pwd Command in Linux/Unix with Examples

The "pwd" command in Linux (and other Unix-like operating systems) stands for "print working directory." When executed, it simply displays the current directory (or folder) that the user is currently in.

The pwd command is a very simple and straightforward command that is used to display the current working directory. The command is used to find the current directory path of the user. The pwd command is a built-in command, which means it is a part of the shell and does not require any external program to be executed.

The basic syntax of the pwd command is:


When executed, the pwd command will display the full path of the current working directory, including all parent directories, starting from the root directory. For example, if the current working directory is "/home/user/documents," the pwd command will display "/home/user/documents."

It should be noted that the pwd command does not take any arguments or options. However, it can be used in conjunction with other commands, such as "ls" or "cd," to provide more information or navigate the file system.

The pwd command is often used in scripts and other automation tasks, where the current working directory needs to be known in order to execute other commands or perform certain actions. For example, a script may use the pwd command to determine the current directory, and then use the "cd" command to navigate to a specific subdirectory before performing some action.

Additionally, pwd command also used to know the current directory which is useful for troubleshooting purpose. When user is not able to navigate to a particular directory, pwd command will help them to know the present working directory, and then user can navigate accordingly.

The pwd command is a very basic command that is included in most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD. It is a shell built-in command, which means that it is executed directly by the shell and does not require any external program to be run. The pwd command is used to display the current working directory, which is the directory that the user is currently in.

The pwd command is often used in conjunction with other commands, such as the "ls" command to list the contents of a directory or the "cd" command to change the current working directory. For example, the following command will change to the /home/user directory and then display the full path of that directory:

cd /home/user

The pwd command can also be used in shell scripts and automation tasks to ensure that the script is running in the expected directory. For example, a script may use the pwd command to determine the current directory and then use the "cd" command to navigate to a specific subdirectory before performing some action. This can be useful for ensuring that the script is running in the correct directory and for troubleshooting if the script is not behaving as expected.

Additionally, the pwd command can also be used with command line options, such as -L or -P. The -L option tells pwd to display the physical directory, and -P option tells pwd to display the logical directory, which can be useful when dealing with symbolic links.

In conclusion, the pwd command is a simple yet useful command that can be used to display the current working directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It is commonly used in scripts and automation tasks, as well as for troubleshooting and navigation purposes. It can also be used with command line options for more advanced usage.