How to Uninstall Django from cmd

Python is an interactive and more accessible language than any other programming language. The python programming language uses a variety of libraries to perform the operations in a faster way. The python language can also be used in web development; Django and Flask are the frameworks used to create web applications using Python. In Python, indentation is the main concept; if we do not follow proper indentation, then the program will not run properly, and we will get an error in the output. The flask framework is the updated form of the Django framework; these two frameworks are used for creating web applications, mobile applications and desktop applications.

Django is the open-source and free framework available in the python programming language for creating applications. The python programming language provides various libraries and modules which help complete the process faster. To perform any operations in the python programming language, first, we need to install the python interpreter on our computer. We need to install the python package installer ( pip ) to import any libraries or functions in Python. We need to install the latest version of Python on the computer, such as python 3.6, so we can perform any operation.

Django Framework

Django is the open-source and free framework available in the python programming language for the creation of applications. The python language can also be used in web development; Django and Flask are the frameworks used to create web applications using Python. The flask framework is the updated form of the Django framework. These two frameworks are used to create web, mobile, and desktop applications. The Django Software Foundation maintains the Django framework. The framework is mainly known for the pluggability of its components; that is, its components can fit into any web application.

Django uses the reusability of its components method; it is also known as the DRY (Don’t  Repeat Yourself ). Django also provides read, delete and update interfaces which can be used during the runtime of the process and these can be used dynamically. Django also provides the built-in messages framework, which is used to display the one-time notifications or the flash messages both to the anonymous user and the authenticated user after the completion of the process. Django is mainly used for the backend development of the website or the web application; that is, Django is mainly used to store the data inside the web application or the website. The Django framework is same as the flask framework but django is mainly used for the back-end development of the web application.

Django Installation

Django can be installed using the python package manager or python installation package ( pip), so first, we need to install the python package manager on our computer to work on the Django framework. The python package manager ( pip ) is pre-installed in the versions of Python more significant than 3.4; that is, there is no need for a separate installation of the python package manager( pip ) in the computer. If the version of Python available on the computer is not greater than 3.4, we can install the python package manager ( pip ) on our computer by running a command in the command prompt:


easy_install pip

Now, as the python package manager ( pip ) is installed in our computer, we can install the Django framework in our computer by running a simple command in the command prompt:


pip install Django

This command will automatically download and install the Django framework on our computer. This framework can be easily used to create web and mobile applications. We can also verify whether Django is successfully installed on our computer or not by simply running a command


Django-admin  --version

Django Uninstallation from the Command Prompt

The uninstallation of the Django can be performed easily with the help of running a small command in the command prompt; this command will help in the un-installation of the Django in the computer


pip uninstall Django

Now we can observe that the uninstallation of Django can be performed easily with the help of running a small command in the command prompt, and we can say that the installation and the uninstallation of Django are performed successfully.