cut Command in Linux/Unix with Examples

The "cut" command in Linux (and other Unix-like operating systems) is used to remove sections from each line of a file or stream of data. The cut command is often used to extract specific fields or columns of data from a file or stream. It can be used to extract data from a CSV file or a tab-separated file, or to extract specific columns from the output of other commands.

The basic syntax of the cut command is:

cut [options] [file]

The cut command has several options that control how it extracts data from a file or stream. The most commonly used options are:

-d : specifies the delimiter for the fields. By default, the delimiter is the tab character.

-f : specifies the field or column numbers to be extracted.

For example, the following command will extract the second field (column) of a file named "example.txt" which is delimited by the tab character:

cut -f 2 -d $'\t' example.txt

The cut command can also be used with the option -c to extract specific characters from each line of a file. For example, the following command will extract the first 10 characters of each line of a file named "example.txt":

cut -c 1-10 example.txt

The cut command can also be used in combination with other commands like grep, awk, sed, etc. For example, the following command will extract the second field of a file named "example.txt" and then search for the string "error" in the extracted data:

cut -f 2 -d $'\t' example.txt | grep "error"

The cut command is also often used in shell scripts and automation tasks to extract specific fields or columns of data from a file or stream. For example, a script may use the cut command to extract specific fields from a CSV file and then use the extracted data in some other way, or to extract specific columns from the output of other commands to be used in further processing.

The cut command is a powerful tool for extracting specific fields or columns of data from a file or stream. Here are some additional features and uses of the cut command:

  • The cut command can also be used to extract a range of fields or columns. The option -f can be used to specify a range of fields to extract. For example, the following command will extract fields 2 to 4 from a file named "example.txt" which is delimited by the tab character:
    • cut -f 2-4 -d $'\t' example.txt
  • The cut command can also be used to extract fields from a file that has a variable number of fields per line. The option -s can be used to skip lines that do not contain the specified delimiter. For example, the following command will extract the first field from a file named "example.txt" which is delimited by the tab character and skip the lines that do not contain a tab character:
    • cut -f 1 -d $'\t' -s example.txt
  • The cut command can also be used to extract fields from a file that has a variable number of fields per line with the option -z. This option treats the file as a null-terminated file, so it can handle files with null characters.
    • cut -f 1 -d $'\t' -z example.txt
  • The cut command can also be used to extract fields from a file that has a variable number of fields per line with the option --output-delimiter. This option allows you to specify a different delimiter for the output.
    • cut -f 1 -d $'\t' --output-delimiter="," example.txt
  • The cut command can also be used to extract specific characters from each line of a file with the option -b. This option allows you to specify the byte positions of the characters to be extracted.
    • cut -b 1,5-10,15 example.txt

In summary, the cut command is a versatile command that can be used in many ways to extract specific fields or columns of data from a file or stream. It can be used with various options like -f, -c, -s, -z, --output-delimiter, -b to handle different file formats, variable fields, and handle null-terminated files. It can also be combined with other commands like grep, awk, sed,