ThreeJS Property Binding and Mixer


Internally, this holds a reference to real property in the scene graph.


PropertyBinding( rootNode : Object3D, path, parsedPath )

-- rootNode: -- path -- parsedPath (optional)


The properties are as follows:

  • .path : Number
  • .parsedPath : Number
  • .node : Number
  • .rootNode : Number
  • .BindingType : Object
  • .Versioning : Object
  • .GetterByBindingType : Array
  • .SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning : Array


.getValue ( targetArray : Array, offset : Number ) : undefined

.setValue ( sourceArray : Array, offset : Number ) : undefined

.bind ( ): undefined

Create getter / setter pair for a property in the scene graph. Used internally by getValue and setValue.

.unbind ( ): undefined

Unbind getter / setter pair for a property in the scene graph.

.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath ) : Constructor

Create a new Composite PropertyBinding.

.create ( root, path, parsedPath ) : Constructor

Create a new Composite PropertyBinding (if root is an AnimationObjectGroup) or PropertyBinding.

.parseTrackName ( trackName ) : Constructor

Matches strings in the following forms:





-- uuid.objectName[objectIndex].propertyName[propertyIndex]

-- parentName/

-- parentName/parentName/[index]

-- .bone[Armature.DEF_cog].position

-- scene:helium_balloon_model:helium_balloon_model.position

.findNode ( root, nodeName ) : Constructor

Find a node in a node tree or Skeleton.


Internally used buffered scene graph attribute that enables for weighted accumulation.


PropertyMixer( binding : PropertyBinding, typeName : String, valueSize : Number )

-- binding

-- typeName

-- valueSize


The properties of the package are as follows:

.binding : PropertyBinding

.buffer : TypedArray

Buffer with size valueSize * 4.

This has the layout: [ incoming | accu0 | accu1 | orig ]

The data is then sent to 'incoming' by interpolators who use.buffer as their.result. For the cumulative result, 'accu0' and 'accu1' are utilised frame-interleaved and compared to find changes. 'orig' saves the property's initial state.

.cumulativeWeight : Number

Default is 0.

.valueSize : Number

.referenceCount : Number

Default is 0.

.useCount : Number

Default is 0.


.accumulate ( accuIndex : Number, weight : Number ) : undefined

Accumulate data in buffer[accuIndex] 'incoming' region into 'accu[i]'.

If weight is 0 this does nothing.

.apply ( accuIndex : Number ) : undefined

Apply the state of buffer 'accu[i]' to the binding when accus differ.

.saveOriginalState ( ) : undefined

Remember the state of the bound property and copy it to both accus.

.restoreOriginalState ( ) : undefined

Apply the state previously taken via 'saveOriginalState' to the binding.