NumPy Tutorial

Python NumPy Tutorial numpy.empty() in Python numpy.empty_like() in Python numpy.eye() in Python numpy.identity() in Python numpy.ones() in Python numpy.ones_like() in Python numpy.zeros in Python numpy.zeros_like() in Python numpy.full() in Python numpy.full_like() in Python numpy.asarray() in Python numpy.frombuffer() in Python numpy.fromiter() in Python numpy.fromstring () in Python numpy.asanyarray() in Python with Example numpy.ascontiguousarray() in Python with Example Numpy.asmatrix() in Python with Example Numpy.copy() in Python with Example numpy.loadtxt() Python numpy.arrange() in Python numpy.linspace() in Python numpy.logspace() in Python numpy.geomspace() in Python numpy.meshgrid() in Python numpy.diag() in Python numpy.diagflat() in Python numpy.tri() in Python numpy.tril() in Python numpy.copyto() in Python numpy.reshape() in Python numpy.ravel() in Python numpy.ndarray.flat() in Python numpy.ndarray.flatten() in Python numpy.rollaxis() in Python numpy.swapaxes() in Python numpy.ndarray.T in Python numpy.transpose() in Python numpy.atleast_1d() in Python numpy.atleast_2d() in Python numpy.atleast_3d() in Python numpy.broadcast_to() in Python numpy.broadcast_arrays() in Python numpy.expand_dims() in Python numpy.squeeze() in Python numpy.asarray_chkfinite() in Python numpy.asscalar() in Python numpy.concatenate() in Python numpy.stack() in Python numpy.column_stack() in Python numpy.dstack() in Python numpy.hstack() in Python numpy.vstack() in Python numpy.split() in Python numpy.tile() in Python numpy.repeat() in Python numpy.delete() in Python numpy.append() in Python numpy.resize() in Python numpy.trim_zeros() in Python numpy.unique() in Python numpy.flip() in Python NumPy vs SciPy


Numpy Attributes

numpy.trim_zeros() in Python

numpy.trim_zeros() in Python

The numpy.trim_zeros() trims the leading and/or trailing zeros from a 1-D array or sequence.


numpy.trim_zeros(filt, trim='fb')


The numpy.trim_zeros() function consists of two parameters, which are as follows:

filt : This parameter represents the 1-D array Input array.

trim : It is an optional parameter which takes a string with ‘f’ representing trim from front and ‘b’ to trim from the back. Default is ‘fb’, trim zeros from both front and back of the array.


This function returns the result of trimming the input. The input data type is preserved.

Example 1

# Python program explaining
# numpy.trim_zeros() function
import numpy as np
# input array
inp_arr = np.array((0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0))
print("Input Array: ")
#triming the zeros in the input array
out_arr= np.trim_zeros(inp_arr)
print("After trimming the zeros: ")


Input Array:
[0 0 0 1 2 3 0 2 1 0]
After trimming the zeros:
[1 2 3 0 2 1]