C# Tutorial

C# Tutorial C# First Application C# Variables C# Data Types C# Operators C# Keywords

C# Control Statement

C# If Statements C# Switch Statements C# for Loop C# While Loop C# do While loop C# Jump Statements C# Function C# functions with out variable

C# Arrays

C# Arrays

C# Function

C# Function call by value C# Call by reference C# Passing array to function C# Multidimensional Arrays C# Jagged Arrays C# Params C# Array Class C# Command Line Arguments

C# Object Class

C# Object and Classes C# Constructors C# Destructor C# this Keyword C# static field C# static class C# Static Constructor C# Structs C# enum C# Properties

C# Inheritance

C# Inheritance C# Multilevel Inheritance C# Aggregation C# Member overloading C# Method Overriding C# Base

C# Polymorphism

C# Polymorphism C# Sealed

C# Abstraction

C# Abstraction C# Interface

C# Namespace

C# Namespace C# Access Modifiers C# Encapsulation

C# Strings

C# String

C# Misc

C# Design Patterns Dictionary in C# Boxing and Unboxing in C# Ref and Out in C# Serialization in C# Dispose and Finalize in C# CONSOLE LOG IN C# Get File extension in C# Insert query in c# Difference Between List and Dictionary in C# Getters and Setters in C# Extension Methods in C# Insert query in c# CONSOLE LOG IN C# Get File extension in C# Random.NextDouble() Method in C# Binary Search in C# Difference between Delegates and Interfaces in C# Double.IsFinite() Method in C# Index Constructor in C# Abstraction in C# Basic OOPS Concepts In C# Queue.CopyTo() Method in C# single.compareto() method in C# C# Throw Exception in Constructor DECODE IN C# file.setlastwritetimeutc() method in C# Convert Object to List in C# convert.ToSByte(string, IFormatProvider) Method in C# C# Declare Delegate in Interface console.TreatControl C As Input property in C# Copying the queue elements to 1-D Array in C# Array.Constrainedcopy() Method in C# C# in and out Char.IsLetterOrDigit() method in C# Debugging in C# decimal.compare() method in C# Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in C# Metadata in C# C# Event Handler Example Default Interface Methods in C# Difference between hashtable and dictionary in C# C# program to implement IDisposable Interface Encapsulation in C# SortedList.IndexOfVaalue(Object) Method in C# Hash Maps in C# How to clear text files in C# How to Convert xls to xlsx in C# Foreach loop in C# FIFO in C# How to handle null exception in C# Type.Is Instance Of Type() Method in C# How to add data into MySQL database using C# How to use angular js in ASP net Csharp decimal.compare() method in Csharp Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in Csharp How to Implement Interface in Csharp char.IsUpper() Method in C# Index Of Any() Method in C# Quantifiers in C# C# program to Get Extension of a Given File C# Error Logging C# ENCRIPTION Can we create an object for Abstract Class in C# Console.CursorVisible in C# SortedDictionary Implementation in C# C# Hash Table with Examples Setting the Location of the Label in c# Collections in c# Virtual Keyword in C# Reverse of string in C# String and StringBuilder in C# Encapsulation in C# SortedList.IndexOfVaalue(Object) Method in C# Hash Maps in C# How to clear text files in C# How to Convert xls to xlsx in C# Foreach loop in C# FIFO in C# How to handle null exception in C# Type.Is Instance Of Type() Method in C# How to add data into MySQL database using C# How to use angular js in ASP net Csharp decimal.compare() method in Csharp Difference between Console.Read and Console.Readline in Csharp How to Implement Interface in Csharp char.IsUpper() Method in C# Index Of Any() Method in C# Quantifiers in C# C# program to Get Extension of a Given File Difference between ref and out in C# Singleton Class in C# Const And Readonly In Csharp BinaryReader and BinaryWriter in C# C# Attributes C# Delegates DirectoryInfo Class in C# Export and Import Excel Data in C# File Class in C# FileInfo Class in C# How to Cancel Parallel Operations in C#? Maximum Degree of Parallelism in C# Parallel Foreach Loop in C# Parallel Invoke in C# StreamReader and StreamWriter in C# TextReader and TextWriter in C# AsQueryable() in C# Basic Database Operations Using C# C# Anonymous Methods C# Events C# Generics C# Indexers C# Multidimensional Indexers C# Multithreading C# New Features C# Overloading of Indexers Difference between delegates and events in C# Operator overloading in C# Filter table in C# C# Queue with Examples C# Sortedlist With Examples C# Stack with Examples C# Unsafe Code File Handling in C# HashSet in C# with Examples List Implementation in C# SortedSet in C# with Examples C# in Depth Delegates and Events in C# Finally Block in C# How to Split String in C# Loggers in C# Nullable Types in C# REVERSE A STRING IN C# TYPE CASTING IN C# What is Generics in C#

C# | C Sharp Tutorial

The C# Tutorial provides basic and advanced knowledge of C# . This will help the beginners as well as professionals in learning just more then enough about C#, A Programming language developed by Microsoft .

The tutorial includes all the basic and advanced topics of C# which are Control statements, Loops, Functions, OOPS Concepts, Multi-Threading,  Collections and many more . it will not only cover point to point theoretical concepts but the practical examples and logical Programs too .


You must have the knowledge of C and some oops concepts before learning C#.


C Sharp Tutorial will help beginners as well as professionals who are seeking for a change in their daily life general purpose programming language.

What is C#?

C# (Pronounced as see-sharp) is a general purpose object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft in the year of 2002 . The latest version of the language was released  as C# 7.2 along with Visual studio 2017 version 15.5 .

C# is approved by ECMA, ISO as a standard . C# is designed for CLI which stands for common language infrastructure (Executable code and run time environment ).

C# is influenced by C, C++, java, Pascal and many other object oriented programming languages.

Using C# we can develop following Applications

  1. Window applications
  2. Web applications
  3. Distributed applications
  4. Web service applications
  5. Database applications etc.

History of C#

History of C# is very interesting to know. In January, 1999 Anders Hejlsberg formed a team to build a C like object oriented programming language. At the time of creation they named the project as COOL which was abbreviated as C-like object oriented language but due to trademark reasons, they refused the name and renamed it as C# which means an addition to C++ and  was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates that the written note should be made a semitone higher in pitch.

The sharp symbol also represents four addition ‘+’ signs which shows C# as an addition to C++ programming language.

Version Details

Version Release Date
C# 1.0 January, 2002
C# 1.1 and C# 1.2 April, 2003
C# 2.0 November, 2005
C# 3.0 November, 2007
C# 4.0 April, 2010
C# 5.0 August, 2012
C# 6.0 July, 2015
C# 7.0 March, 2017
C# 7.1 August, 2017

C# Features:

C# Provides lot of features which are stated below:

  1. Object Oriented
  2. Simple
  3. Modern programming language
  4. Scalable
  5. Updatable
  6. Type Safe
  7. Rich set of library
  8. Automatic Garbage Collection
  9. Simple Multi Threading
  10. Component Oriented
  11. Fast speed

C# Tutorial Index

C# Control Statement

C# Arrays

C# Function

C# Object Class

C# Inheritance

C# Polymorphism

C# Abstraction

C# Namespace

C# Strings

C# Misc