HTML <body> tag

HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language, which is most preferred for making Web pages. It explains how a Web page is put together. There are many different elements in HTML, which give the name to different types of material, such as heading, paragraph, link, etc. One of the most important elements in HTML is a body tag. You can't see the content on your Html document without a body tag.

The element <body> is used to show content in an HTML document. In a document, there can only be one "body" element. It should be placed after the <head> tag or between the end tag of the head and HTML tags. This is compulsory for all HTML documents.

Syntax of <body> tag

<h3>Hello World this is Content of your website

Example of <body> tag in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="background-color:white;">
    <title>learning html</title>
<h1 style="color:rgb(17, 148, 224);"> how to learn html</h1>
<p style="color:rgb(38, 165, 21);font-size: xx-large;font-family: 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;" 
The HTML element <body> is used to show content in an HTML document.It should be placed after <head> tag or between end tag of head and HTML tags. This is compulsory for all HTML document.




Html <body> tag


Global Attribute

The global attributes are one set of properties for this element.

A link

Do not employ this quality! Instead, combine the active pseudo-class with the CSS colour property.


Helps Find the URL of the background picture. Don't make use of this attribute! Use the element's CSS background property instead.


The colour of the unclicked link is determined by this. It is not supportable in HTML5 so instead, use the: link pseudo-class and the CSS colour property.


The background colour of content is determined by it, but It is not supportable in HTML5, so instead, use the CSS background-colour property in HTML5.


It shows the text colour in the HTML document, but it is not supportable in HTML5 so instead, use the CSS colour property in HTML5.


It looks like a link, but its work is different. It shows the colour of the clicked link, also, it is not supportable in HTML5, so instead, use the: visited pseudo-class and the CSS colour property with it.


Calling the function, when the user has finished printing the document.


Calling the function, when a user asks to print the document.


Calling the function shortly before the document is unloaded.


Calling the function when the document becomes unfocused.


Calling the function when the file cannot properly load.


Calling the function when attention is directed toward the document.


Calling the function when a change has been made to the document's current address's fragment identifier portion begins with the hash ('#') character.


Calling the function when change comes in the preferable language.


Calling the function when the document file has loaded completely.


Calling the function when the document has received a message.


Calling the function when a network connection has been lost.


Calling the function When a network connection is connected successfully.


Calling the function after the user has browsed the session history.


Calling the function when the user has advanced in the undo transaction history.


Calling the function after changing of storage area.


Calling the function when the user moves forward in undoing transaction history.

Margin right

The body's right margin in the document is not supportable in HTML5 so instead, use the CSS margin-right property in HTML5.

Top Margin

The body's top edge margin in the document is not supportable in HTML5 so instead, use CSS margin-top

property in HTML5.

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Opera Mini
  • Firefox


The HTML element <body> is used to show content in an HTML document. In a document, there can only be one "body" element. It supports many browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. It also supports many attributes like Global, Background Color, On storage, Ondo, etc. Without a body tag, you can't see your content on the HTML page, so it is an important element.