Class in ES6

Class in ES6: The Class is a basic term in object-oriented programming (OOPs). A class helps to determine the prototype for modeling in real-world objects. It is used to formulate the program code into logical parts and make it reusable.

The definition of a class only contains the functions and constructors.

A class consists of the constructor used to allot the memory blocks to the class objects.   

A class also involves the function used to perform the operations to the objects.

Syntax of class expression

var variable_name = new Class_name{

Class Declaration

The class declaration is referred to declare the class name with class attributes such as the parent class of the class. The declaration process must contain the class keyword.

Syntax of class declaration

class Class_name {

Here, we have an example to understand the class expression and class declaration.

Example 1

var Employee = class                // Class Expression
          constructor (name, age)
 = name;
          this.age = age;

Example 2

class Employee                                 // Class Declaration
          constructor (name, age)
 = name;
          this.age = age;

Important Point: The class body contains the methods instead of data properties.

Object creation from the class

We can easily create or install an object from a class with the help of new keyword.


var object_name =new class_nam([arguments])    


var emp = new employee (‘Jackson’, 25)

Function Accessing

We can access the functions and attributes of a class with the help of an object. The notation dot (‘.’) is used to access the class data members.


Object function_name();


Here, we have an example to illustrate the concept of function accessing.

‘use strict’
class Employee
          constructor (name, age)
 = name;
          this.age = age;
          console.log (“The Employee name is: ”,
          console.log (“The age of Employee is: ”, this.age)
var EmpObj = new Employee (‘Robin’, 23);


After the execution of the above code, we got the following output:

Class in ES6

Important Point: The constructor definition is necessary for the class because, by default, every class contains constructor.

The Static Keyword

The Static keyword is used to create a static function inside the class. The static functions are always declared with the name of the class.


‘use strict’
class Sample
          static show ()
          Console.log (“Static Function”);
}                             // call the static method


After the execution of the above example, we got the following output:

Class in ES6

The Class Inheritance

ES6 introduced the class inheritance using super and extends keywords. Before the ECMAScript 5, the execution of class inheritance took various steps. The ES6 clarifies the concept of class inheritance.

The term inheritance can be defined as an object’s ability to access the methods and other properties of other objects. In JavaScript, the inheritance works by using prototypes. The particular form of inheritance is known as prototypal inheritance. The class, we extended to create another class is called Parent/Superclass and the newly created class is called Child/Sub class.

We can easily inherit a class from another class with the help of extends keyword. The child class can easily inherit the properties from the parent class except the constructor.


class sub_class_name extendes super_class_name {

We can easily inherit a class from another class with the help of extends keyword.


‘use strict’
class Employee
          constructor (p)
 = p;
class User extends Employee
          console.log (“The name of employee is:”
var object = new User(‘Robinson); ()


After the execution of the code, we got the following output:

Class in ES6