Data Visualization MCQ


Data visualization is the graphical representation of facts to provide insights and facilitate to know how it works. It entails the use of charts, graphs, maps, and different visible elements to offer statistics in a clean and meaningful manner. By visualizing records, styles, developments, and relationships, may be without problems diagnosed, it supports to make knowledgeable decisions and speak facts efficiently.

Data visualization techniques can vary from easy bar charts and pie charts to more complicated visualizations like warmth maps, network diagrams, and interactive dashboards. The preference of visualization relies upon the kind of facts and the unique insights or messages to be conveyed.


The operations of facts visualization contain several steps to successfully rework facts into meaningful visible representations.

Here are the key operations concerned in the system:

  • Data Gathering: The first step is to collect the relevant data from numerous resources, such as databases, spreadsheets, or APIs. This information may be established or unstructured, and it could require preprocessing or cleansing earlier than visualization.
  • Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing includes cleaning and remodeling the information to make it suitable for visualization. This might also consist of eliminating duplicates, dealing with lacking values, normalizing facts, or aggregating information points, depending on the unique necessities of the visualization.
  • Data Exploration and Analysis: Before developing visualizations, it's crucial to discover and examine the facts to gain insights and perceive styles. This step regularly includes statistical evaluation, facts mining, and statistics modeling strategies to understand the relationships and correlations in the dataset.
  • Choosing Visualization Techniques: Based on the character of the data and the insights sought, the ideal visualization techniques want to be decided on. This entails considering the types of charts, graphs, or maps that fine constitute the statistics and correctly speak the meant message.
  • Designing Visualizations: The design of visualizations is a vital element that guarantees clarity, accuracy, and engagement. This involves making selections on the layout, color schemes, labels, titles, and other visible factors to create effective and aesthetically pleasing visible representations.
  • Implementing Visualization: Once the layout is finalized, the selected visualization strategies want to be applied to the usage of records visualization gear or programming libraries. This step involves mapping the facts attributes to visual encoding homes, consisting of hues, sizes, shapes, or positions.
  • Interactivity and Exploration: To beautify and facilitate records exploration, interactive capabilities may be integrated into the visualizations. These may additionally include tooltips, filters, drill-down competencies, or interactive controls that permit customers to engage with the facts and uncover additional insights.
  • Presentation and Communication: The very last step is to provide the visualizations in a clear and compelling way. This can involve developing static photographs, interactive dashboards, or dynamic displays that successfully talk the insights derived from the information. Proper annotation and storytelling techniques can be used to manual the audience through the visualizations and spotlight key findings.

MCQs on Data Visualization

1. What is proper Data Visualization?

  1. Data Visualization is used to speak information genuinely and efficiently to users using information photos such as tables and charts.
  2. Data Visualization helps users in studying a big number of records in a less complicated manner.
  3. Data Visualization makes complicated facts greater handy, understandable, and usable.
  4. All the above

Answer: d

2. Data may be visualized the use of?

  1. Graphs
  2. Charts
  3. Maps
  4. All the above

Answer: d

3. Data visualization is likewise an element of the wider _____________.

  1. Supply presentation structure
  2. Facts presentation structure
  3. Dataset presentation structure
  4. Information method structure

Answer: b

4. Which technique indicates hierarchical information in a nested format?

  1. Tree maps
  2. Scatter plots
  3. Population pyramids
  4. Area charts

Answer: a

5. Which is used to inference for 1 share the usage of regular approx.?

  1. fisher.test ()
  2. chisq.test ()
  3. lm.test ()
  4. prop.test ()

Answer: d

6. Which is used to locate the aspect congruence coefficients?

  1. factor.mosaicplot
  2. factor.xyplot
  3. factor.congruence
  4. factor.cumsum

Answer: c

7. Which of the following is device for checking normality?

  1. qqline ()
  2. qline ()
  3. anova ()
  4. Lm ()

Answer: a

8. Which of the following is false?

  1. Information visualization encompass the capacity to take in data quick
  2. Data visualization is some other form of visual artwork
  3. Data visualization lower the insights and take slower decisions
  4. None Of the above

Answer: c

9. Common use instances for information visualization consist of?

  1. Politics
  2. Sales and advertising and marketing
  3. Healthcare
  4. All the above

Answer: d

10. Which of the subsequent plots are often used for checking randomness in time series?

  1. Autocausation
  2. Autorank
  3. Autocorrelation
  4. None of the above

Answer: c

11. Which of the subsequent is NOT a type of statistics visualization?

  1. Bar chart
  2. Scatter plot
  3. Database desk
  4. Line graph

Answer: c

12. Which of the following visualizations is used to reveal the connection among continuous variables?

  1. Bar chart
  2. Histogram
  3. Scatter plot
  4. Box plot

Answer: c

13. Which of the subsequent is a visualization technique for showing hierarchical facts?

  1. Heat map
  2. Sankey diagram
  3. Tree map
  4. Radar chart

Answer: c

14. What does the time "records storytelling" confer within the context of information visualization?

  1. Presenting statistics in a visually attractive manner
  2. Creating interactive visualizations
  3. Using records to inform a compelling narrative
  4. Applying system learning algorithms to analyze information

Answer: c

15. Which of the subsequent principles should be considered whilst creating statistical visualizations?

  1. Clarity and simplicity
  2. Use of vibrant colorations
  3. Overloading with immoderate information factors
  4. Ignoring the target audience's desires

Answer: a

16. Which of the following libraries is to be imported for creating charts in python?

  1. Matplotlib
  2. pandas
  3. math
  4. Random

Answer: a

17. Which of the following commands is correct to put in matplotlib?

  1. pip install matplot
  2. pipe install matplotlib
  3. pip install matpoltlib
  4. None

Answer: c

18. ______________function of the pyplot module is used to create a parent/chart/plot?

  1. show ()
  2. ploting ()
  3. plot ()
  4. plots ()

Answer: c

19. A parent/chart contains_________

  1. Plotting place
  2. Legend
  3. Axis labels
  4. All the above

Answer: d

20. Values that are displayed on x-axis is known as

  1. y ticks
  2. x ticks
  3. xy ticks
  4. None

Answer: b

21. By default, plot () function plots a ____________

  1. Histogram
  2. Bar graph
  3. Line chart
  4. Pie chart

Answer: c

22. Name of the parent is handed to the ______ function as parameter

  1. plot ()
  2. show ()
  3. savefig ()
  4. None

Answer: c

23. Which of the subsequent pyplot feature is used to devise pie chart?

  1. pie ()
  2. piechart ()
  3. circle ()
  4. oval ()

Answer: a

24. Which of the subsequentpyplot function is used to plot bar graph

  1. bargraph()
  2. bar ()
  3. barchart ()
  4. oval ()

Answer: b

25. A ____________ is any image that represents a statistics price in a line chart

  1. marker
  2. mark
  3. marks
  4. None

Answer: a

26. Series and data frame have their very own _________ feature

  1. show ()
  2. plot ()
  3. Both of above
  4. None

Answer: b

27. A __________ plot is a graph that indicates the frequency of information along more than a few line

  1. Line
  2. Box
  3. Histogram
  4. Bargraph

Answer: a

28. Which characteristic of plot () characteristic is used to set the extraordinary color of bars in bar chart?

  1. Color
  2. Bar color
  3. Color bar
  4. None

Answer: a

29. What is the default price to fill property in plot () characteristic of creating histogram?

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inexperienced
  4. Black

Answer: a

30. Which of the following is used to design 2D charts/graphs/figures?

  1. matplotlib.pythonplot
  2. matplotlib.pyplot
  3. matplot.pyplot
  4. None

Answer: b

31. Which are execs of information visualization?

  1. It may be accessed quickly by means of a much wider audience.
  2. It can misrepresent records
  3. It can be distracting
  4. None Of the above

Answer: a

32. Which are cons of records visualization?

  1. It conveys a whole lot of facts in a small space.
  2. It makes your record greater visually appealing.
  3. Visual data is distorted or excessively used.
  4. None Of the above

Answer: c

33. Which of the tricky strategies isn't used for records visualization?

  1. Bullet Graphs
  2. Bubble Clouds
  3. Fever Maps
  4. Heat Maps

Answer: c

34. Which one of the following is maximum basic and usually used strategy?

  1. Line charts
  2. Scatter plots
  3. Population pyramids
  4. Area charts

Answer: a

35. Which is used to query and edit graphical settings?

  1. anova()
  2. par ()
  3. plot ()
  4. cum ()

Answer: b

36. Which of the subsequent techniques make vector of repeated values?

  1. rep ()
  2. data ()
  3. view ()
  4. read ()

Answer: b

37. Who calls the decrease level features

  1. lm()
  2. Col.max
  3. par
  4. Histo

Answer: a

38. Which of the subsequent lists names of variables in a data Frame?

  1. par ()
  2. names ()
  3. bar chart ()
  4. quantile ()

Answer: d

39. Which of the following announcements is authentic?

  1. Scientific visualization, from time to time mentioned in shorthand as SciVis
  2. Healthcare specialists often use choropleth maps to visualize vital health records.
  3. Candlestick charts are used as trading equipment and help finance experts examine rate actions over time
  4. All the above

Answer: c

40. ________is used for density plots?

  1. par
  2. lm
  3. kde
  4. C

Answer: c