ThreeJS Keyframe Tracks and Animation

A KeyframeTrack is a timed series of keyframes that are made up of lists of times and related values and are used to animate an object's unique property.


A Track of boolean keyframe values.


BooleanKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name - (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times - (required) array of keyframe times.

values - values for the keyframes at the times specified.


It inherits its properties from Keyframe Track, refer to previous lessons. The unique properties are as follows:

.DefaultInterpolation : Constant

The default interpolation type to use, InterpolateDiscrete.

.ValueBufferType : Array

A normal Array (no Float32Array in this case, unlike ValueBufferType of KeyframeTrack).

.ValueTypeName : String

String 'bool'.


The BooleanKeyframeTrack inherits methods from KeyframeTrack that you can refer in the previous lessons.

.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear () : undefined

The value of this method here is 'undefined', as it does not make sense for discrete properties.

.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth () : undefined

The value of this method here is 'undefined', as it does not make sense for discrete properties.


Color changes are represented via a track of keyframe values.

This subclass's very basic implementation has nothing noteworthy yet. This is, however, the location for colour space parameterization.


ColorKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name - (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times - (required) array of keyframe times.

values - values for the keyframes at the times specified, a flat array of color components between 0 and 1.

interpolation - the type of interpolation to use.


A Track of numeric keyframe values.


NumberKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name - (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times - (required) array of keyframe times.

values - values for the keyframes at the times specified.

interpolation - the type of interpolation to use.


A Track of quaternion keyframe values.


QuaternionKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times (required) array of keyframe times.

values for the keyframes at the times specified, a flat array of quaternion components.

interpolation is the type of interpolation to use.

Properties and Methods

It inherits the properties and methods of KeyframTrack. The unique ones are as follows:

.DefaultInterpolation : Constant

The default interpolation type to use, InterpolateLinear.

.ValueTypeName : String

String 'quaternion'.

.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear () : QuaternionLinearInterpolant

Returns a new QuaternionLinearInterpolant based on the values, times and valueSize of the keyframes.


A Track of string keyframe values.


StringKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name - (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times - (required) array of keyframe times.

values - values for the keyframes at the times specified.

interpolation - the type of interpolation to use.

Properties and Methods

It inherits the properties and methods of KeyframTrack. The unique ones are as follows:

.DefaultInterpolation : Constant

The default interpolation type to use, InterpolateDiscrete.

.ValueBufferType : Array

A normal Array (no Float32Array in this case, unlike ValueBufferType of KeyframeTrack).

.ValueTypeName : String

String 'string'.

.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear () : undefined

The value of this method here is 'undefined', as it does not make sense for discrete properties.

.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth () : undefined

The value of this method here is 'undefined', as it does not make sense for discrete properties.


A Track of vector keyframe values.


VectorKeyframeTrack( name : String, times : Array, values : Array )

name - (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.

times - (required) array of keyframe times.

Values - values for the keyframes at the times specified a flat array of vector components.

Interpolation - the type of interpolation to use.