AWS Terraform Tutorial

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) software tool created by HashiCorp. Through the use of a high-level configuration language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), it enables customers to create and manage their infrastructure as code.

Terraform is a tool that helps you create and manage your computer infrastructure (like servers and databases) using code instead of clicking buttons in a web interface.

With Terraform, you write code that describes what you want your infrastructure to look like, and then Terraform uses that code to create, modify, or delete resources in the cloud provider of your choice. This allows you to automate your infrastructure management, making it faster, more reliable, and more scalable. 

Terraform is widely used by DevOps and infrastructure engineers to manage infrastructure in a scalable and efficient way. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and other well-known cloud service providers are just a few of the ones it connects with.

What is Terraform's Lifecycle?

Terraform's lifecycle refers to the various stages that a resource goes through during its lifecycle within Terraform.

When you create a resource in Terraform, it goes through several stages, including creation, updates, and deletion. At each stage, Terraform performs certain actions, such as creating or deleting the resource in the cloud provider.

The lifecycle stage is important because it affects how Terraform manages the resource. For example, when a resource is created, Terraform knows that it needs to create it in the cloud provider. When the resource is updated, Terraform may need to make changes to the resource configuration or update the resource in the cloud provider.

Terraform also provides a way to control the lifecycle of a resource using the lifecycle block in the resource configuration. You can use this block to define specific actions that Terraform should take during a particular stage of the resource's lifecycle.

Overall, understanding Terraform's lifecycle is important for managing your infrastructure efficiently and ensuring that your resources are created and managed properly.

What are Terraform Core Concepts

Terraform Core Concepts refer to the fundamental concepts that form the basis of using Terraform to manage your infrastructure. The key concepts in Terraform include:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The concept of using code to describe and maintain infrastructure is the foundation of Terraform. In your code, you specify the intended state of your infrastructure, and Terraform creates and maintains it.
  • Providers: Providers are the plugins that Terraform employs in order to communicate with various cloud service providers. They provide the necessary APIs and resources that Terraform uses to manage your infrastructure.
  • Resources: The specific parts of your infrastructure that you wish to keep track of with Terraform are called resources. They can be virtual machines, databases, or any other resource that your cloud provider supports.
  • State: Terraform uses a state file to keep track of the current condition of your infrastructure. The disparities between the desired state and the existing state are identified in this file, and modifications are then made as needed.
  • Plan and Apply: Terraform provides a planning phase where it shows you what changes it will make to your infrastructure. Once you approve the changes, Terraform applies them to your infrastructure.

Understanding these core concepts is essential for using Terraform effectively and efficiently to manage your infrastructure.

Terraform Providers

Plugins referred to as Terraform Providers enable Terraform to communicate with various cloud providers and services.

Each provider is in charge of converting Terraform code into API requests that the provider can comprehend by learning the API of a particular cloud provider. This means that Terraform can work with a wide range of cloud providers and services, allowing you to manage all your infrastructure using a single tool.

For instance, you would utilize the AWS provider if you wanted to keep track of your infrastructure in AWS. This provider understands the AWS API and provides the necessary resources that Terraform can use to manage your infrastructure.

To use a provider in Terraform, you need to specify it in your Terraform code using the provider block. You also need to provide authentication credentials so that Terraform can access your cloud provider account.

At last, Terraform Providers are a key feature that makes Terraform a powerful tool for managing infrastructure in the cloud. They allow you to work with a wide range of cloud providers and services, all from a single tool, and provide a simple and consistent interface for managing your infrastructure.