Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agents Artificial intelligence Permeations Difference Between Greedy Best First Search and Hill Climbing Algorithm Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network Implementing Artificial Neural Network Training Process in Python Agent Environment in Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence Turing Test in AI Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence Mini-Max Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence Examples of artificial intelligence software How to Implement Interval Scheduling Algorithm in Python Means-Ends Analysis in Artificial Intelligence Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Python Choose the Optimal Number of Epochs to Train a Neural Network in Keras Difference between Backward Chaining and Forward Chaining Difference between Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks Narrow Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Banking Approaches of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Techniques Issues in Design of Search Problem in Artificial Intelligence Markov Network in Artificial Intelligence Ontology in Artificial Intelligence Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) in India Uniform-Cost Search Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence What is OpenAI Who invented Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Medicine History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence How can we learn Artificial Intelligence (AI) Objective of developing Artificial Intelligence Systems Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Physics in Artificial Intelligence What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Neural Networks? The Role of AIML in Transforming Customer Support

Search Algorithms

Problem-solving Uninformed Search Informed Search Heuristic Functions Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems Hill Climbing search Differences in Artificial Intelligence Adversarial Search in Artificial Intelligence Minimax Strategy Alpha-beta Pruning Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Artificial Intelligence Cryptarithmetic Problem in Artificial Intelligence Difference between AI and Neural Network Difference between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Virtual Assistant (AI Assistant) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PAINTING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PNG IMAGES Best Books to learn Artificial Intelligence Certainty Factor in AI Certainty Factor in Artificial Intelligence Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence In Education Eight topics for research and thesis in AI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Five algorithms that demonstrate artificial intelligence bias 6th Global summit on artificial intelligence and neural networks Artificial Communication Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers Artificial Intelligence Jobs in India For Freshers Integration of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Interesting Facts about Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Helps Businesses Operating System Based On Artificial Intelligence SIRI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Temporal Models in Artificial Intelligence Top 7 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning trends for 2022 Types Of Agents in Artificial Intelligence Vacuum Cleaner Problem in AI Water Jug Problem in Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) What is Logic in AI Which language is used for Artificial Intelligence Essay on Artificial Intelligence Upsc Flowchart for Genetic Algorithm in AI Hill Climbing In Artificial Intelligence IEEE Papers on Artificial Intelligence Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Everyday Life Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs The benefits and challenges of AI network monitoring

Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning

Knowledge based agents in AI Knowledge Representation in AI The Wumpus world Propositional Logic Inference Rules in Propositional Logic Theory of First Order Logic Inference in First Order Logic Resolution method in AI Forward Chaining Backward Chaining Classical Planning

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning

Quantifying Uncertainty Probabilistic Reasoning Hidden Markov Models Dynamic Bayesian Networks Utility Functions in Artificial Intelligence


What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Artificial Satellites Top 7 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning trends for 2022 8 best topics for research and thesis in artificial intelligence 5 algorithms that demonstrate artificial intelligence bias AI and ML Trends in the World AI vs IoT Artificial intelligence Permeations Difference Between Greedy Best First Search and Hill Climbing Algorithm What is Inference in AI Inference in Artificial Intelligence Interrupt in CPI Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting Ai in Manufacturing Conference: AI Vs Big Data Career: Artificial Ingtelligence In Pr: AI in Insurance Industry Which is better artificial intelligence and cyber security? Salary of Ai Engineer in Us Artificial intelligence in agriculture Importance Of Artificial Intelligence Logic in Artificial Intelligence

Inference Rules in Proposition Logic

Inference rules are those rules which are used to describe certain conclusions. The inferred conclusions lead to the desired goal state.

In propositional logic, there are various inference rules which can be applied to prove the given statements and conclude them.

There are following laws/rules used in propositional logic:

  • Modus Tollen: Let, P and Q be two propositional symbols:

Rule: Given, the negation of Q as (~Q).

If P?Q, then it will be (~P), i.e., the negation of P.

Example: If Aakash goes to the temple, then Aakash is a religious person. Aakash is not a religious person. Prove that Aakash doesn’t go to temple.

Solution: Let, P= Aakash goes to temple.

Q= Aakash is religious. Therefore, (~Q)= Aakash is not a religious person.

To prove: ~P?~Q

By using Modus Tollen rule, P?Q, i.e., ~P?~Q (because the value of Q is (~Q)).

Therefore, Aakash doesn’t go to the temple.

  • Modus Ponen: Let, P and Q be two propositional symbols:

Rule: If P?Q is given, where P is positive, then Q value will also be positive.

Example: If Sheero is intelligent, then Sheero is smart. Sheero is intelligent. Prove that Sheero is smart.

Solution: Let, A= Sheero is intelligent.

B= Sheero is smart.

To prove: A?B.

By using Modus Ponen rule, A?B where A is positive. Hence, the value of B will be true. Therefore, Sheero is smart.

  • Syllogism: It is a type of logical inference rule which concludes a result by using deducting reasoning approach.

Rule: If there are three variables say P, Q, and R where

P?Q and Q?R then P?R.

Example: Given a problem statement:

If Ram is the friend of Shyam and Shyam is the friend of Rahul, then Ram is the friend of Rahul.

Solution: Let, P= Ram is the friend of Shyam.

Q= Shyam is the friend of Rahul.

R= Ram is the friend of Rahul.

It can be represented as: If (P?Q) ? (Q?R)= (P?R).

  • Disjunctive Syllogism

Rule: If (~P) is given and (P V Q), then the output is Q.

Example: Sita is not beautiful or she is obedient.

Solution: Let, (~P)= Sita is beautiful.

 Q= She is obedient.

 P= Sita is not beautiful.

It can be represented as (P V Q) which results Sita is obedient.

Note: Logical equivalence rules can also be used as Inference rules in Proposition logic.

We can also apply the inference rules to the logical equivalence rules as well.

  • Biconditional Elimination: If Aó B then (A?B) ? (B?A) or

If (A?B) ? (B?A) then A óB. (using one side implication rule).

  • Contrapositive: If ¬(A óB) then ¬((A?B) ? (B?A))

We can re-obtain it using De Morgan’s and Modus Ponen rule. 

Using inference rules, we can also define a proof problem as follows:

  • Initial State: It is the initial  knowledge base.
  • Actions: It is the set of actions which contains all the inference rules applied over all the sentences that match the top half of the inference rule.
  • Result: When we add the sentence at the bottom of the inference rule, it gives the result of the applied action.
  • Goal: It is the state which contains that sentence we are trying to prove.

Note: It is more efficient to find a proof, as it removes irrelevant prepositions.