Functions in ES6 | ECMAScript 6

Functions in ECMAScript 6

In ECMAScript programming language, the term ‘function’ can be defined as a collection or group of input statements, used to perform particular computational calculations and generate the output according to the given input. A function is a specific block of code created to perform a specific activity. It can be executed when the developer calls or invokes a function.

In other words, we can define a function as a building block of code that is reusable, maintainable, and readable. It means we can reuse, maintain, read, and write the code in an easier manner. In the JavaScript programming language, the functions are also used to perform the operations.

In ECMAScript 6, we can define a function by using the Function keywordwith a function_name and the parentheses (). We can also use letters, digits, underscore, and dollar sign as the function name. It is mandatory to define the function body inside the curly braces {}. The brackets in function name contain the parameter name but separated with comma.


Function function_name ()
       // Body of the function

Function Invocation

If we force or wants the function to the execution, then it is compulsory to call or invoke it. Here, we have the syntax of function invocation.


function_name () 

Here, we have an example of defining the simple function.


Function welcome()                             // Defining the function
 console.log (“welcome function invoked”);
 welcome();                                             // Function invoking 

In the above example, welcome() is a function. The curly braces {} shows the body of the functionor the scope of the function.  


After the execution of the above code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

Classification of Function

In ECMAScript, the function can be classified into two following types.

  • Parameterized function
  • Returning function

Parameterized function

The parameterized function can be defined as the method used to pass the value to the functions. The developer can pass the value to the function at the time of function invocation. It is mandatory that the number of values passed in a function matches the number of function parameters.


Here is the syntax of defining a parameterized function.

Function funct_name (parameter 1, parameter 2, ……..parameter N)
        // Body of function


function add (p, q);
 var a = p + q;
           console.log (“p = ” +p);
 console.log (“q = ” +q);
 console.log (“p + q = ” +a); 

In the above code, we defined a function add () with two parameters (p, q). After the execution of the code we will get the addition of two parameters in variable a.  


Functions in ECMAScript 6

The Default function parameters

If the parameter is undefined or we do not pass a value, then the function accesses its default value at the time of initialization.


Function display (a1, a2 = 10)
            console.log (“a1 =” +a1);
           console.log (“a1 =” +a1);
 display (20); 

In the above code, the parameter a2 has default value 10. Here the function takes 10 as the value of parameter a2.


After the execution of the example, we get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

If we pass the value to the function parameter a2 explicitly, then the default value of the function will be overwritten. We will understand it with an example.


Function display (a1, a2 = 10)
            console.log (“a1 =” +a1);
           console.log (“a1 =” +a1);
 display (20, 40); 

In the above code, the default value of function parameter a2 will be changed with the newly passed value.


After the execution of the example, we get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

The Rest Parameters

The rest parameter allows us to pass the number of values in a function. It means we can pass a number of values in a function, but all the values must have the same type. In other words, we can define the rest parameter as a procurator for various arguments of the same type.

The declaration of the rest parameter is very easy. We can declare the rest parameter name prefixed with a spread operator that contains three dots (…).

Note: The rest parameter is always last in the function parameter list.


function display (p, …args) 
         Console.log (p + “ ” + args);
 display (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80); 


Functions in ECMAScript 6

Returning function

The returning functions are those functions that return the value to the caller with the help of the return statement. The end or the last part of the returning function is always a return statement. The developer can only use one return statement in the return function, and it is the last statement of the function.

When the ECMAScript compiler influences the return statement, then it stops the execution and exits. It means we can use the return statement to stop the execution of the function immediately.


Function function_name ()
 // code statement to be executed
 return value;


function mul (p, q)
        return p * q;
 var r = mul (25, 10);
 console.log (r);  

In the above code, we defined a function mul () with two parameters (p, q). After the execution of the code, we get the multiplication of two parameters in variable r. The return function returns the resultant value to the caller.


After the execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

The Generator Function

ECMAScript programming language provides a new feature of the generator function. It helps us to work with functions and iterators. The ECMAScript generator is also a type of function that provides a facility to pause many times in the middle and can be resumed after.

Anonymous function

The anonymous functions are those functions which do not have any name. It means a function that is not bound to any function name is known as an anonymous function. The anonymous functions are declared at the run time.

The working procedure of the anonymous functions is the same as other standard functions. It means these functions can take input from the user and generate the output accordingly. We cannot access the anonymous function after the initial formation. We can also assign these functions inside a variable.


var x = function ( [arguments] )
          // code statement to be executed


var welcome = function ()
           console.log (“Hello ECMAScript”);
 console.log (“Welcome to the world of JavaScript”);
 welcome (); 


Functions in ECMAScript 6

Anonymous Parameterized Function

var anonym = function (x, y)
        Return x – y;
 Function sub ()
      var result;
 result = anonym (500, 300); 
 console.log (“sub:” + result)  
 Sub (); 


After the successful execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

We can consider an anonymous function as an argument. It means for the other functions the anonymous function will be an argument. Here, we have an example given below to understand it.


set Sessionout (function ()
        Console.log (“The session is over”);
 }      10000);                                             // 10000 millisecond = 10 second  


After the execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

Arrow Function

The arrow function is a new feature used in ECMAScript 6. This function helps us to write and work with the functions accurately. The arrow functions also make the source code more structured and readable.

Function Hoisting

The term hoisting is a process in which declared functions are moved to the top of the scope before the execution of code statement. We can also perform hoisting with functions like the variables. Unlike the variable hoisting, if we hoist the declared function, then it only hoists the definition of the function instead of the function name.

We will try to understand it with the help of the following example.


welcome ();
 function welcome ()
             console.log (“welcome to JavaScript”);


After the execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

In the above example, we called the function before the declaration of the function, but the code still works. We cannot hoist the function expression. Now we are going to understand it by the following example.


hoist_funct ();
 var hoist_funct () = function ()
            console.log (“Welcome to ECMAScript”);


After the execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

In the above output, we get a Type error because hoist_funct () is not a function; it is an expression. The expression hoisting is not allowed in ECMAScript 6.

The Function Constructor

The function constructor can be defined as a new way to build a function. It helps us to build the function object. In ECMAScript 6, the function statement is not only a way to determine a new function. We can also determine the new function with the operator by using a function () constructor. The function creation with the help of a function constructor is less valuable then function statement or function expression.


var variablename = new funct (args1, args2, …..body of the function);

The syntax of function constructor contains the following parameters.

  • Body of the function- The function body includes string arguments. Thefunctionbodyis the last argument of the function, contained arbitrary statements of JavaScript, separated with a semicolon (:).
  • Arguments (args1, args2)- These are used as the name of the formal arguments.


var add = new function (‘p’, ‘q’, ‘return p + q’);                 
 // A function with the two arguments returns addition of the value 
 console.log (“The sum of the number:” + add(100,250));                 // Function calling 


After the execution of the code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

Recursion and JavaScript Function

The Recursive function is concerned to a function which calls itself again and again. The process of recursion is performed by the recursive function. Recursion is a mechanism in which the function calls itself repeatedly until it will get the results. It is a standard method or a way to call the same function with different parameters inside a loop. We will better understand this concept with the help of an example.


function factorial1 (value)
       if (value <= 1)           
        return 1;
         return value * factorial1 (value - 1); 


When we execute the above code, we will get the following output.

Functions in ECMAScript 6

Difference between Function Declaration and Function Expression

           Function Declaration              Function Expression
It can be parsed before the execution. It can only be parsed if the script engine encounters it during the execution.
It can be hoisted. It cannot be hoisted.
We cannot leave off the function name in it. We can leave off the name of the function to build the anonymous function.
Syntax           function f1 (args1, args2)           {                    // statements           } Syntax           function f2 (args1, args2)           {                    // statements           }