Tableau's Order of Operations


Tableau's Order of Operations, also known as the "order of operations of operations" or simply "order of operations," defines the order in which Tableau performs computations and filters to produce the final result for a visualization. Understanding this sequence is critical for producing precise and efficient visualizations. Tableau's operation sequence is as follows:

Extract Filters: Any extract filters are applied first if the data source is an extract. These filters reduce the amount of data that is loaded into Tableau.

Data Source Filters: Data source filters, such as database filters or connections, are applied next. These filters reduce the amount of information retrieved from the source.

Context Filters: Next, context filters are applied. These filters generate a temporary table of data that contains only the dimensions and measures used in the view, as well as the calculations that rely on them.

Top N / Conditional Filters: Top N and conditional filters such as "Exclude," "Keep Only," and "Conditional" are then applied.

Regular Filters: At this stage, all other filters, including those set by users on individual sheets or dashboards, are applied.

Compute Table Calculations: The following step is to compute table calculations. These calculations are based on the data that is visible in the visualization after all of the preceding filters have been applied.

LOD (Level of Detail) Expressions: Any Level of Detail expressions are calculated next. Users can use these expressions to compute aggregations at various levels of granularity.

Compute Other Calculations: After LOD expressions, all other calculations, including calculated fields, are computed.

Compute Aggregate Functions: Based on the filtered and aggregated data, aggregate functions such as SUM(), AVG(), and so on are computed at this stage.

Totals, Reference Lines, and Grand Totals: Totals, reference lines, and grand totals are computed in the visualization based on the aggregated data.

Render Visualization: Tableau then renders the visualization based on the computed data and settings, displaying the final result to the user.

Understanding the order of operations aids in optimizing performance and ensuring the accuracy of visualizations by employing the most efficient sequence of filters and computations.

What constitutes the operation sequence for Tableau parameters?

Parameters in Tableau enable users to insert dynamic values that control aspects of a visualization, such as filtering data, changing measures, or defining sets. When using parameters in Tableau, they must be used in the following order:

  • Initialization: Tableau sets the parameter's default value. If no default value is specified, the initial value specified when the parameter was created is used.
  • Parameter Evaluation: Parameters are frequently used within calculated fields or calculated conditions. Within these calculations, the parameter values are evaluated in this step.
  • Filtering: Parameters can be used as filters in a variety of ways, such as filtering data based on a parameter control range. After the parameter values have been evaluated, filtering takes place.
  • Control Interaction: On worksheets or dashboards, users can interact with parameter controls. Any interaction, such as changing the parameter value with a slider or dropdown, causes the parameter and any subsequent actions to be re-evaluated.
  • Impact on Visualizations: Changes in parameter values have an impact on the visualizations that rely on those parameters. This could include displaying updated data, recalculating measures, or adjusting filters based on the new parameter value.

Understanding the order of operations is critical when working with parameters in Tableau, particularly when they are linked to calculations, filters, or visual elements. It aids in predicting how parameter changes will affect the visualization and the calculations associated with it.

What actually is the precedence order upon which Tableau determines the authorizations?

To determine what data and actions users can access within the Tableau environment, Tableau evaluates permissions in a specific order of precedence. Tableau permissions are prioritized in the following order:

  • Permissions Set at the Data Source Level: Permissions set at the data source level take precedence. These permissions govern who has access to the data source, influencing which users or groups can connect to and use the data within Tableau.
  • Project Permissions: Permissions set at the project level in Tableau govern access to content within a specific project. Project permissions govern who can view, edit, or manage the project's content (workbooks, data sources, and so on).
  • Workbook and View Permissions: Workbook and view permissions specify access rights for individual workbooks or specific views within those workbooks. These permissions specify who has access to view, edit, or interact with specific visualizations.
  • Sheet and Object Permissions: Permissions can be set at the sheet or object level within a workbook. Permissions, for example, could limit access to specific sheets or dashboards within a workbook or control interactions with specific visual elements (such as filters or parameters) within a view.
  • Row-Level Security (RLS): Row-Level Security is implemented through the use of filters that are based on user roles or groups. RLS ensures that users see only data rows that are relevant to their role or group membership.
  • Embedded Data Permissions: If data-level security is implemented within the data itself (e.g., via database views or security settings within the data source), Tableau takes those embedded permissions into account.
  • Default Permissions: Finally, default permissions may apply in cases where specific permissions have not been explicitly set at higher levels. Tableau server-wide configurations frequently govern these default settings.

Understanding the order of precedence aids in the creation of appropriate permissions to control access to data and Tableau functionalities. It ensures that specific and granular permissions take precedence over broader settings, allowing administrators to tailor access controls to their specific needs.


Understanding the order of operations, parameter evaluation sequence, filtering order, and permissions precedence in Tableau is critical for effective platform use. Tableau processes data, computes calculations, applies filters, and manages user access based on these sequences. Understanding and following these orders ensures accurate visualizations, peak performance, and proper data access control. Knowing these sequences helps Tableau users navigate the platform with confidence and precision, whether designing complex dashboards, implementing security measures, or optimizing workflows.