PHP array_udiff() Function

PHP array_udiff() Function

The array_udiff() function in PHP calculates the difference of arrays by using a callback function for data comparison.


array_udiff ( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ], callable $value_compare_func )


array1(required)- This array represents the first input array.

array2(required)- This array represents the second input array.

array3….(optional)- It represents more arrays to compare against.

value_compare_func(required)- This parameter represents a string that describe a callable comparison function. The comparison function returns an integer greater(<), equal to(=), or less than( >) than 0 if the first argument is greater(<), equal to(=), or less than( >) than the second argument.


This function returns an array containing all the values of the first input array that does not exists in any of the other given arrays.

Example 1

 "mango", "b" => "Grapes", "c" => "Guava", "orange");
 //initializing the input array2
 $array2 = array("a" => "Mango", "c" => "GRAPES", "yellow", "orange");
 echo("The array_uintersect_assoc() returns:\n ");
 //returns an array containing all the values of array1 that are not present in all the other given arrays
 //will check only the values nor the keys 
 $differnce=array_udiff ($array1, $array2, "strcasecmp");//case-insensitive
 //will return Guava


The array_uintersect_assoc() returns:
     [c] => Guava

Example 2

 "green", "2" => "brown", "3" => "blue", "red");
 //initializing the input array2
 $array2 = array("1" => "GREEN", "2" => "brown", "yellow", "red");
 echo("The array_udiff() returns:\n ");
 //returns an array containing all the values of array1 that are not present in all the other given arrays
 print_r(array_udiff ($array1, $array2, "strcasecmp"));


The array_udiff() returns:
     [3] => blue

Example 3

 //input array1
 //input array2
 //input array2
 // returns the difference of the three given arrays with the help of callable functions
 $diference=array_udiff ($array1,$array2,$array3,"myfunction");
 //will return null



Example 4

$b)? 1 : -1;  
 // initializing the Input Array 1 
 $array1 = array(05=>"Reema", 10=>"raj", 30=>"Atul"); 
 // initializing the Input Array 2
 $array2 = array(05=>"Mahesh", 40=>"Smitha", 30=>"Atul"); 
 //returns the difference of the three given arrays with the help of value callable functions
 $difference=array_udiff ($array1, $array2, "myfunction"); 


     [5] => Reema
     [10] => raj
     [30] => Atul