Jenkins java net socket connection time out


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Jenkins java net socket:

 (Throws " Your Java socket is timing out. ") It takes too long for the other device to react, and your request expires before you receive a response, according to the Socket Time out Exception : Connection timed out error message.

The timeout option for client and server activities can be pre - set by a developer. Setting a connection timeout on the client side and handling it later with a try / catch / finally block are both efficient solutions. You can set the timeout parameter by use the connect ( Socket Address endpoint , int timeout ) function.

One end of a logical link between two computer applications is a socket. The socket function Object ( ) { [ native code ] } is used to create a socket object, which is then used by the remote client to connect to the server.

All other operations are halted during this operation until a successful connection is achieved. However, the software throws a Connection Exception with a notification if the connection is unsuccessful after some time.

The message that is displayed if the connection failed is as shown below :

Java . net . Socket Time out Exception : Connection timed out

The following condition results in this exception.

  • Because the server is slow and the default timeout is low, adjust the timeout value to your liking.
  • The server is functioning well, but the timeout value is short. alter the timeout value accordingly.
  • It is more frequently brought on by writing to a connection that has already been properly closed on the other end. In other words, a protocol error in an application.
  • The established connection is broken when a distant machine sends a Reset (RST) packet. The TCP packets transmitted may not have been recognized, the connection between the local and remote machines may have been lost, or a particular port may have been closed and communication was not possible, according to the sent RST packets.
  • The connection has been purposefully reset on the other end. Application software rarely does this and usually gets it wrong, but it does happen occasionally with commercial software.

Therefore, you should use the method Socket to maintain the connection in order to avoid this exception in another way.

Although it's possible you haven't done so, the set Time out ( ) method, which instructs the socket to provide an endless stream of data, is equivalent to the set Keep Alive ( ) method. By closing the browser before the response was retrieved, for instance.

A TCP RST was simply received, which is known as a connection reset. The TCP RST packet is a message from the remote side informing you that the connection on which the prior TCP packet was transmitted is not recognized, possibly because the connection has closed, the port may not be open, or something similar.

Simply put, a reset packet is one that has the RST bit set in the TCP header flags and no content.

There are also few more reasons which are the cause of errors. They are as shown below :

  • Network issues coming from your end are what cause "software caused connection abort," which is different from "connection reset," in Windows.
  • Sometimes a distant computer or an intervening firewall may "forget" about your TCP connection.
  • A RST will also be generated if data is sent over one of these closed connections.

Use the most specific socket exception class that more accurately describes the issue is strongly encouraged. It's also important to note that Socket Exception typically has an error message that provides detailed information about the circumstances leading up to the occurrence.

Endpoints in network communications are sockets. A socket server typically has many threads and can respond to socket connection requests. A application or process that makes a socket communication request is referred to as a socket client.