbols until all non-terminal symbols are replaced by terminal symbols.

In automata theory, the letters v, t, and s are used in a similar way to describe the components of a finite automata.

  • v: The letter v stands for the set of states in a finite automata. Each state represents a possible configuration of the machine.
  • t: The letter t stands for the input alphabet in a finite automaton. The input alphabet is the set of symbols that can be read by the machine.
  • s: The letter s stands for the start state in a finite automaton. The start state is the initial configuration of the machine when it starts processing an input.

Types of Grammar in Automata

There are several types of grammars in automata theory, each with different properties and capabilities. The four main types of grammars are:

1. Regular Grammar

A regular grammar is a type of formal grammar that generates a regular language. A regular language is a language that can be recognized by a finite automata or a regular expression. Regular grammars are the simplest type of formal grammars and are commonly used in computer science and programming language theory.

In a regular grammar, all the production rules have only one non-terminal symbol on the left-hand side and a terminal symbol or a non-terminal symbol followed by a terminal symbol on the right-hand side. The non-terminal symbols represent a group of one or more strings of symbols, while the terminal symbols represent the basic building blocks of the language.

The formal definition of a regular grammar can be written as follows:

A regular grammar is a quadruple G = (V, Σ, P, S), where

  • V is a finite set of non-terminal symbols,
  • Σ is a finite set of terminal symbols,
  • P is a set of production rules of the form A → α, where A is a non-terminal symbol and α is a string of symbols in (V ∪ Σ) *, and
  • S is the start symbol.

The production rules in a regular grammar must be in one of the following forms:

  • A → aB, where A and B are non-terminals, and a is a terminal symbol
  • A → a, where A is a non-terminal, and a is a terminal symbol
  • S → ε, where S is the start symbol, and ε represents the empty string

For example, consider the regular grammar G = ({S, A, B}, {0, 1}, P, S) with the production rules:

  • S → 0A
  • A → 1B
  • B → 0A | 1B | ε

In this grammar, S is the start symbol, and the non-terminal symbols are S, A, and B. The terminal symbols are 0 and 1. The production rules follow the above format, where the left-hand side is a non-terminal symbol, and the right-hand side is a string of symbols consisting of non-terminals and terminals.

Using this grammar, we can generate strings in the regular language L(G), which is the set of all strings that can be recognized by a finite automaton or a regular expression. For example, the string "010101" is in L(G) because it can be generated by the grammar as follows:

  • S → 0A
  • A → 1B
  • B → 0A
  • A → 1B
  • B → 0A
  • A → 1B
  • B → ε

In summary, a regular grammar is a simple formal grammar that generates a regular language, which is a language that can be recognized by a finite automata or a regular expression. The production rules in a regular grammar have a specific format, and the grammar can be used to generate strings in the regular language by applying the production rules starting from the start symbol.

2. Context-Free Grammar

A context-free grammar (CFG) is a formal grammar that describes a formal language by specifying a set of production rules that generate the language's strings. It is widely used in the field of theoretical computer science and linguistics.

A CFG consists of a set of terminals, a set of non-terminals, a start symbol, and a set of production rules. Terminals are symbols that cannot be replaced by other symbols, while non-terminals are symbols that can be replaced by other symbols. The start symbol is the symbol from which the derivation of a string begins.

A production rule in a CFG is a rule of the form A → β, where A is a non-terminal and β is a string of terminals and non-terminals. It specifies that the non-terminal A can be replaced by the string β. The production rules can be applied in any order and any number of times to derive a string in the language.

The language generated by a CFG is the set of all strings that can be derived by applying the production rules starting from the start symbol. A string is said to be in the language if there exists a derivation from the start symbol that generates the string.

A CFG can be represented using a formal notation called Backus-Naur Form (BNF). BNF is a notation that expresses the production rules in a concise and readable form. In BNF, the start symbol is indicated by enclosing it in angle brackets (< >) and the terminals are indicated by enclosing them in quotes (' '). For example, the BNF for a simple CFG that generates the language of all strings of a's and b's is:

•	<start> → <string>
•	<string> → <string> <letter> | <letter>
•	<letter> → 'a' | 'b'

This CFG consists of a start symbol <start>, two non-terminals <string> and <letter>, and two terminals 'a' and 'b'. The production rules specify that a string can be generated by concatenating another letter or by starting with a letter. The letter can be either 'a' or 'b'.

CFGs can be used to describe many types of formal languages, including programming languages, natural languages, and formal languages used in mathematics and logic. They provide a powerful tool for describing the structure of these languages and for analyzing their properties.

3. Context-Sensitive Grammar

A context-sensitive grammar is a type of formal grammar that generates context-sensitive languages, which can be recognized by linear-bounded automata. The production rules in a context-sensitive grammar have the form αAβ → αγβ, where A is a non-terminal symbol, α and β are strings of terminals and non-terminals, and γ is a string of terminals and non-terminals such that |γ| >= 1. Context-sensitive grammars are more powerful than context-free grammars and can generate more complex languages.

4. Unrestricted Grammar

An unrestricted grammar, also known as a type-0 grammar or a phrase-structure grammar, is a formal grammar that can generate any language that can be recognized by a Turing machine. This type of grammar is the most powerful in the Chomsky hierarchy of formal grammars, which describes the class of formal languages that can be generated by different types of grammars.

In an unrestricted grammar, the production rules have no restrictions on the form of the left-hand side or the right-hand side. The left-hand side can be any string of symbols, and the right-hand side can be any sequence of symbols, including the empty string. The production rules can also have any number of symbols on either side.

Formally, an unrestricted grammar G is a 4-tuple (V, T, P, S), where:

  • V is a finite set of variables (also called non-terminals), which represent syntactic categories or symbols that can be replaced by other symbols.
  • T is a finite set of terminals (also called alphabet), which are the basic symbols that appear in the language being generated.
  • P is a set of production rules, each of the form α → β, where α and β are strings of variables and terminals, and α is not empty. Each rule specifies that any occurrence of α in a string can be replaced by β.
  • S is a distinguished start variable, which is the initial symbol used to generate the language.

To generate a string in the language of the grammar, we start with the start variable S and repeatedly apply production rules until no more variables can be replaced. The resulting string is in the language of the grammar.

An example of an unrestricted grammar is the following:

  • V = {S, A, B}
  • T = {a, b}
  • P = {S → A, A → aB, B → bA}
  • S = S

This grammar generates the language {anbn | n = 1}, which consists of strings of the form a^n b^n, where n is a positive integer. To generate a string in this language, we start with S and apply the production rules as follows:

  • S → A (replace S by A)
  • A → aB (replace A by aB)
  • aB → aaBb (replace aB by aaBb)
  • aaBb → aabb (replace aaBb by aabb)

The resulting string is aabb, which is in the language.

In general, unrestricted grammars are very powerful and can be used to generate complex languages, including programming languages, natural languages, and other formal languages. However, they can also be difficult to work with, and there may not be efficient algorithms for parsing or manipulating them.


In conclusion, automata theory is an essential branch of computer science that studies the behavior and properties of abstract machines called automata. One of the fundamental aspects of automata theory is its connection to formal language theory, which involves the study of languages and grammars.

Grammars in automata theory are formal systems that specify the rules for generating strings in a language. They are used to describe the syntax and structure of programming languages, communication protocols, and other formal languages. Understanding the different types of grammars in automata theory is essential for developing formal languages, designing compilers, and creating efficient algorithms for language recognition and parsing.

Ambiguity in a grammar refers to the situation where a string can be generated by more than one parse tree. Ambiguity can lead to parsing conflicts and affect the correctness and efficiency of a parser. Therefore, it's important to design unambiguous grammars whenever possible.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that automata theory has many practical applications in computer science, including compiler design, parsing, natural language processing, and regular expression matching. Content writers who can explain these applications in simple terms can provide valuable insights to their readers.