DBMS Concepts

DBMS Tutorial Components of DBMS. Applications of DBMS The difference between file system and DBMS. Types of DBMS DBMS Architecture DBMS Schema Three Schema Architecture. DBMS Languages.


ER model: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Components of ER Model. DBMS Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation.

DBMS Relational Model

Codd’s rule of DBMS Relational DBMS concepts Relational Integrity Constraints DBMS keys Convert ER model into Relational model Difference between DBMS and RDBMS Relational Algebra DBMS Joins

DBMS Normalization

Functional Dependency Inference Rules Multivalued Dependency Normalization in DBMS: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and 4NF

DBMS Transaction

What is Transaction? States of transaction ACID Properties in DBMS Concurrent execution and its problems DBMS schedule DBMS Serializability Conflict Serializability View Serializability Deadlock in DBMS Concurrency control Protocols


Difference between DFD and ERD


Advantages of DBMS Disadvantages of DBMS Data Models in DBMS Relational Algebra in DBMS Cardinality in DBMS Entity in DBMS Attributes in DBMS Data Independence in DBMS Primary Key in DBMS Foreign Key in DBMS Candidate Key in DBMS Super Key in DBMS Aggregation in DBMS Hashing in DBMS Generalization in DBMS Specialization in DBMS View in DBMS File Organization in DBMS What Is A Cloud Database What Is A Database Levels Of Locking In DBMS What is RDBMS Fragmentation in Distributed DBMS What is Advanced Database Management System Data Abstraction in DBMS Checkpoint In DBMS B Tree in DBMS BCNF in DBMS Advantages of Threaded Binary Tree in DBMS Advantages of Database Management System in DBMS Enforcing Integrity Constraints in DBMS B-Tree Insertion in DBMS B+ Tree in DBMS Advantages of B-Tree in DBMS Types of Data Abstraction in DBMS Levels of Abstraction in DBMS 3- Tier Architecture in DBMS Anomalies in Database Management System Atomicity in Database Management System Characteristics of DBMS DBMS Examples Difference between Relational and Non-Relational Databases Domain Constraints in DBMS Entity and Entity set in DBMS ER Diagram for Banking System in DBMS ER Diagram for Company Database in DBMS ER Diagram for School Management System in DBMS ER Diagram for Student Management System in DBMS ER Diagram for University Database in DBMS ER Diagram of Company Database in DBMS Er Diagram Symbols and Notations in DBMS How to draw ER-Diagram in DBMS Integrity Constraints in DBMS Red-Black Tree Deletion in DBMS Red-Black Tree Properties in DBMS Red-Black Tree Visualization in DBMS Redundancy in Database Management System Secondary Key in DBMS Structure of DBMS 2-Tier Architecture in DBMS Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary Search Tree Closure of Functional Dependency in DBMS Consistency in Database Management System Durability in Database Management System ER Diagram for Bank Management System in DBMS ER Diagram for College Management System in DBMS ER Diagram for Hotel Management System in DBMS ER Diagram for Online Shopping ER Diagram for Railway Reservation System ER Diagram for Student Management System in DBMS Isolation in DBMS Lossless Join and Dependency Preserving Decomposition in DBMS Non-Key Attributes in DBMS Data Security Requirements in DBMS DBMS functions and Components What is Homogeneous Database? DBMS Functions and Components Advantages and Disadvantages of Distributed Database Relational Database Schema in DBMS Relational Schema Transaction Processing in DBMS Discriminator in DBMS

DBMS Examples

Introduction to DBMS

A database management system (DBMS) is a software application that is designed to manage and organize data stored in a database. It is responsible for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data in a database. DBMS provides a way for users to create, modify, and delete databases, as well as to create, modify, and delete tables and other database objects within those databases.

There are several types of DBMSs, including relational DBMSs (RDBMS), object-oriented DBMSs (OODBMS), and NoSQL DBMSs. Relational DBMSs are based on the relational model, which organizes data into tables (also known as relations) with rows (also known as tuples) and columns (also known as attributes). Object-oriented DBMSs are based on the object-oriented model, which organizes data into objects that are associated with classes and inheritance. NoSQL DBMSs are designed to handle large amounts of data that is distributed across multiple servers, and are often used for big data and real-time web applications.

Examples of DBMS

There are many examples of DBMS (database management systems) software. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. MySQL: An open-source relational DBMS that is widely used in web applications and data warehousing.
  2. Microsoft SQL Server: A proprietary relational DBMS developed by Microsoft that is commonly used in enterprise environments.
  3. Oracle Database: A proprietary relational DBMS developed by Oracle Corporation. It is often used in large-scale enterprise environments and is known for its robustness and scalability.
  4. MongoDB: An open-source NoSQL DBMS that uses a document-oriented data model. It is commonly used in big data and real-time web applications.
  5. PostgreSQL: An open-source relational DBMS known for its strong support for SQL and advanced data analytics features.
  6. SQLite: An open-source embedded DBMS that is often used in small to medium-sized applications and mobile devices.
  7. Redis: An open-source in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Above are just a few examples, there are many other DBMS software available, and each have its own specific use case.

Types of DBMS

There are several types of DBMS, each with their own unique features and use cases. The main types of DBMS include:

  1. Relational DBMS: A relational DBMS stores data in tables, with each table consisting of rows (also known as records or tuples) and columns (also known as fields or attributes). Relationships between tables are established using primary and foreign keys. Examples of relational DBMS include MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database.
  2. Object-oriented DBMS: An object-oriented DBMS stores data as objects, with each object having its own unique characteristics and behaviours. Object-oriented DBMS are often used in application development environments. Examples of object-oriented DBMS include ObjectDB and Gemstone.
  3. Hierarchical DBMS: A hierarchical DBMS stores data in a tree-like structure, with each record having one parent record and many children records. This type of DBMS is not very popular these days. Examples of hierarchical DBMS include IBM's Information Management System (IMS).
  4. Network DBMS: A network DBMS stores data in a network-like structure, with each record having multiple parent and child records. This type of DBMS is not very popular these days. Examples of network DBMS include Integrated Data Store (IDS).
  5. NoSQL (Not Only SQL) DBMS: This category of DBMS, is non-relational, so it doesn't use tables, it doesn't have a fixed schema, and it's horizontally scalable. They are often used in big data and real-time web applications. Examples of NoSQL DBMS include MongoDB, Cassandra, and Couchbase.
  6. In-Memory DBMS: As the name implies, it stores the data in main memory, which allows it to be accessed much faster than disk-based storage. These DBMS typically have a lower capacity than disk-based storage and may not persist data after reboot. Examples of In-memory DBMS include Redis, MemSQL, and MySQL Cluster.

Application of DBMS

DBMS (Database Management Systems) are used in a wide range of applications, including:

  1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: DBMS are used to store and manage data for various business processes such as accounting, manufacturing, human resources, and customer relationship management.
    • Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems:  DBMS are used to store and manage data for online transactions such as e-commerce, online banking, and airline reservations.
    • Data warehousing and business intelligence: DBMS are used to store and manage large amounts of data for data warehousing and business intelligence applications. These systems are used for reporting and data analysis to support decision-making and strategic planning.
    • Content management systems: DBMS are used to store and manage the content of websites, such as text, images, and videos.
    • Social networking sites: DBMS are used to store and manage the data for social networking sites, such as profiles, posts, and comments.
    • Gaming: DBMS store and manage all the data for the game, such as player accounts, scores, and progress.
    • Mobile and web applications: DBMS are used to store and manage data for mobile and web applications, such as user accounts, preferences, and data generated by the app.

These are just a few examples, DBMS can be used in many other applications as well, because they are fundamental to store, manage, and retrieve the data, they play a crucial role in most of the software systems.