Flask-Mail Extension

Flask-Mail Extension

All web framework provides the basic and advanced features like mail extension. But from the beginning of the tutorial,  we know that flask lies in the category of the micro web framework. Flask has its limitations in providing the app creator with the functionality, but there are several extensions available for the flask such as mail, SQLite, Wtf, SQLAlchemy, etc. that allow the app creator to provide necessary features for the users or the app users.

In this part of the tutorial, we are going to install and learn how to use the Flask-mail extension.

Installing the Flask-Mail

To install it, follow the steps given below.

Open the cmd and navigate to the root folder of your flask app and type these commands to enter in the virtual environment. In my system, it is already installed, as you can see in the given screenshot.

  • Py –m  venv env
  • App\scripts\activate
  • pip install Flask-Mail
Flask-Mail Extension

Press Enter anddownloading must be started, as shown below.

Flask-Mail Extension

At the time of installing flask-mail, the following parameters will be installed with it.

SN Parameters Definition Default value
1. MAIL_SERVER It tells about the id address of the email server. The default one is 'localhost’. Localhost
2. MAIL_PORT It refers to the port number of the server. The default port number is "25". 25
3. MAIL_USE_TLS  Used for enabling or disabling the transport security layer. Normally it is false(0r disabled). False
4. MAIL_USE_SSL This is used for turning on and off the secure socket layer. Its default value is false. False
5. MAIL_DEBUG This is used to provide the support of debugging to the mail application. Usually, its value is none. None
6. MAIL_USERNAME It denotes the user name of the sender. The default value is none. None
7. MAIL_PASSWORD It denotes the password of the id of the mail server. None
8. MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER It is used to set the one mail id for sending mails on the several different mail id’s. None
9. MAIL_MAX_EMAILS it comes in use when the user has to set the limit of mail id's to send the mail in bulk. None
10. MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND   When the app.testing  value is true, the process of sending mail is stopped.  --
11. MAIL_ASCII_ATTACHMENTS   All attached files are converted to ASCII if its value is true. False

Modules classes of flask-mail extension

  • Mail class

The work of the mail class is to manage and fulfill the requirements of email-messaging. The object of this Mail class is used to send mail.


Methods of the Mail class are as follows.

SN  Name of method Working
1. Connect() Used for the establishing and opening the connection with the mail host.
2. Send()  this method is used to send the content of the message object to the recipient.
3. Send_message() Used for sending the message object.
  • Message class

The message class binds the email message to a simple message class instance so that essential methods such as attach() are called on this instance.

Methods that mostly used in the message class object are given below.

SN Name of the method Description
1. add_recipient() Used for adding the recipients to the message.
2. attach() Used for attachments which are to be sent with the message. This method has four parameters filename, content_type, data, and disposition. File name = Name of that file.Content_type=MIME type of file.Data=  Raw file data.Description= Content disposition.

Syntax of  Mail class

Flask-mail.Message(subject, recipients, body, html, sender, cc, bcc, reply-to, date, charset, extra-headers, mail-options, rcpt_options) 

Steps for Sending mail using Flask web Framework.

  1. First of all, you have to import like flask-mail, using the import statement.
from flask import *  
from flask-mail import * 
  • Now configure the flask-mail.
app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = '[email protected]'  
app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = '******'  
app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS'] = False  
app.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = True 
  • Now instantiate the Mail class as shown below.

 mail = mail(app)    

  • Instantiate the message class in the function mapped by some URL rule with the 

desired attributes.

 def index():  
 msg = Message('subject', sender = '[email protected]', recipients=['[email protected]'])  
 msg.body = 'hi, This mail sent by using the flask web application'  
 return "Mail is Sended, Please check the mail id for confirmation" 


from flask import *  
 from flask-mail import *     
 app = Flask(__name__)
  # Configuration parameters of flash mail
 app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = '[email protected]'  
 app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = '******'  
 app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS'] = False  
 app.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = True 
 #Instantiate that we already discussed in  the topic of module classes Mail class  
 mail = Mail(app)    
 #Now configure the Message class object and then send the mail from a URL address  
 def index():  
 msg = Message('subject', sender = '[email protected]', recipients=['[email protected]'])msg.body = 'hi there, this  mail is sent by using the flask web application'  
 return "Mail Sent, Please check the mail id"    
 if __name__ == '__main__':  
 app.run(debug = True)