Jsonify Flask


Flask jsonify is a Python feature that allows you to encapsulate a dumps() method and make enhancements to a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) output to create a response object with the application/jsonmimetype. This function aids in converting numerous arguments to an array or a dictionary in addition to converting json to an output response.

This function includes a suitable content type header that the json answers can immediately use. The flask.jsonify() function and the json.dumps() function differ significantly . Let's look at the other parts of jsonify, the flask function that does json conversions the most frequently.

Flask Jsonify Syntax

Here, we'll have a look at various syntaxes that fall under the purview of Flask Jsonify, which are crucial for us to take a look at as they will help us understand and map the relevant syntax to the working.

Here are the jsonify syntaxes, then:

Jsonify Import in Python Code

from flask import jsonify

Using Jsonify, return the Response Object

jsonify(key_1=value_1 ,
key_2=value_2 ,

Jsonify() and Json.dumps() Differ from One Another 

As for jsonify:

jsonify(key_1=value_1 ,
key_2=value_2 ,

As for json.dumps( ):

Json.dumps(key1=value1 ,
key2=value2 ,

How does Flask's JSONify Work?

We now understand the function of jsonify and that it will be necessary for the converting of json to response objects.

As previously indicated, jsonify is a wrapper for Flask's dumps() function, however, it differs from it in the following ways:

  • When giving a single argument, the dumps() function receives the parameter exactly as it is from jsonify.
  • Before supplying several arguments to the dumps() function, jsonify turns the inputs into an array.
  • Before giving multiple keyword parameters to the dumps() function, jsonify turns the arguments into a dictionary.
  • Jsonify will raise an exception before giving args and kwargs to the dumps() function.

Let's now examine how the jsonify method actually functions. Since jsonify is really a wrapper for the json.dumps() method, understanding how it operates is necessary in order to comprehend that. Let's imagine that we get an HTTP request to extract details. Similar to the dict constructor function, the jsonify method also accepts the same arguments. The most appropriate method out of the four stated above is used to convert the request when it is submitted into the dumps() function of the jsonify wrapper.Now that the data has been retrieved, it is available as a Python object made up of one or more arguments. It is then transformed using json.dumps' functionality into a json-formatted text ( ). Python objects are converted into standardizedjsoncomparable modules when the activities are carried out. The function executes the translations when encoding throughout this conversion. For instance, a Python dict is transformed into a json object, and similarly, a list or tuple is transformed into a json array.

Currently, the wrapper turns the output into a response object using application/jsonmimetype when the object is obtained by the json.dumps() function. Generally speaking, if the HTTP request is not done so by utilizing the option of When the parameter JSONIFY PRETTYPRINT REGULAR is set to False, X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest is used instead. As this may be one of the constraints of the larger application that utilizes the API from this flask web application, jsonify is very helpful in developing API that is used by someone who wants the return object to be in json.

Examples of Jsonify in Flask

The Flask jsonify examples are shown below:

We'll attempt to examine the key distinction between utilizingjsonify and json.dumps() functions, as well as how the two functions' resulting objects differ noticeably from one another.

Example 1:

Jsonify import in a Python program.


from flask import jsonify


Python 3.10.7 (tags/v3.10.7:6cc6b13, Sep  5 2022, 14:08:36) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from flask import jsonify
<function jsonify at 0x000001B529E26950>

Example 2:

Jsonify the response object and return it.


from flask import jsonify, Flask
appFlask = Flask(__name__)
def home():
    return jsonify(username='@Annu Chaudhary' ,
account='Personal' ,
validity='300 days')
if __name__ == "__main__":


* Serving Flask app 'test'
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 121-990-174

Go to any browser like chrome and paste this link and attach “ /window” and then click on enter, Output show on the screen:

"account": "Personal",
"username": "@Annu Chaudhary",
 "validity": "300 days"

Example 3:

Jsonify and json.dumps differ from one another ( ).


from flask import jsonify, Flask
import json
appFlask = Flask(__name__)
def home_jsonify_():
    Dictionary ={'username':'@Annu Chaudhary' , 'account':'Personal' , 'validity':'730 days'}
    return jsonify(Dictionary)
def home_dumps_():
    Dictionary ={'username':'@Annu Chaudhary' , 'account':'Personal' , 'validity':'730 days'}
    return json.dumps(Dictionary)
if __name__ == "__main__":


* Serving Flask app 'test'
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 121-990-174

Go to browser,

for jsonify, paste link attach with /home_jsonify_


  "account": "Personal",
  "username": "@Annu Chaudhary",
  "validity": "730 days"

for dumps, paste the link attached with /home_dumps


{"username": "@Annu Chaudhary", "account": "Personal", "validity": "730 days"}_

Here, it is easy to see that the json.dumps() method returns a string instead of the object that the jsonify function returns.


In this article, we learned the specifics of how jsonify functions in a flask application and the entire cycle of jsonify implementation, along with some practical scripts. The following step is to apply the ideas from creating JSON return objects to your Flask application, creating a standardized idea that will enable other sources to consume your web application.