PHP key() Function

PHP key() Function

The key() function in PHP fetches a key from an array and returns the index element of the current array position.


key ( array $array )


array(required)- This parameter represents the input array.


This function returns the key of the array element that's currently being pointed to by the internal pointer.  It returns null If the internal pointer points beyond the end of the elements list or the array is empty.

Example 1

 'apple',2 => 'orange', 3 => 'grape', 4 => 'apple', 5 => 'mango');
 //will return the key value of the current pointer
  echo "The current pointer is at ".key($array)." key.\n";//will return 1


The current pointer is at 1 key.

Example 2

 'apple',2 => 'orange', 3 => 'grape', 4 => 'apple', 5 => 'mango');
 //will return the pointer to the end of the array
 //will return the key value of the current pointer
  echo "The current pointer is at ".key($array)." key.\n";//will return 5


The current pointer is at 5 key.

Example 3



PHP Warning:  key() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /workspace/Main.php on line 5