What is Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders refer to situations in which anxiety is permanent and doesn't go away over time. It's your brain's way of reacting to different emotions.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Following are the different types of anxiety orders:

  1. GAD (Generalized anxiety disorder): People who suffer from GAD have ordinary work, relationships, money problems. But GAD is still a serious disorder and doesn't go away for at least 6 months straight.
  2. Panic disorder: Panic disorder leads to panic attacks. These are sudden and can be triggered due to a certain set of actions. They can also last longer if the person is disturbed by the same thing again and again.
  3. Phobias: People with phobias tend to believe that something can cause them harm, but it is danger-free. It can be related to anything: water, animals, insects, height, speed, darkness, loneliness, etc.
  4. Agoraphobia: It is the phobia where you tend to avoid places that might trigger you or cause a panic attack.
  5. Selective mutism: It generally occurs in children who cannot speak in public places like at school.
  6. Separation: This disorder is unique and found in teenagers who have a crisis around them, and they fear being separated from them or among themselves.
  7. Social anxiety disorder: It involves a high level of fear of getting involved in the social situations happening around due to the fear of embarrassment, loneliness, and lack of confidence.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Following are the several symptoms of feeling anxious:

  • Feeling nervous or a feeling of fear.
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Heavy breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trouble sleeping well
  • Lack of concentration and confidence
  • Avoiding things that trigger the anxious side

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

The causes of anxiety literally can be anything and everything. A lot of factors can trigger anxiety in different people, and here are a few major and the most common causes:

Medical Causes

For many people, anxiety is triggered due to the health issues they have been facing. Below are a few illnesses that might be related to anxiety:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Drug-related issues
  • Any disorders like bipolar

Anxiety can also be a side effect of certain medications that you are on.

Risk factors

Following are a few factors that increase the risk of getting an anxiety disorder:

  • Trauma
  • Stress due to illness
  • Personality
  • Having any blood relatives who have anxiety disorders
  • Drugs/smoking/alcohol
  • Stress buildup

Anxiety disorders diagnosis

If you have symptoms, your consultant/doctor might run some tests to rule out the possibilities as to what is causing those symptoms. They will diagnose you to find out how long you have been suffering from the disorder. So, it's very important to tell your doctor your whereabouts and everything you think is important for them to know.


There are many recommended treatments to control anxiety disorders:

  1. Medications: Several types of drugs (strong tablets) are used to treat anxiety. But before taking any medicine, consult a professional about the same.
  2. Antidepressants- These are the main types of drugs recommended to someone with an anxiety disorder. It consists of SSRIs and SNRIs. Examples of SSRIs are escitalopram (Lexapro) and fluoxetine (Prozac).  Examples of SNRIs are duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor).
  3. Bupropion- It is a type of antidepressant but works differently than SSRIs and SNRIs. It is used to treat chronic anxiety.
  4. Other antidepressants- there are two more antidepressants, namely tricyclics and MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). They cause a lot of side effects, and that's why doctors don't recommend them.

And many more

  • Psychotherapy: It is also known as talk therapy, wherein you are given specialists or a counselor to sit and listen to your thoughts and feelings in general. The counselor takes note to study what's going on inside and make you overcome anxiety. It is a gentle way of treating anxiety disorders and is harmless.
  • CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) - This type of therapy is the most effective one, and it helps to convert your negative thoughts into positive ones.

Managing anxiety disorders

  • Learn about the type of your disorder
  • Stick to one treatment plan
  • Improve your eating habits
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep
  • Exercise to stay fit
  • Start organizing (journals)
  • Socialize

Prevention/ when to consult a doctor?

It cannot be predicted but can be reduced by taking certain actions:

  • Get help as soon as possible. It might get out of control if you wait longer. As soon as you realize that there might be the slightest chance of any anxiety, consult a doctor.
  • Always stay active and participate in things going around in the environment. It helps you keep fit not only physically but also emotionally and mentally.

Don't get addicted to any drug or alcohol. Daily consumption can lead to this kind of disorder and many more medical illnesses.