PHP convert_uuencode() Function

PHP convert_uuencode() Function

The convert_uuencode() function in PHP is used to encode a string and returns the uuencoded data.


convert_uuencode ( string $data )


data(required)- This parameter represents the data to be encoded.


This function returns the uuencoded data or FALSE on failure.

Example 1

// initializing the string
$str = "Hello World ! ";
echo "Original String: ".$str;
//after encoding the string
echo "After using the convert_uuencode() function..." 
echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uuencode($str);


Original String: Hello World ! 
New String: .2&5L;&\@5V]R;&0@(2``

Example 2

 // initializing the string
 $str = "Tutorial and Example ";
 echo "Original String: ".$str;
 echo "\nAfter convert_uuencode() function...";
 //encoding the string
 echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uuencode($str);


Original String: =5V5L8V]M92!T;R!4=71O<FEA;&%N9$5X86UP;&4`
After convert_uudecode() function...
New String: Welcome to TutorialandExample 

Example 3

// Decode the string  
$str1 ="55V5L8V]M92!T;R!02%`@5V]R;&0A";  
echo "Encoded string:".$str1;  
echo "\nAfter using the 'convert_uudecode()' function... ";
$EncodedStr = convert_uudecode($str1);  
echo "\nNew String:".$EncodedStr . "\n\n";  
//encode the string  
$str2 = "Welcome to PHP World!";  
echo "Decoded string:".$str2;  
echo "\nAfter using 'convert_uuencode()' function..."; 
$dencodeStr = convert_uuencode($str2);  
echo "\nNew String: ".$dencodeStr;  


Encoded string:55V5L8V]M92!T;R!02%`@5V]R;&0A
After using the 'convert_uudecode()' function... 
New String:Welcome to PHP World!
Decoded string:Welcome to PHP World!
After using 'convert_uuencode()' function...
New String: 55V5L8V]M92!T;R!02%`@5V]R;&0A 

Example 4

// initializing the string
$str = "766&&@#sg' ";
echo "Original String: ".$str;
echo "\nAfter convert_uuencode() function...";
//encoding the string
echo "\nNew String: ".convert_uuencode($str);


Original String: 766&&@#sg' 
After convert_uuencode() function...
New String: +-S8V)B9`(W-G)R``