NumPy Tutorial

Python NumPy Tutorial numpy.empty() in Python numpy.empty_like() in Python numpy.eye() in Python numpy.identity() in Python numpy.ones() in Python numpy.ones_like() in Python numpy.zeros in Python numpy.zeros_like() in Python numpy.full() in Python numpy.full_like() in Python numpy.asarray() in Python numpy.frombuffer() in Python numpy.fromiter() in Python numpy.fromstring () in Python numpy.asanyarray() in Python with Example numpy.ascontiguousarray() in Python with Example Numpy.asmatrix() in Python with Example Numpy.copy() in Python with Example numpy.loadtxt() Python numpy.arrange() in Python numpy.linspace() in Python numpy.logspace() in Python numpy.geomspace() in Python numpy.meshgrid() in Python numpy.diag() in Python numpy.diagflat() in Python numpy.tri() in Python numpy.tril() in Python numpy.copyto() in Python numpy.reshape() in Python numpy.ravel() in Python numpy.ndarray.flat() in Python numpy.ndarray.flatten() in Python numpy.rollaxis() in Python numpy.swapaxes() in Python numpy.ndarray.T in Python numpy.transpose() in Python numpy.atleast_1d() in Python numpy.atleast_2d() in Python numpy.atleast_3d() in Python numpy.broadcast_to() in Python numpy.broadcast_arrays() in Python numpy.expand_dims() in Python numpy.squeeze() in Python numpy.asarray_chkfinite() in Python numpy.asscalar() in Python numpy.concatenate() in Python numpy.stack() in Python numpy.column_stack() in Python numpy.dstack() in Python numpy.hstack() in Python numpy.vstack() in Python numpy.split() in Python numpy.tile() in Python numpy.repeat() in Python numpy.delete() in Python numpy.append() in Python numpy.resize() in Python numpy.trim_zeros() in Python numpy.unique() in Python numpy.flip() in Python NumPy vs SciPy


Numpy Attributes

numpy.ones_like() in Python

numpy.ones_like() in Python

The one_like() method of Python numpy class returns an array of ones with the same shape and type as the specified array.


numpy.ones_like(a, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True)


The numpy.ones_like() method consists of four parameters, which are as follows:

arrray : It indicates the array_like input.

subok  : It is an optional Boolean argument that is used to make a subclass of type ‘a’ or not. By default, it is true.

order  : The order parameter can be either C_contiguous or F_contiguous. C order means that operating row-rise on the array will be slightly quicker

FORTRAN-contiguous order in memory (the first index varies the fastest). F order means that column-wise operations will be faster.

dtype  : It is an optional parameter. It depicts the data type of returned array, and by default, it is a float.


This method returns the array with the specified shape, order and datatype.

Example 1

# Python Programming giving an example for
# numpy.ones_like() method
import numpy as numpy
array = numpy.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)
print("Original array : \n", array)
a = numpy.ones_like(array, float)
print("\nMatrix : \n", a)
array = numpy.arange(8)
b = numpy.ones_like(array)
print("\nMatrix : \n", b)


Original array :
[[0 1]
[2 3]
[4 5]
[6 7]
[8 9]]
Matrix :
[[ 1.  1.]
[ 1.  1.]
[ 1.  1.]
[ 1.  1.]
[ 1.  1.]]
Matrix :
[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]