MS Excel MCQ

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application made by the Microsoft Corporation that enables users to produce, modify, and work with data in a tabular manner. It offers methods and resources for effectively and efficiently gathering, processing, and presenting data. Users may enter data, utilize built-in functions to do calculations, make charts and graphs, and produce reports in Excel using a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Budgeting, data analysis, and project management are just a few of the many uses it is used for in business, education, and personal finance.

1. What does a cell mean in Microsoft Excel?

  1. A program for organizing
  2. A collection of data
  3. The intersection of a row and a column
  4. A type of chart

Answer: C) The intersection of a row and a column

2. Which key combination in Excel should be used to start a new worksheet?

  1. Ctrl + N
  2. Ctrl + W
  3. Ctrl + S
  4. Ctrl + A

Answer: A) Ctrl + N

3. What is a workbook in Microsoft Excel?

  1. A collection of worksheets
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of function
  4. A type of format

Answer: A) A collection of worksheets

4. Which Excel function is employed to compute the sum of a range of cells?

  1. COUNT
  3. SUM
  4. MAX

Answer: C) SUM

5. What does a formula mean in Microsoft Excel?

  1. A mathematical equation that performs a calculation
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of format
  4. A type of function

Answer: A) A mathematical equation that performs a calculation

6.What keyboard shortcut in Excel may be used to select an entire worksheet?

  1. Ctrl + A
  2. Ctrl + Shift + End
  3. Ctrl + Home
  4. Ctrl + Shift + Home

Answer: D) Ctrl + Shift + Home

7. Which of the following does Excel not accept as a legitimate data type?

  1. Text
  2. Date
  3. Time
  4. Boolean

Answer: D) Boolean

8. In Microsoft Excel, what is a function?

  1. A built-in formula that performs a specific calculation
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of format
  4. A type of cell

Answer: A) A built-in formula that performs a specific calculation

9.Which of the following chart types is invalid in Excel?

  1. Bubble chart
  2. Radar chart
  3. Heat map chart
  4. Pyramid chart

Answer: D) Pyramid chart

10.In Excel, what function is employed to round a number up to the next full number?

  1. ROUND

Answer: B) ROUNDUP

11.Which Excel function is used to get a number's square root?

  1. SQRT
  2. POWER
  3. EXP
  4. LOG

Answer: A) SQRT

12.In Microsoft Excel, what does a chart mean?

  1. A visual representation of
  2. A type of function
  3. A type of cell
  4. A type of worksheet

Answer: A) A visual representation of data

13. What keyboard shortcut in Excel is used to style certain cells as bold?

  1. Ctrl + B
  2. Ctrl + U
  3. Ctrl + I
  4. Ctrl + Shift + B

Answer: A) Ctrl + B

14. Which Excel function is used to determine how many cells in a range satisfy a certain condition?

  1. COUNT

Answer: C) COUNTIF

15. What does Microsoft Excel's conditional formatting mean?

  1. A feature that highlights cells based on certain criteria
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of function
  4. A type of format

Answer: A) A feature that highlights cells based on certain criteria

16. What is a pivot table in Microsoft Excel?

  1. A tool used for summarizing and analyzing
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of function
  4. A type of format

Answer: A) A tool used for summarizing and analyzing data

17. How does Microsoft Excel define data validation?

  1. A feature that ensures data is entered correctly in a cell
  2. A type of chart
  3. A type of function
  4. A type of worksheet

Answer: A) A feature that ensures data is entered correctly in a cell

18. Which Excel function is used to locate the least value across a group of cells?

  1. MAX
  2. MIN
  4. SUM

Answer: B) MIN

19.Which kind of chart is used to demonstrate the relationship between two variables?

  1. Line chart
  2. Scatter chart
  3. Bar chart
  4. Pie chart

Answer: B) Scatter chart

20.Which keyboard shortcut in Excel is used to select cells for cutting?

  1. Ctrl + X
  2. Ctrl + C
  3. Ctrl + V
  4. Ctrl + A

Answer: A) Ctrl + X

21. Which form of chart is used to display a whole's proportions?

  1. Line chart
  2. Bar chart
  3. Pie chart
  4. Scatter chart

Answer: C) Pie chart

22. What key combination should you use to save an Excel file?

  1. Ctrl + S
  2. Ctrl + P
  3. Ctrl + N
  4. Ctrl + O

Answer: A) Ctrl + S

23. What Excel formula is used to combine two or more text strings?

  2. TEXT
  3. JOIN
  4. MERGE


24. Which Excel function calculates the average value of a set of cells?

  2. SUM
  3. MAX
  4. MIN

Answer: A) AVERAGE