Interview Questions

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Top 15 AWS Interview Questions for 2022

1) What is AWS?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services. It is a cloud web hosting platform that offers flexible, scalable, reliable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solutions.

2) What is Cloud Computing?

It is an internet-based computing service. Here, we can access to shared pools of configurable resources. It is used to store and process data.

3) What are the features of Cloud Computing?

Features of Cloud Computing are:
  • User can release resource on demand
  • Self Service and On demand Services
  • Automatically resources can be scaled up or down, depending on the load
  • Here, resources are pooled to serve a large number of customers.

4) What are the different types of Clouds?

Three types of Clouds are:
  • Public: Here, the resources and services are available to their customers via Internet.
  • Private: It is similar to public cloud, the data and services are managed by the organization or by the third party only.
  • Hybrid: It is the combination of both private and public cloud.

5) What are the advantages of Cloud Computing?

Advantages of Cloud Computing are:
  • Reliability
  • Cost-Efficient
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Backup & Recovery
  • Easy Access to Information

6) What are the types of Service Models are available in Cloud?

Types of Service Models in Cloud are:
  • IaaS: stands for Infrastructure as a Service
  • PaaS: stands for Platform as a Service
  • SaaS: stands for Software as a Service

7) What is Load Balancing?

It is the hardware or software load over web servers. It is used to improve the efficiency of the server as well as the application.

8) What are the disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing are:
  • Security issues
  • Technical issues
  • Not easy to switch service providers

9) What are the steps to access AWS services?

Steps to access AWS services are:
  • Step1: Create an AWS account.
  • Step2: Sign-up for AWS services.
  • Step3: Create your password and access your account credentials.
  • Step4: Activate your services in credits section.

10) What are the features of EC2 in AWS?

Features of EC2 are:
  • Secure
  • Reliable
  • Inexpensive
  • Flexible tools
  • Designed for Amazon Web Services

11) What are the Key Components of AWS?

Key Components of AWS are:
  • Route 53
  • CloudWatch
  • Simple E-mail Service
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Simple Storage Device or (S3)
  • Identity and Access Management

12) What is S3?

S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. It is an interface which is used to store and retrieve any amount of data.

13) What is AMI?

AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image. It is a template that provides the information about an operating system, an application server and applications.

14) How many buckets can you create in AWS by default?

100 buckets (By default).

15) What is Route 53?

Route 53: It is a DNS web service.