Difference between Pouchdb and Mongodb

  • PouchDB:
Difference between PouchDB, MongoDB, and CouchDB

It is an open-source database, and it is an in-browser database API that is implemented in JavaScript. It allows applications to store the data locally, which lets users enjoy all the application features though they are not online. Additionally, the synchronization of data between clients keeps users up to date wherever they go. It is a JavaScript implementation of CouchDB. It can be used locally in Node, also in browsers, and remotely through HTTP protocol. It is styled off on CouchDB, and it is a NoSQL database. 

To store the data, it innately uses WebSQL and Indexed DB.

By default, this database uses the IndexedDB adapter for the browser, Level DB adapter in Node.js, and CouchDB adapter for the remote databases.

We can run it in Node.js and use it as a direct interface for the CouchDB compatible server. This API is consistent with its working in all environments, so we can write clean code and not think about browser varieties.

  • MongoDB
Difference between PouchDB, MongoDB, and CouchDB

It is a cross-platform database. It is a document-oriented database that offers high performance, easy scalability, and high availability. Database in MongoDB is an actual container for collections. Each database has a set of files on the file system, and an individual mongoDB server traditionally contains multiple databases.

The collection resides in a database. The documents present in the collection have different fields, and all the documents in the collection are related or similar. 

  • CouchDB
Difference between PouchDB, MongoDB, and CouchDB

 This is an open-source NoSQL database. Its focus is on how seamlessly we can use it. It is developed by Apache software. It is the modern type of database. It is a multi-master application released in 2005 and became an Apache project in the year 2008. Primarily it is a document-oriented database, and in this document, the field is stored as key-value maps. This database uses HTTP protocol for the API. It converts documents and JSON to store the data, query language used is JavaScript.

Sr no.PouchDBMongoDBCouchDB
1.Apache Software Foundation has developed it. MongoDB Inc. has developed it.Apache Software Foundation has developed CouchDB.  
2.It was initially released in 2012It was initially released on 11th February 2009.It was initially released in 2005.
3.Current release was in June 1019.Current release was in July, 2021.Current release was in September, 2020.
4.The operating systems for pouchDB servers are server less, and it requires a JavaScript environment.The operating systems for MongoDB are Linux, OS X, Windows, and SolarisThe operating systems for CouchDB are Android, OS X, Windows, BSD, and Solaris
5.The main database model for this database is Document StoreThe main database model for this database is also Document StoreThe main database model for this database is also Document Store
6.It is implemented in JavaScript languageIt is implemented in C++, GO, Python and JavaScript languagesIt is implemented in Erlang language  
7.This database does not offer ACID transactions.This database offers support to Multi-Document ACID transactions along with the snapshot isolationThis database offers support to Multi-Document ACID transactions
8.It has no support for predefined data typesIt has support for the predefined data types like integer, decimal, string, double, Boolean and date.it has support for the predefined data types like binary, array, string, double, Boolean and object.
9.It offers support for Map-reduce functionalityIt also offers support for Map-reduce functionalityIt also offers support for Map-reduce functionality
10.Primary database model is Document StorePrimary database model is Document StorePrimary database model is Document Store
11.It is open sourceIt is also open sourceIt is also open source
12.It follows schema free data schemeIt follows schema free data schemeIt follows schema free data scheme
13.It does not support XMLIt does not support XMLIt does not support XML
14.It supports secondary indexesIt supports secondary indexesIt supports secondary indexes
15.It does not support SQLIt supports read only SQL queries by using MongoDB ConnectorIt does not support SQL
16.The API and access methods used are HTTP REST JavaScript APIThe API and access methods used are proprietary protocol by use of JSONThe API and access methods used are RESTful HTTP or JSON API
17.For server side scripts view functions in JavaScript are usedFor server side scripts view JavaScript is usedFor server side scripts view functions in JavaScript are used
18.It supports In memory capabilitiesIt supports In memory capabilitiesIt does not supports In memory capabilities
19.There are no user conceptsAccess rights for users and rolesAccess rights for users can be defined per database
20.It is eventually consistencyIt is eventually consistency and immediate consistencyIt is eventually consistency
21.It supports multi source replication and source replica replication methodIt supports master slave replicationIt supports multi source replication and source replica replication method
22.The supported programming language is JavaScriptThe supported programming languages are PHP, Haskell, C++, D, Erlang, Lisp, Perl, C#, Java, PowerShell and many moreThe supported programming languages are C, Java, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Ruby, Lua, Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, JavaScript and many more